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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. It's a he. He's just unusually effeminate. The voice actor was a female though. She died recently. vinnie
  2. No kidding. It would be impossible to translate how dancing is view in old world Asiatic cultures into an American setting. It would be impossible to translate how Mr. Sugiyama getting married at 28, having his first born at 30 and buying a house at 40 is causing the change in him and why he has to be so serious. vinnie PS: I think you mean injustice
  3. I have no idea how old it is, but's been out for a whiles now. I'm trying to locate a DVD version to purchase... vinnie PS: I have never laughed so hard in a movie as when the girl tells Mr. Aoki "I can't be your partner. Your dancing... your dancing... it... IT CREEPS ME OUT!"
  4. Lol, I guess no one else but you and me liked this movie Omni. Mr. Aoki was da bomb. He didn't even have to do anything. His mere presence on screen would induce fits of laughter from the audience. vinnie
  5. As a big time dancing enthusiast, I must shamefully admit that I have only finally seen this cinema gem today. It was so cute and funny. It's not your standard chick flick. I think it has something to entertain people of all age. I a bit upset that they are adapting it for an American audience with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez. I just don't see how the will pull it off. The cultural differences will take a way a lot of the humor. The narrator at the beginning is correct is his assessment of how many Asian cultures view ballroom dancing. Take that away from the atmosphere and suddenly the film loses alot of substance. Anyone care to comment? vinnie
  6. Maybe I'm pasting the wrong links but none of the movies seem to be working. Any hints would be appreciated vinnie PS: Sv-51 and VF-0 in space???
  7. Bah, this is a ploy by HG and Toynami to recoup losses on their crappy VF-1 line. Sure the protos look good, but have you seen a 1S MPC? The real thing is shitty compared to the promo unit. vinnie
  8. Isn't there some law that holds websites responsible for their content? IE a website that host stolen content suchas the source code ffor the HL2 game engine is liable to be sued to oblivion? Making illegal content public I feel should just be as incriminating as doing the actual crime. vinnie
  9. I'm all for making harsher laws for cyber criminals, cowards who can't even rival their real world counter parts, opting instead to hide behind a computer. I have nothing but contempt for these egocentric leeches. vinnie
  10. cheaters andd hackers are lame asses who have no social lives. vinnie PS: I just bought a new tux since I've outgrown my old one! Just thought I share that!
  11. you must be running out of grounds to thread on. That was either the silliest or the most stupid post you have ever made. vinnie Maybe you can tell me why you think it's silly. I think Drew more than took care of that for me or are you that dense? vinnie
  12. you must be running out of grounds to thread on. That was either the silliest or the most stupid post you have ever made. vinnie
  13. The hands are appropriate for TV series, I think. The Q-Rau firing off the missles even though the missle hatches are closed and the missles appear to be shooting out of the exhaust vents are kind of funny. I'm wondering if the artist even watch the scenes in the series to get an idea of what happen or did he just make it up? vinnie
  14. Everyone seems to have forgotten something important. Something that NO court will overrule. That something is the fact that TP cannot make derivatives of Macross by the original contract made between BW and TP. This alone is enough to prove that the Macross franchise belongs to BW SINCE they and only they alone can make Macross derivatives. We can argue who owns what in the SDF-Macross copyrights, but where the rights to the derivatives are concerned, there is no question. All BW needs to do now is take TP to court over the derivative rights, something I'm sure is down the pipeline. vinnie
  15. Agreed. The actual division of the copyright is sadly lacking. As for BW producing all the Macross derivitives for 20 years, this is a point that has been brought since before any ruling was made. And most of us think that had TP even have legal rights to the Macross franchise, they've basically given it up. That said, I like this translation a lot. Aside from some small errors and a rather odd phrasing and grammatic syntax, it is very technical and to the point. vinnie
  16. Quite frankly, no. It's the same ruling that has been made public for sometime now and no amount of word twisting is going to change the court findings: SDF-Macross the animated footage belongs to TP and SDF-Macross the design elements are property of SN. vinnie EDIT IN: Here are some of my thoughts now that I have showered. Note that I highlighted how the whole project started out, mechanical and character designs and story structure (what happens in each ep). Note also that TP was NOT involved in any of this. Here is my conclusion then. TP was award the copyright to the animation of SDF-Macross because they are the "movie maker" having bore some of the cost but more importantly the risk of making the series. However, they were not able to obtain all of the author's right (hence the individual rights aforementioned). The reason for this is because the intellectual properties for the story and designs were already made prior to their participation. That's why the copyright is split between the companies.
  17. I think your friend needs a better grip of English. AnimeFriend is a Korean subsidiary of TP, who is the plaintiff not the defendants. Anyways, I poured over the document and I really don't think there is anything new here. This case dealt specifically with the copyright to the animated footage and not the designs which were already confirmed as belonging jointly to BW and TP. Also TP did not get author's right. What is the author's right. It's really important! Here you go: Author's Right What does bother me is the term individual as it can be interpretted differently. The fact that TP did not get author's right (which includes the ability to make derivatives for those of you who don't want to read the Japanese Copyright Laws) though means that BW must have gotten them. vinnie
  18. I'm sorry. I must have missed something. Where does it say that SN has the rights to the derivatives? I didn't see that in the article and I haven't read a court ruling that indicates so. So far the only concrete fact is that TP owns the copyright to the animated footage of SDF-Macross and SN owns the designs of SDF-Macross. I would love to see the derivative rights settled conclusively. vinnie
  19. just checked the screenshots again. The weapon type and rounds left are indeed display. over 500 micromissles? cute how they used the infinite symbol for the head laser though. vinnie
  20. Actually I thought it was pretty brazen of HG to try and get recognition of ownership on a Macross derivative when it is clear that until ruled otherwise BW has ownership of them. But this is not the thread to discuss that. vinnie
  21. well the head cannon is unlimited... which is begs the question eactly how powerful are those lasers? Enough to kill regults with say 5 direct shots? vinnie EDIT IN: And yes I would like a realistic weapons load. I guess that's why I like sims type games for stuff like this.
  22. WOW! I finally got the TGS page to load and hot damn if that's not what a Macross game should look like! I remember seeing RT:BC the first time and thinking "crap" not even going to bother. But this... I may very well shell out for a PS2 and this game.... The Macross in the asteroid field just simply is wickedly cool looking... The Macross firing of the main gun seems a bit weak though. vinnie PS: Does anyone know if you get unlimited ammo? I hate games with unlimited ammo. It's so cheap.
  23. It's been known for a long time that SDF-Macross is the canon story from which all derivatives are based but that DYRL is the visual canon. How is this lame? It's not like oh, we never expected this. Is it revisionist? Yes, but quite frankly I'm glad they went with DYRL visuals AND SDF-Macross story. The best of each world. vinnie
  24. Mad skills to be working with markers... That is so unbelievably funny and yet.... cool. I sure hope it gets back to Kawamori! vinnie PS: You know what would be cool is if you could get Kawamori to autograph it.
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