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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. depends how thick it is.... several layers of leather stitch together can be quite strong.... vinnie
  2. Ok maybe I'm losing my mind, but I swear we had this exact same topic before. Not only that everyone is posting the exact same thing they did last time, including their scores. So unless I am psychic, you guys must be frakking with my mind. Or it could be a glitch in the Matrix..... Someone tell me we've done this before.... vinnie
  3. eh? I have a custom title... but it makes no sense! ARG! Vostok 7 and Keith do have the best custom titles though..... vinnie
  4. Good cause I'm planning on killing both Max and Milkman X. So that's what happened to SuperO and AidanK....... What they didn't want to go away quietly like peter and Yoshi? vinnie
  5. I know I might get stoned here for this, but I actually liked alot of the bgm in Robotech more than I did in Macross: DYRL and Macross the series. I much prefer the Robotech theme song to the Macross theme song. I don't care for Minmay's songs in Robotech at all. The only song that I really like and think is quite good in Macross is the one that Minmei sings during the battle in the movie. I dl'ed that one. Some of Yellow Dancer's songs are good in Robotech, but most of the vocal stuff is pretty bad, IMO. I'll definitely check out the Bubblegum Crisis stuff and what's been suggested so far. Thanks, guys. Nah... The soundtrack to RT is the one thing that IS good about RT. However, lately, I never listen to it as opposed to the Macross: The Complete sountrack. I think that the RT soundtrack is too... synthetic and prefer the more orchestral tones of the Macross music as of late. If you haven't heard all 3 CD's of Macross: The Complete then go yourself a favor and listen all of it once before you pass it over. vinnie
  6. The Megaroad-01 was the flagship of the first human colonization fleet. It's mission was to preserve culture by relocating humans to other planets so that another alien holocaust could not wipe out mankind completely as the Zentraedi almost succeeded in doing. Since the first launching, two fleets are lauched every year with this purpose in mind. The Megaroad-01 fleet, however, lost all communications with U.N. HQ on the way to the galatic core. This knowledge was suppressed from the public. One of the underlying mission priorities of the 37th Colonization Mission (the Macross 7) was to investigate and locate the missing fleet. vinnie EDIT IN: Opps forgot! Misa, and Hikaru were the lead planners and commanders of the Megaroad-01. I believe that Minmay was a passenger on the colonization fleet.
  7. Oh, come on. If you play nice I will let you feel my muscles at the next con. I tell you, buddy, I'd be the luckiest man alive if that's what did it for me. vinnie
  8. Didn't we do this once before??? And I don't need any test to tell me that I'm a geek. vinnie
  9. Well since only the mods or banned people have it, couldn't it be a sign in the opposite direction and that A-1 is about to become mod? God help us all! vinnie
  10. I know what you mean, I mean if everyone agreed with you than you wouldn't such be a prick. Just like if everyone accepts my word as gospel, I wouldn't be such an ass. vinnie
  11. That's a good thing! vinnie
  12. Hey CoryHolmes, why don't you get off you high horse and go get a life? No one likes a sanctimonious, holier than thou jackass. Especially when it's a hypocritical one. The picture was directed to Myersjessee. He is the original owner and topic starter. He probably derived some entertainment from it, considering he is aware of my displeasure with the MPC. The picture was done in humour. If you can't get over it, then you need to grow up or at least grow thicker skin. All you had to do was skip over my post. No one else has a problem with it but you. This is MacrossWorld, not RT.com. This is from the Rules and Regulations All you have done so far is to dog my posts with whining. You try to appear "tolerant" but the truth is your posts serve no other purpose than to incite a flame war. This is called hypocrisy. If you do not know what the word means, then look it up in a dictionary. If you do not know how to look it up in a dictionary, then click here. So please Mr. Good Samaritan, before you post again, think before you do, even if it is only for a second. Oh yeah Merry Christmas. vinnie
  13. No. I can't remember at all. I know I sucked at the mechanics part. But my recruiter almost creamed his pants when he told me my scores. LMAO. My recruiter DID cream his pants! It was so long ago I'd forgotten it! I made a perfect on the ASVAB. So they went and looked at all my answers and I had misses 0 questions. All the recruiters were like huddled looking at my test results saying how they can't believe it. Enough bragging now... Anyways, I passed all of the physicals with flying colors but the next to last test (I think) was the eye-sight one and I so completely bombed it. Basically unless I'm 5 inches away from the broadside of a barn, I'd probably miss it. So they sent a letter off to the head honcho or whatever to see if they could waive the test given my abilities everywhere else, but the answer came back as no. I still think the Navy is cool though. vinnie
  14. My feelings on these bookends? There are lots of craft shows all over Austin, and quite frankly I've seen some exquisite bookends that were hand made that didn't cost $150. Toynami is turning a huge profit with these. The limited crap can't even justify the markup. The moral of the story? Buy them if you've got cash to burn or want to be anally rape without lubrication. vinnie
  15. Just for fun I want to start a poll in the Others forum for The Number One Ass on MW. Since I was already dubbed an ass, naturally I will be one of the contestants. All contestants will be asked for their consent on being in such a poll. And yes I am very bored. It's Christmas Eve and I don't even get to go home for the break. vinnie
  16. *sigh* Once again, CoryHolmes forgets to remove his buttplug before he posts.
  17. Hey Myersjessee, Thought you might like to see what I did to that MPC Vol 2. you sent me. Can't believe Toynami called this POS a Masterpiece. vinnie
  18. I had a brain fart. Excuse me. vinnie
  19. Why do you think this has to be a win-lose situation? Why can't BOTH of you drop it and make it a win-win situation. STOP POSTING OR PM'ing EACH OTHER! Pretend the other does not exist and everyone will be much happier. If you understand what I am saying you WILL NOT respond to me or to each to each other. If you do NOT understand me, then you will respond to me and/or the other. vinnie
  20. Max is and will always be Max the prick (a funny one though). You either accept it or you don't. He is and will be a mod until he sees fit to quit. No amount of griping will unseat him from power. This was not the first time someone has had objections against Max's modding methods, nor will it be the last. The fact that there are objections should cause Max to reconsider his actions. The fact that you feel unjustifiably insulted is cause enough to start a complaint thread. I know that if Max ever does mod me in a grievious manner, I would also log a complaint. Fortunately he hasn't done that yet. In the end though the complaints are for Max's benefit. He can either choose to defend his actions, change the way he mods, or do nothing at all. Any feedback is for his self-edification. In the mean time, you just have to accept it. MW is a dictatorship of Shawn. Shawn has granted the mods their powers. I often disagree with many of the mod decisions around here. But I accept it, because this isn't my board and if Shawn is happy, then the mods are doing their job. Until you or I start up our own Macross related board, we can't really do anything. vinnie PS: Could some of you take the flaming to PM? The e-drama is too much for my heart and virgin ears. EDIT IN: Oh how I do miss the good old days when only the mean mod was Roy.
  21. Woo hoo! That must be me. I'm more infamous than I give myself credit for. Unless you are talking about my clone who rarely posts, works on the Nanashi site, and happens to have the same name, likes redheads and the VF-4 just like me. And just for the edification of everyone. Yes, I am an ass. I'm condescending, arrogant, and worse off a sarcastic smart aleck. But why is it that no one ever realizes that I don't capitalize my name and that it is only a screenname I go by since I don't want my real name listed??? vinnie
  22. Nice use of same sarcasm: How do you know what Kawamori thinks, for all we know he might actually hate M7, but isn't allowed (pride, big west or otherwise) to acknowledge that publicly - But M7 has all the elements, only in different quantities and those clash with the tastes of some macross fans as for why the anti-M7 fans keep it up: they silently hope that their bashing will prevent an Macross 7 Pt. II Lol. I don't care if people don't like M7. I love it. Macross has always been about covering new grounds and interpretations. If people are so narrow minded that they cannot or will not accept the fact that M7 is indeed the brainchild of the Kawamori's fertile mind then there is nothing else left to be said. M7 is Macross the way Kawamori wants it. As fans, who are we to say that M7 is not Macross. It is simply not our right to do so. Besides as someone once said, "The fandom if left up to the fan would not exist." Or something like that.... As much as all the M7 haters want to believe, M7 was a sucess in Japan. It will always be no matter how much one wants to deny it. M7 rocks. I'm rocking to Acoustic Fire. vinnie EDIT IN: For whom do you sing?
  23. Jesus God, Keith, do you have a CLUE what Macross is about? The original Macross was a war drama focusing on personal relationships set against the backdrop of conflict, how they react to their circumstances, and the humanity of the characters, both human and Zentradi. Music played a VERY small role in the overall series compared to 7, and there is as much mecha in Macross as there are tanks and airplanes in WWII films. Both Plus and Zero are far more faithful to the original series in my opinion. The relationships come first above all else. Macross 7 is almost solely about the music. You can't go two minutes in the series without being beaten over the head with another song, which at that point you are probably hearing for the 100th time. Its like watching Sailor Moon. The stuff hits the fan, here comes the costume change! I didn't see that coming! And I'd say Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon had a deeper relationship than anything I've seen in Macross 7... so much for love. Kawamori decides to check in on MW to see what all his fans are up to. He proceeds to smack himself on the head as he reads the M7 whining and thinks: "Yeah, what the hell would I know what Macross is about. Hell, I've been stoned everytime I make a new Macross show. How else could I possibly come up with the diversity of stories! frakk, I'm not even going to pretend anymore. I admit it! I'm just some smuck off the street that Studio Nue nabbed cause they needed a name to fill in for original story. I did not create Macross. I'm just poser. Macross was actually created by 3 monkeys locked in a room with a typwriter for the past 100 years. So go ahead bash M7 all you want."
  24. M7 rules. It is the only true sequel to SDF-Macross. vinnie
  25. Pilot Morale? vinnie
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