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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. cool!!!! vinnie
  2. I don't like the Q-Rau. It does not look "right". I am not buying it. vinnie<--- not posting as often anymore, but still keeping an eye on things...
  3. Hmmm... I've basically given up gaming but I might check this out. As long as it has realistic physics and damage, I'll be happy. If it has a massive mp options then I'm elated. vinnie
  4. Cold fusion is a product of sci-fi imagination. Cold fusion simply cannot exist. If two deuterium atoms were able to initiate fusion at ordinary temperatures and pressures, it would have occurred already given the amount of time and abundance of such collisions. vinnie
  5. Wasn't there a disclaimer by HG that releasing Macross related merchandise Stateside would cause "market confusion"? If this isn't confusing I don't know what is... vinnie
  6. Looks nice so far, but we all know of Toynami's track record. I'm not trusting the pics until someone reviews a production unit in their hands with copious amounts of pictures. That said, I've never been a fan of the Mospeada so.... vinnie
  7. Blah! VF-0... Bring on the Sv-51's. vinnie
  8. So why is she going out with you again? vinnie
  9. yup
  10. Ahh...! But for me it does. I want strategies. I want a FPS shooter where the guy with the bigger gun isn't the guy who comes out alive. Whenever I do play FPS, I go for stealth. Silent take downs. Booby traps. That sort of thing. Most FPS aren't realistic. You take a dozen rounds and run around as if it was nothing. That's no fun, because then whoever was the big gun will live. Some people play for the mayhem action. I don't. I play for the pure thrill of killing someone by skill and strategy, even if I have to hunt them down over the course of an hour. And when I shot someone in the head even with a silenced pistol, I expect them to die. As for not bashing it till you've tried it, when you touch a hot pot and get burned, then you touch a hot pan and get burned, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that touching the hot kettle will burn you. It's called experience. And I can tell that this new game will not be my cup of tea. Besides "Don't bash it till you try it" is such a cliche, a baseless one at that. vinnie PS: I hated Golden Eye.
  11. Uhhh... sure. Don't allow for ridiculous amounts of ammo. "Real life" limiting how many weapons and how much ammunition a solider can carry at any one given time sure adds a lot of realism. Making damage that really counts is realistic. One or two hits and your a dead man. In such a game, you will quickly become the dumbass that runs around gunning to the dumbass that's dead. Anyways, this is a console game. The only good FPS are PC one's anyhow. PC's allow for more diversity of functions that translate to more tactics one can employ. Also, consoles as far as I know have too much limitation on the maximum of number of players. When I hit the battlefield, I want a battle, not some pea shooter between a few people. vinnie <---- uncurably hooked on "real war" FPS.
  12. The only good FPS's that I like are the realistic ones, like Viet-Cong or Delta Force where smarts means you like longer than fire power. This game undoubtedly will offer no realism and will most likely end up being a HL/Quake/UT clone. Pass. vinnie
  13. Making a VF-4 is something I've been suggesting to Yamato for several years already While it's not on the 'to do' list yet, Yamato are aware that this is a fan favorite, so there is a fair posibility that we may eventually see a VF-4 in a year or two. All I will say is don't hold your breath waiting for it, but don't give up hope either Graham That's crazy talk! VF-4's would sell like hot cakes! They shold make it their next project. vinnie
  14. Good to know I'm not the only one! vinnie
  15. Ep 3 Destroid battle will have you slack jawed. It is the single greatest fight scene in Macross to date. vinnie
  16. eh.. good point. as for the fast packs though. the valk runs on nuclear power right? so what do you mean about needing fastpacks because of fuel? Nuclear subs cannot fly in space. vinnie
  17. Really? I hated it. It came out what summer of 96? Or was that ID4? Either way, I hate it. The premise of the story was cool, but the characters really sucked. They were all so flat and stereotypical. The series has characters that are more engaging. Damn it, there are so many eps of SG-1 I haven't seen! vinnie
  18. X-Files? The only good X-Files are the first 2 seasons. I remember being in HS and watching it religiously for the first 2 seasons. After that I kept hoping it wouldn't suck with each suceeding episode. Ah the memories of wasted Friday evenings watching X-Files in the slums of Atlanta. That and Brisco County, Jr. Too bad that started sucking really fast with the orbs story line. vinnie
  19. Movie? Spin off series? Final season of SG-1? What these things you speak of? I do not know of them. vinnie
  20. From what I've seen I do think that the characters do rise from the dead a bit much too. That's just stupid. And yesterday's brand new ep was crappy and added nothing to the series. There are some hilarious and edge of your seat eps though. vinnie EDIT IN: I actually don't wait around for the show. I just record them and watch at my leisure.
  21. I thought it was a disturbance in the Force? Or is it a glitch in the Matrix? vinnie
  22. Not being very big on watching TV, I happened upon this show one night a month ago. I can't believe no one has mentioned this show here before that I can remember. This is great on so many levels. I just wish I had started watching earlier. The movie was okay, but the series itself is a gem. It's funny and original... well sometimes. The characters are likeable except for Jackson (I dislike his dweeb character) and the special effects are great... well most of the time. Carter is a hottie. The story is engaging with very few stupid eps. Man if more TV was like this I would watch more. I often get so disgusted with the shows out there. vinnie
  23. But you have to remember that this was the era when Animeigo passed on Mospeada and SC as not having enough fans for them to justify releasing them, and ADV's abrupt about face on remastering Mospeada and SC seems to indicate that if HG was considering remastered RT back then, it was blue sky talk. Cyc Your justification makes no sense. No company is going to invest money into a project unless they expect to turn a profit. If indeed HG did split remastering costs with AnimEigo, then the decision to remaster RT was already made back before AnimEigo released the SDF-Macross boxset and before the release of the original RT boxsets. I personally don't believe that HG paid for any of SDF-Macross's remastering. They may, however, have compensated AnimEigo after the fact to reuse the remastered footage. Then they go and claim they had split remastering costs to make themselves out as the good guys. vinnie
  24. Are you ambidextrous? Most people aren't. Now imagine how much more useful a 4 armed Valkyrie battroid would be. Not much I would venture over a 2 armed one... vinnie
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