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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. How can anyone not like Jessica Alba? vinnie
  2. Heh, I'd like to see them try and release an offical R1 version. The fact that they don't have the masters makes it a little hard, does it not? Of course... if they really do believe they own the movie rights... they shouldn't have a problem forcing BW to hand them over right? vinnie
  3. Trademark does not equal copyright. We've known for some time that HG has trademarked the name Macross. It is surprising that they've also trademarked DYRL. I'm just going to wait and see what happens. vinnie
  4. Hehehe... here everyone is bashing the Protodevilns and it was Miyatake who designed them. The designer of the Macross itself, all of the spaceships, and destroids. vinnie
  5. Yes, yes it would be. Yeah, our local theatre serves sandwiches, pizza, beer and cake. And Spaghetti when they show the old Italian Westerns. Alamo Drafthouse? vinnie
  6. Proof that the VF-0 does not have a 360 holographic projection like the Yf-19, but monitors like the VF-1. vinnie
  7. That will never happen since the Compendium as a website does not belong to Bandai. It does have Bandai's sanction which makes it as official enough for me. From the Compendium: Bandai as a company only considers profit. Setting up a compendium for Macross offers them no reward. Having a Macross site, on the other hand, is a marketing device. If some fan wants to set up a compendium though, Bandai won't stop them and if they do a good job, even sanction it. That's the way I see it. vinnie
  8. I like my Georgian accent. Quit knocking on it. vinnie
  9. Egan Loo's Compendium is about as official as it can get. It has Big West and Studio Nue's sanction. Everything that is found in the Compendium are derived from official sources only. vinnie EDIT IN: Oh yeah, it is also the only officially recognized depot of info for all things Macross by the creators themselves.
  10. I agree. I have no idea what you are talking about, but I do think the graphics looked dated. Too blocky. Also the way that gun is held by the guy is angled awkwardly. In the end it doesn't matter to me much because I don't play console games. vinnie
  11. That's pretty damn cool. I never knew we could post pictures in our profiles. Added mine. vinnie EDIT IN: Hmmm... post a picture of yourself only and it seems egocentric. Post a picture with a friend and you're just trying to seem less loser like. I'll go for less loser like.
  12. Bah. ADV is just hoping to sell off more copies of thier various iterations of Robotech/OSM DVD's. It's all advertising. vinnie
  13. How is it that Batman can have his costume in shreds and not suffer any damage to his skin??? vinnie
  14. Sure they were generation spiritia. Their spiritia levels kept rising. However, spiritia isn't just about doing things passionately. It's about the power to touch people through the power of emotions. I believe that t be what anima spiritia tobe. The UN Spacy pilots weren't exactly exuding the kinds of emotions that can touch the Varutua pilots. vinnie
  15. I do understand the difference of Anima Spiritia and conventional spiritia. I already proven it with the different types of spiritia that the vampires harvest. Basara IS god-like. They portrayed him as such in M7 since he was the bane of all the protodeviln and he was the only one who could stand up to them. So he sorta fills in the "prophecy" (not really prophecy, but history) of the Anima Spiritia's role in the temple ruins. I highly doubt that. Jamming birds being able to be trained to become as good as Mylene , Veffidas and Ray is very possible, yes. But they can't be trained into Basara. Like you said. He is an abnormaly. He is Anima Spiritia. Does this mean that you think that the Protoculture created humans as Anima Spiritia to counter the protodeviln uprising? Remember that the Anima Spiritia were created to fight the protodeviln. If timeline serves correct, the protodeviln wars happened long before humans were discovered and then their evolution accelerated by the Protoculture. This proves humans were not the special race, Anima Spiritia that the protoculture created. Yes, sure. ANY other group of special people (and an individual), who had Anima Spiritia can take them on if Basara had chosen not to sing. But you see, the problem here is ONLY BASARA has Anima Spiritia.....at least known to have Anima Spiritia. So as far as we are concerned, only HE can fight the protodeviln. Remember when Basara went off on his own because he didn't know what he was singing for? Mylene, Ray and Veffidas can hardly hold off on their own against the protodeviln. They had strong spiritia....but that alone can't defeat them.....until Basara comes in to save the day. Basara is not Godlike, I don't even feel they prortray him as such in the series. He's simply determined. It's not that he holds some mystical force that only the prophesized can have, he simply believes in his ideals. He has coniction, determination, and faith. Anyone else in the Macross universe could attain his musical skill, that's not what the Protedvlin feared, it was why he sung. That's the only thing special about him. Anyone sharing those ideals with his conviction could do what he did. People like that exist. i agree. vinnie
  16. Usually new business ventures try to achieve a good public image. This company does it the other way around. Do they believe that bully some unknown and insignificant anime RPG group will help their business? Stupid. vinnie
  17. Unthinkable! It's so sadistic. vinnie
  18. green eyes... sexy. vinnie
  19. Hence the use of Speaker Pods in space that only work once it penetrates the enemies ships. The pods seal off its entrance adn presumably t here is either air in the ship or it just uses the structure of the ship to transmit vibrational energy that we can perceive as sound. As for Spiritia, we have no idea what kind of energy it is, and as such there is no presupposition that it cannot exist in a vaccuum.
  20. I was under the understanding that only the Y/VF-19 and Y/Vf-21/22 have active stealth. I don't think the Sv-51 was ever mentioned as having active stealth. We see Guld activated his active stealth in M+ and Isamu goes, "Neat trick". His VF-11B was not able to detect the atice stealth cloaked YF-21. This would lead me to think that active stealth probably does not exist yet, and most probably cannot be detected regardless... vinnie
  21. The VF-22 does not possess "morphing" wings. Both the YF-21 and VF-22 do possess the ability to cant their wings downward for high speed atmospheric flight. This is not the same as physically changing the structure of the wings... vinnie
  22. The answer is really simple. Have you inspected the plastic on the MPC? Compare it to the Yammie 1/60 and you will notice that it is of significantly lower quality, much softer than the Yammie. Not only that, it is more translucent than the yammie, which is basically opaque. Hence, the glowing head syndrome... The Rick 1J MPC is white. Without the presence of dyes and combined with the translucence and cheap plastic, the yellowing will show up much easier and earlier. Anyways, in the end ALL plastics will oxidize by virtue of the air we breathe. Yellowing is inevitable. It can be slowed but not stopped. Ok, that's not true. You could keep it in a sealed chamber flooded with inert gas and it will probably not yellow, but if you have that kind of money and devotion to a toy, I think you need to get a life. Air oxidation is usually not a big problem for quality plastics. UV is much more effective at breaking apart organic bonds. That's why we wear sunblock: so our DNA doesn't get damaged. Not only that, UV is capable of initiating free radical oxidations, a chain reaction, in compounds that have halogens. Since many plastics contain halogens, I would guess this could be a problem. Just to clarify, I do organic chemistry as well as molecular biology for a living and while I do not work with plastics, the principles involved in any organic chemical reaction is pretty much universal.
  23. Oh and the fact that you shouldn't be looking at UV light is good reason enough to not have a UV light in your cabinet. vinnie
  24. UV is bad. UV radiation can break chemical bonds in organic compounds. Plastics are organic polymers and as such will degrade under UV lighting, natural or unnatural. What will happen is that your plastic will discolor, become bittle, and after long enough of an exposure will turn to dust. vinnie
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