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Everything posted by justvinnie

  1. In my sophomore year of college, I took BIO201. We were on genetics and going over dominance and recessiveness of genes. And as an example my prof talked about eye color. Since blue eyes are recessive, you need to be homozygous to have blue eyes. This means that blue eyed parents can't have brown eyed kids, but brown eyed parents could have blue eyed kids if they were carriers of the recessive gene. Kid in class raised his hand, and said "That's not possible! Both my parents have blue eyes and I have brown eyes." I knew what everyone was thinking... "Seems the postman must have been making some friendly visits while Daddy is at work or something..." The prof is embarrassed cause he doesn't know how to respond and makes a lame comment on how he could have been a mutant. Yeah right like we all bought that. Anyways, the kid confronted his parents and finally discovered that he was actually adopted but they didn't want to tell him. Point of this? Superman=blue eyes. Lois=blue eyes. Jason=brown eyes. Jason is not Superman's son... vinnie
  2. Looks awesome already! I'll agree that 4 villains is a bit much. But Sam Raimi hasn't done us wrong yet, so I will trust him until proven otherwise. I wonder if the number of villains is increasing because the suit gives him more power? vinnie
  3. Anyone have the following parts? 1 X BP9 1 X BP10 1 X missle pylon, not the micromissle pod. vinnie EDIT IN: This is for a 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru
  4. Do all the Eps occur on Friday? Cause Suzumiya Haruhi always has a gold ribbon in her hair in all the eps. And if that's the case, should her hair be more elaborate? vinnie
  5. I'm a much older member dating back to who knows when, I just don't actively participate anymore. You do not have the power to offend me but I do have the ability to piss others off because of their own insecurities about themselves. Your original statement was that you loved to "look" at online arguments", to paraphrase, not participate. There is little room to interpret anything but literally. A desire to observe is usually correlated to a desire to be objective. Apparently you also desire to participate. Your use of the word hermeneutics does not make sense. Opinions are do not have to be shared to have value unless you are insecure with our own beliefs. Maybe your workplace is full of geniuses, but my experience has taught me that people are always dumber than they look and know less than you'd expect them to. I work in research. Half the human population does have an IQ in the double digits. IQ scores are normalized with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. I am not a very nice person. I'm sure some of the older members can testify to that. vinnie
  6. Because it suits my mood. No, the original question asked if HG was going to take credit for creating the original animation used in Robotech (which they didn't) and for causing Macross' popularity in the west (which they did). It was in line with the rest of ridiculous assumptions and comments made about HG, and I called him on it. Apparently that bothers you. A case of hermeneutics. Maybe its me but personally when I see "blah, blah, blah" following a mock quote, I tend to take the mock quote as a satirical comment rather than literally. Hence, I took it to mean more broadly as to whether the documentary will be a propaganda piece or a well researched project. Frankly, I have not heard the audio interview or whatever it is with Tony and I don't care to either. Regardless of interpretation, a one liner that makes an unvalidated assertion and is introduced by an insult is pretty much base by most standards. In a play of words on the common remonstrance of assuming, I at least provide a an actual point for you to counter, instead of merely insulting you and then leaving you with nothing. As to whether you bother me? Actually I could careless about all this. I don't know this waters7 guy (gal?) and probably will never meet him seeing as I have no interest in meeting any MW members. And I could care even less about the HG debate. HG or at least Robotech as a franchise is a dying beast, the way I see it, and they are trying to pump out as much sub par merchandise as possible to combat that slow death. This is my opinion and is not a matter to be debated. But you seem to assert so and never validated the assertion. Tony does not need to do research because he was involved in Robotech's production as a voice actor and so he obviously knows everything needed to make an informed documentary already. That's thoughtful of you but you will find that I am plenty proficient at English language skills. However, if you feel that they will make your case stronger, by all means include them. Yes they are quite entertaining, though you seem to have drawn yourself into it. Not very objective. As for myself, debating in and of itself is quite entertaining, especially when I have no stake in it. vinnie
  7. Don't be stupid. The people originally involved with Robotech are perfectly aware of the origins of the cartoon. 407754[/snapback] I keep forgetting that on the internet, people will always deviate from the core argument. Strawman. The original question was whether Tony will do research for his documentary or will it be a propaganda piece for HG. The question is a valid one and to be called stupid for it is to lack insight into the nature of the question as well as a lack of manners. To presume that he [Tony] knows everything about SDF:Macross, SDC:SC and Genesis Climber Mospeada already just because he was a voice actor for Robotech is a ridiculous assumption. He may be more involved than just as voice talent and so may know more, but then the onus of proving that is on the person asserting that he does know more. It wouldn't be a problem if the only mention of the history of Robotech in the documentary is that it used Japanese animation because even as a kid, I recognized the stylisitc elements of Robotech as being Japanese. I just didn't understand why the quality of the story went down after RT:TMS. But there is so much more to that history. Like how three series that comprise Robotech, or the distribution of rights for Macross and why we aren't getting the newer releases of Macross in the US, or how Macross is and remains a critical success in Japan and in some parts of the world before Robotech even showed up. Will this be covered in the documentary or will it just go and say how Robotech popularized Japanese animation and look at all the cool new Robotech things that are coming out. I thought my assembly line analogy worked quite well. The further removed on the hierarchy you are from the executive decisions being made, the less likely you are to be informed about why and how such decisions are made. How far up the hierarchy was Tony that he would know the ins and outs of everything about Robotech? And really, my original post was merely to point out yellowlightman's callousness and the lack of merit whatsoever in his post. I don't really care to attack or defend Robotech. There's never an accounting for taste so, why bother? vinnie
  8. Does the assembly worker know how the stuff he/she makes works or gets designed? Does the lab tech understand why he/she does labs as a part of the bigger research problem? No, they do what they are told and call it good as long as they get paid. Involvement does not signify understanding or even knowledge. So unless you provide sources, like some people did, you're just fanning the flames and your post serves no purpose except to incur anger. For all you know, they could have hired someone off the streets to do the voice talents (which in the case of Reba West, sounds like it) and couldn't give the slightest damn about the history of the animation. And really, what would you call a one liner calling someone stupid be anything but trolling? vinnie
  9. Because there are angled mirrors behind the robot. the mirrors don't run all the way down so the people on the right are torsos chopped on to various legs. you can see the same on the other side too where the guys bag is not blocking. vinnie
  10. Don't be an ass. You don't know that and are assuming. And if you do, then state your sources. vinnie
  11. I admit, I was doubtful when I heard of it's early troubles, but X3 keeps looking better over time. On the otherhand, Superman has left be feeling bland. Only time will tell, but I'm more excited about X3 than Supes. vinnie
  12. Since I know everyone on this board has been dying to know what I look like, here's an itsy bitsy photo of me. That way if you stare too long you'll get cross eyed. vinnie
  13. HOLY CRAP! Those models are beautiful! What is HW2 and where can I get it??? vinnie
  14. I thought it was rather entertaining. Sure there are plotholes and you really have to suspend your disbelief, but overall this was really well done. It's a good balance of action, comedy, and thriller. I would easily recommend this movie to anyone. vinnie
  15. I sure as hell hope Lois Lane's kid ain't Supes from back in II where they made out. Cause that would just blow. I can just imagine it. Supes is in trouble and calls out to his son to search for his Krytonian roots and get super strength to save daddy. vinnie
  16. Is it me or does Wolverine seem to have developed a bit of a pot belly? It's also disturbing that the costume have a V pattern on the chest that leads down to a codpiece. Beast could have looked worse. He could be dressed in only an underwear like the comics. BTW shouldn't beast be huge compared to Logan? vinnie
  17. What software do you use to design those? Is it hard? I'm interested in doing something like that for fun. vinnie
  18. To each his own. I don't really mind the art in JLU at all. Sure it was simple and sometimes even ugly (beginning eps of last season), but overall, I can overlook it because the stories are phenomenal. The direction and execution of the story is unbelievable tight and well done. I always thought the JL was hokey until this series came out. As for The Batman series, I saw one ep and I hated the designs. They are grotesque. At least with JLU, with its bold lines and colors, its still easy to see the human-ness under it all. If sacrificing art quality gave me more seasons with excellent stories than I say go for it. vinnie
  19. BTW, it was soooo good to finally see Superman unleashed! I'm so tired of this "Boy Scout" routine. vinnie
  20. Actually I was disappointed. It was too rushed! These last two eps should have had a longer story development. It became trite because it really felt deus ex machina to me. This no where near the finesse the Cadmus story arc of last season had all the way up to the conclusion. I don't understand why there is no new season. This has got to be THE best animated show on TV right now. vinnie
  21. I was getting a bit tired of the Legion of Doom story arc. Sure it came up with some nice fun episodes (love the Flash and Supergirl ones, everything else is eh), but all season long, I've been waiting for the kind of stories that made last season so great: seeing Cadmus trash the Watchtower, Luthor merging with Brainiac. Then we get the wallop. Darkseid is back and he wants vengeance. Earth gets invaded. Supergirl is no longer around. I can't wait to see how this plays out. vinnie
  22. Damn! This show just doesn't let go. It's unbelievable how good the writing and the stories are. I can't believe that its not getting another couple of seasons. They've manage to make all of the characters so cool. By far THE most watchable show on TV bar none. vinnie
  23. Why does it look like the Serenity blew up two ships at once on that cover??? vinnie
  24. This is great! vinnie
  25. Oh yes, I forgot to mention I absolutely love the opening scene when Cain comes to the BSG. Who the hell goes on to someone else's ship fully armed? That's disrespect out right. When those armed soldier's started piling out and you could see the reaction on the BSG crew, that was really great subtle acting. And if you looked carefully enough, Cain is armed too. She remain armed even in Adama's private quarters! vinnie
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