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Everything posted by rei

  1. Not yet but will definitely share my jems once I can. I can't wait. I am definitely interested in Love Live Alive. I am finishing the last 2 episodes of the Mospeada series tonight and will continue the hunt for LLA. Thanks everyone again for bringing me in the know, especially since I haven't heard of this feature until today.
  2. I know this is an old thread but missed the last few posts. That is unbelievable. Simply unbelievable work. Magic. The blue Lancer cyclone is the awesomest. Thank you and yes I regretedly haven't checked in for quite some time. I would like to share some pics of my future collection with all of you. -Rei
  3. Wow! I just finished it tonight (and a bottle of wine). Pretty heavy. I'll definitley need to watch it over. But I really like it and it wasn't as Apocalypse Now as I thought. Watch it with an open mind and you feel the Macross in it. It just focuses more on details of characters we aren't familiar with but it ties in to the big picture. I wish there was more Roy though. I 50/50 had a feeling he wasn't going to have the stage for the most part but it was enough. When you watch SDF Macross and DRYL afterwards, you see Roy as a humble dude because he has been though some serious X-File experiences that isn't hinted in the sequels. Claudia? Oh well. Now I MUST have a VF-OS BTW, the VF0 in blue (like the TV Jenius) is bad ass. I hope they release it.
  4. Zero. My GIJOE collection has depribed me of Macross excellence and now these are hard times, I feel I may not have the pleasure for at least another month If I'm lucky. Funny thing is before I started to collect Joes 2 years ago, I craved Macross but went with Joe instead. I wound up here anyway. Somebody please save a 1S-Hikkie and Fast Pack for me.
  5. But still not too shabby for 14 bucks. I was looking for the "Perfect" Edition but no luck. I will experiement with the other thread link from Mowe. Thanks.
  6. Kensei: http://www.discountanimedvd.com/search_results.asp Sorry, the wrong ling was posted on my first post. It's fixed now.
  7. Just excited. My DVD arrived today and it's been at least 10 years on lost VHS. I remembered every scene and it's as awseome as the first time. Mari is the bomb. The only thing different was the the ending credits that had Minmay as Flashback 2012 doing the concert (after the original fadeout with her and Misa of course), and then went to the blank screen. My original old version just cut away to the blank screen with rolling credits. I like what discountanimedvd.com did to this as it was a cool touch. (Thanks) Anyways, I know you guys don't care but just thought I'd share my experience. I can't wait to get my hands on some 1/48s! -Rei
  8. Thanks.. TMI heh heh.
  9. I'm sure everything under the sun has been tried but am curious if anyone sells these. I don't cast but figured somebody's doing it. I can only afford 1 Valk (my first) during the next few months. If I decide on Roy's VF-1S, it would be cool to have another Hikaru pilot. To avoid bashing and accusations of not using the "Search thread" method to answer my question, I will say that I did and gave up after page 3.
  10. I've never seen this Max before.. http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k31856301 Any info? Thanks.
  11. I am window shopping for a 1/48 Valk too. This will be my first since childhood. I'm set on the Hikaru VF-1A to start but want the Fast Pack to go with. Question 1: How hard are the Super Sets to find? I've been looking and have only seen the Cannon Fodder (a few times) and the series Hiraku VF-1J (once). Super Max and Milia TV? Strike parts are reletavely easy to to score but what do I do about the matching decals? Question 2: Waterslides are the way to go I hear? Does "??"usually have variants to match them available? That way I could settle with getting the Strikes seperately. Either way I guess the waterslides are the best bet. Are these... http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...sort=20a&page=4 by Anasazi37 the same? <Before I go to the Wanted section, I thought I'd seek market advice first> Thanks guys for your feedback. Noobs, Rei I think what most are doing are just buying the Fast Packs and applying the decals as they wish to suit the character/ mecha. Forgive me I didn't realize this until now. I will PM Anasazi37 for them.
  12. Re: Legioss "Fuke" I wasn't sure what it was (Gakken, etc) The head is definitely unique. Imai model? hmm..
  13. Crasis: Thanks! ----- That was really cool. I've never seen her before tonight. She looked like she couldn't wait to finish though Which is totally understandable. She prob feels like Punky Brewster or something. I'm waiting for my DYRL copy to get here (my old VHS copy is history) but it brought back a lot of memories since I haven't watched it for at least 7 years. I instantly remembered the way the song went. She's hot!
  14. AAARROOoorr.. please excuse me.. You guys are too much. I actually dropped a couple of loads (Jenius) I found that one surfing a couple of days ago and also emailed it to my bro-in-law. He can't take it either. -Gerwalk25: That Alpha is magic. I thought I had reservations of getting the MP lemon, but I reaally want the upcoming Beta and looking at this baby closes the deal. -wwwmwww: The Gakken Cylcone w/ working lights is fantastic. And lastly the candle on the cake gentlemen, Rooks masterpiece.. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=12068&st=0 Unbelievable. I wish updates to the cyclones that look similar to that will someday make it to production. This is what I've been looking for. Thanks everyone so much for your help and support. I've got work to do.
  15. rei

    Custom 1/48 Gbp

    Beautiful! BTW...My first or well second post. I own one yet but am drooling! Rei..the noobster
  16. Thanks for the welcome and words gentlemen. I was reading some other threads and I can't wait to see Plus, Zero and the rest of the succeeding movies after DYRL. I skimmed the plots and reviews of them. Woah man, like I said previously...I've got a lot of catching up to do. Please feel free to shoot me any Mospeada custom pics. Especially large scale Gakken or Toynami MP Alphas. Thanks again!
  17. Hi I'm new here and have been lurking about for the last couple of days. I'm curious to see any Alpha or Cyclone custom galleries that include wild repaints to tasteful touchups and panel lining on either Gakkens and or MPs. Thanks. BTW, this is an awesome site. I've been in hibernation since my childhood in the '80s. You guys have so much info here. I've got a lot of catching up to do.
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