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Everything posted by ArchVile

  1. Or those cross shaped things on the Service Module of the Apollo capsules.
  2. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes I'm buying that game, my own memory card, and I'm gonna borrow friend's game cubes cuz they never use 'em. So basically I'll play it a lot when it comes out.
  3. But if it did get dubbing than it would most likely get DVD quality video and audio, and that's all I care about. Like adding a cherry on top of a sundae (sp?).
  4. I bet if they could get the actors back we would have a non VHS-Ripped DVD of the Macross Plus Movie.
  5. Good work yet again. These carriers are in Macross 7
  6. pfff. I'm not gonna buy a game cube, I'm just gonna borrow my friends' game cubes. When you know 3 people with game cubes and only one of them uses it for their primary system and the other two have a PS2 and Xbox too it makes it pretty easy to borrow.
  7. Well I assume their relationship recovered but that's just the optimist in me talking.
  8. you don't feel much internal bleeding, the majority of your sensory nerves are on the outside of your body, so he'd fell the shots go into him, but I doubt that he'd feel the hemoraging inside. I know it's true with the brain, you can get something lodged in your brain, you'll feel it go in, but you won't feel it inside, you'll just feel the pain of the entry point. So I might be wrong with internal hemoraging in the thoracic cavity (sorry gotta practice Anatomy, exams coming up soon) but I would assume that you don't have sensory nerves inside your body.
  9. is there any way to keep it from being all choppy?
  10. I found it interesting and good but lacking something at the end. **Spoiler** What the hell happened to Zorndike at the end? How'd he die?
  11. I think when they mean Celestial body they mean something like an Asteriod, not a planet or moon, of course it could easily be used for planetary bombardment.
  12. Yes, after watching several dubs and comparing them to the original Japanese track, I've lost all faith in English VAs. Compare CCA original track to the dub. Big big difference in acting, Amuro sounds how he should compared to a fourteen year old in puberty, Char is an intense character with emotion compared to a guy reading his lines, Gyunnei has emotion compared to another guy just reading his lines. Basically after that I lost faith and stopped comparing.
  13. Something about that doesn't seem right... They should have gotten Murai's (from GTO) voice for Dearka. I agree, he sounds way too young and weak to play Dearka. Give him Nicol maybe, but I think in general that voice actor has been in way too many Gundam series.
  14. looks like that thing would be beam rifle fodder just sitting there.
  15. Yeah, episode 3 I believe, it's on the first DVD.
  16. As did I, I meant Arial kills, I guess I should have specified as victories, but oh well.
  17. I think that it's more like the wing root weapons of the VF-19
  18. Just post your favorite kill from Macross, I basically want this to stay mecha VS mecha but if you wanna do a fire fight or whatever, fine. Mine would have to be when Nora goes after that one VF-0 and fires above it keeping it from gaining altitude and forcing it into that cliff in Macross Zero Ep 2
  19. cool, but this just brings up a question for me. Can you become an Ace for shooting down 5 AI controled aircraft? And if the enemy didn't know that the aircraft were AI and they were counting them for kills, then they found out that they were AI, would they remove the kills?
  20. Seconded. Course Max is up there.
  21. the 7.5 ton Gundams are from AU series, the original gundam, fully loaded weighted 60 tons.
  22. Colony drop = lots of death if it hits a city ASS-1 Crash = Early Christmas for the science community.... and some death
  23. I'm guessing sensor to help with the 360 cockpit, some Titan mobile suits had that.
  24. hmmm, thats interesting but one thing I have to say is that the humans in Macross had the advantage of overtechnology when the humans in Gundam had to develop it all on their own.
  25. They give the VF-11s atmostspheric FAST packs. Also the VF-11 puts out more thrust so it can handle them much like the VF-17, Y/VF-19, and the VF-22s(YF-21).
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