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Everything posted by ArchVile

  1. Maybe they can easily use it one hand while they use the other for the GU-11.
  2. I think they are just clueless on that because Micky has a picture of his girlfriend/wife in his F-4 cockpit in a flashback.
  3. I know that Snake Tales in MGS2: Substance aren't Canon, but Meryl is mentioned in those. Also how hard would it have been for Snake to meet up with Otacon after Shadow Moses? Edit: And I did all of this work in MGS: Twin Snakes to use the PSG-1T to fight Wolf hoping maybe she wouldn't be killed, but no, she still got wasted.
  4. No, because Walker Texas Ranger is a horrible show and he's just joking around with how bad it is.
  5. The way I see it with the YF-19 and VF-19 Kai is that the wings are like the F-14's variable wings only it also changes it's attatchment point location.
  6. I figured Roy self-destructed his VF-0S. I doubt he'd ditch his Valk with the uncertianity it could be captured... what if it wasn't about to explode? The other thing that reinforces that is the way he yells at Aries to run away and also would you tackle an enemy who you haven't completely disabled without having a plan to take them out? I think Roy knew that they would probably capture the VF-0S and considering it's a new technology he woudln't want them to get it. I also doubt it would have that nice delay in the explosion and you see no incoming fire when it blows up.
  7. Maybe a very large portion of it sticks above the water when surfaced
  8. You should really finish up Zeta and Victory Gundam, great series.
  9. The way I see it is that Roy will get ambushed while refueling. He'll break away and Ivanov will follow. Dog fight ensues and Roy will get his right engine damaged. He'll severely damage the SV-51 but DD will manage to get away. Roy will try and make it back to the Asuka but he notices that he can't make it due to fuel or damage. He'll land in the jungle and that's it.
  10. Battle of Endor... a good classic. Battle above Luna 5 and Axis in Gundam: Char's Counterattack I just love how Amuro despite having a large disadvantage (come on fighting the Jadg Dodga, Alpha Azieru, and several Gera Dodgas is quite the feat) he comes out on top and the way that the Londo Bell task force eventually slices through the Neo-Zeon forces. Colony drop in 0083 is pretty good with the way it was hit and run until support comes. Final battle of the First Space War in both the original series and DYRL? The VF-11Bs VS the Renegade Zentradi power armor in the asteriods. The final battle in Gundam Seed, gotta love three ways. Most of the Zeta Gundam battles with the smaller scale combat. Battle against Keilas Guillie in V Gundam (only seen up to episode 35 of the show) That's about all I can think of now.
  11. Wow, I never thought of that.... I wonder when Carl Weathers is gonna run for office... The film also starred Shane Black as Hawkins. First screenwriter to break the million dollar mark. Yeah, the Daily Show made a joke about how everybody on the cast of Predator is going to become a govenor, cept for the Predator, he's going to be a Senator
  12. Yeah, if the head lasers are decent combat weapons why are they fixed rearward in later valks?
  13. I've heard that Cima lead the Zeon Marines (ok that's an established fact) and that she was involved in Colony Gassing during the one week war so the Zeon Higher Ups refused to let her go to Axis (even though some of them ordered the gassing). Then she just survived on her own with her rag tag pirate fleet. But that's just what I read somewhere.
  14. The Mobius Zero from Gundam SEED. Saberfish from Gundam MSV and Zeta Gundam. X-Wing Swordfish II from Cowboy Bebop
  15. If that were true would it make the video any less hillarous?
  16. I think the reason why the guards overlook Big Boss being right next to you are because unlike the first 2 Metal Gear Solids there aren't too many places to hide behind. In MGS and MGS2 you could easily put yourself up next to a wall and look down the next cooridor. If you got found you could run away, hide in a locker, hide in a room, put on the cardboard box, ect. In MGS3 it looks like getting found is going to mean harder to get away.
  17. *Spoiler for both MGS1 and 2* Well Solidus would have to be atleast 40 during the Shadow Moses crisis because Presidents need to be atleast 40. And personally to me Snake looked to be more in his late 20s early 30s in MGS1. Also Liquid mentioned that Snake and Liquid were twins and I wouldn't be suprised if Solidus was the "prototype" therefore making him older.
  18. Ok, let's settle this once and for all Kakizaki was shot by the Zentran on the grassy knowl.
  19. That movie entertained my friends and I for a good 2 hours. We showed up, laughed our asses off, left and talked about the plot holes. *spoiler* (not that it really matters) So they go into the garage to turn on the generator, then bam zombies attack them. Later they go and modify the shuttle busses in the garage, where's the zombies?
  20. Heh, he's unlucky enough I wouldn't hold it against the writers to kill him off that way. I personally believe it was the wrist mounted lasers that took him out. It would have been obvious if he got fragged by a micro missile.
  21. the seats could attatch to the back pack of the flight suit. I know in Gundam (the UC series) there's a hole in the seat for the backpack.
  22. I loved it, bought it, played it, and I don't even own my own game cube. *Spoilers Below* I beat it once already with Meryl living, now I gotta play with her dying so I can get the nifty stealth camo.
  23. Now just imagine if they tracked everybody and put them on the program. That would be creepy but highly unlikely.
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