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Everything posted by ArchVile

  1. I use Winamp and listen to Groove Salad and the Classical Channels, really good stuff. Unfortunately the college network sucks and it buffers far too much.
  2. 313049[/snapback] That better be false, unless the show has been extended past 50 episodes there is no need for a recap episode. They wasted enough time between episodes 12 and 30 and if they plan on wasting time on this BS "episode" then they are wasting more precious time. I honestly can't see how they are planning on climaxing then wrapping up the series in the next 11 episodes.
  3. Can the Murasame even work in space? I always thought it was an Earth use only mobile suit.
  4. But with Shin's history I think he will become arrogant and let the killing of Freedom and the rewards for it go to his head. I believe his large ego will be his one true downfall as a character. Seems like everybody is saying Shin needs to die at the end of the series, but personally I feel that Neo/Mwu needs to die. He "died" at the end of Seed, but with his "revival" and his actions afterwards I feel that the only way that Fuduka will have him be redemed is through his true death. Either that or he's going to become the Char of CE.
  5. Actually, I don't think Freedom and Kira are on AA. Some spoilers mention that... SPOILER Kira is rescued by the Murasame Squad.
  6. But Strike Freedom is ungly . I still want to know how Kira survives from that explosion. And how exactly could Shinn's Anti-ship sword's non beam tip penetrate Freedom's PS armor?
  7. Well this episode is necessary I think, considering it sets up the fall of the LOGOS, advancement of Durandill's agenda, and the Kira versus Shinn fight. Granted there should have been less filler episodes earlier on and this should have come sooner, but oh well.
  8. The Impulse seems no less compatable with the AA than any other mobile suit. I guess it just depends on the charging plug for the Impulse if there is one. Just because Impulse is launched in 3-4 peices on the Minevra doesn't mean it has to be.
  9. Is it just me or is Sting becoming the next Yzak. He lost Stellar, which is only temporary, Auel is KIA, and his Chaos is damaged but repairable. If it wasn't for wiping his memory every so often I think he would be more vengeful and be more agressive. But in all honesty something tells me Chaos is going to be the only original Gundam to survive until the last episode.
  10. NOOOOOO, NOT A CHEST GUN. That ruins the whole look of the mobile suit to me, the Sazabi did it well, the FA ZZ did it well, Seed and Destiny mobile suits don't do it well.
  11. The Nu Freedom looks to be made out of almost completely original parts. The only old parts from Freedom appear to be the legs, but even those seem different in the grainy picture. I'm thinking that it's a totally different mobile suit, or built with Freedom completely trashed instead of it being slightly damaged.
  12. What's the point of using spoiler tags anymore? The series has finished it's US run. Anyways, it was awsome
  13. I don't like it, that's just me though. I feel that war is grusome and bloody for a reason, to keep us from wanting to go to it unless it is necissary. I feel that if we put robots in too many fields of the military we will be much more likely to go to war for less important reasons than in the past.
  14. Come to think of it, Gil is probably a member of the Logos but he is worsening the war so that he can make more money from the conflict and so that he can possibly kill off some of the other Logos so that he becomes more powerful. Think of it that he did intiate production for the 5 original Gundams (of GSD not GS), Zaku Warrior, and I'm assuming he also was strongly behind the production of the Gouf Ignited. He's also behind FAITH and is most likely deeply involved in genetic engineering and cloning, unless somehow Rey is his nephew/son who just shares a lot of similarities to Krueze. Personally I think what will happen in the story at this point is Archangel will interfer with the upcoming battle, Heine will be severly injured or even killed, Impulse will be trashed, the EA will bring out their new Gundam piloted by Stella. After that new Gundam trashes up some ZAFT stuff Shin will get the Destiny. After that who knows what. I think that Freedom will be trashed by Shin and rebuilt to be better than ever. I also believe that Athuran and Kira will join up to fight the Logos and Shin will probably join them too along with a few other main characters. What will happen with that is Rey will probably stay with Gil and field a powerful all range attack mobile suit. Anyways, just my random thoughts thrown up onto a post
  15. Well it also looks like it has the CE equivilent of the Victory 2's Minosky drive in the opening when the silhouette of Destiny goes flying towards the giant mystery Gundam. Personally if it has that I'll be really happy because I thought that the V2's drive was the coolest in Gundam. Edit: You can also see evidence of thrusters in the insides of the wings.
  16. You gotta give the guy credit, he's been making Gundam designs for 26 years. If you combine both the fact that it's for a series of shows and the number of designs he's made, it's not suprising that it's gonna seem less original. I mean imagine if you had a Gundam series with something looking like it should be out of Macross or other mecha shows, people would not be happy.
  17. Remember that spoiler from the magazines that Shin would trash Freedom in one of the earlier episodes (I think they said it would be episode 14). Well maybe the director after releasing that information decided to leave the heavy damaging of Freedom till later, so maybe after it gets heavily damaged, Kira and friends repair/refit it. Why just repair it when you can make it better?
  18. The base commander didn't manipulate them, he just was glad that they went. He never did anything other than tell them the news that the projects had been scrapped due to the Ghost.
  19. Don't forget Starbuck is one of the few pilots AND she is a flight instructor, considering they were already low on pilots (while they might lose some searching), the loss of a flight instructor would have devestating long term effects.
  20. I've always felt that the canon story was the events of the series with the mecha of the movies. And the Novels, forget them, they aren't even close to being canon, very good stories though.
  21. Calamity is there because it shows up in the First Attack. Remember how in Char's Counterattack you see the Elmeth, RX-78 Gundam, Char's Gelgoog, and the Corebooster, those are also in CCA's thing, not because they were used during the second Neo Zeon War but because they were in a flashback.
  22. just get the defiler pack, best damn codec pack ever.
  23. Also looks like that VF-0 has got drop tanks on it.
  24. My guess is that since he was captured and was unable to escape and get back so instead he joined them and took the fight to the Zentradi but with the enemy the UN Spacy command probably wouldn't care, they need as many experienced pilots as they can get, and aslong as Max didn't participate in attacks against the Macross I bet Global would let him off.
  25. I think Max flees through that hole...
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