It sounds like you may well be able to aid us on both counts.
I'll have to discuss it with the rest of the team, but right now we're hungering to sink our teeth into some fresh blood. It should help to reinvigorate the mod and get things back into production.
There's plenty of Zjentohlauedy and Meltohlauendy stuff to be modelled, including the Queadluun Rau.
Polycounts we're looking fro for mecha of that size are about 1000 polys.
Capital ships from between 2000 to 5000 depending on size.
OK Queadluun Rau sounds good to me
Hopefully it wont come out too square with the poly limit (may need to balance with texturing or should I leave that to your tex master?). But hell if you got a VF under 1500 that can transform then I guess anything is possible.
I’ll report back on progress in about a week’s time depending on my new sleeping arrangement!