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Cannon Fodder (1/15)
I'll be back on team soon possibly in another 4 or so weeks when I have the end of year break and can relax from my honours research. I will most likely finish off that big green lemon and might attempt some textures for those models. I’m also going to start downloading some HW2 editors and see if I can pitch in with some code. Hang tight kids great things will happen soon!
I have been out of the loop for a while due to my honour studies but from what I've seen previously of Lestat and the team I know they are a committed to the project and will continue. We all have to remember that they are doing this out of love, they take out precious hours of their day that they could be spending with their family, friends, work and social activities and put it towards this mod. If you would like this thing completed faster, have a love of Macross and have any design skills please step-up and put some of that love towards the project. We need textures, writers, voice actors, programmers, modellers…anything MM related. Just say who you are and what you can do and I’m sure the team can find you a job. From what I know they are currently working on lagging and import issues due to all the great models. So if you have any HomeWorld 2 modding experience please let the team know. As long as we have Macross to inspire us this project will never die and may even be passed on to our children's children if thats what it takes! I’m feeling inspired now so Ill get back to working on that large 3D green lemon thing for Chthonic.
Patience friend…you’ll get your mod. If you rush this mob you’ll get a bang up job and that’s not what this mod is about! Think of this mod as more of an artwork then a themed add-on to an already great game.
Sorry I’ve been out of the loop for a while guys, had exams, personal problems, social problems, societal problems etc…but here is the nous rifle anyhow. As for authenticity well I really only had one ambiguous picture to go by and there is no real legitimate information out on how this thing should look. If you think I have it wrong don’t waste your time by describing it just draw a picture showing the gun in profile and I will make the changes after clearance with NamlessAdvisor. Go team!
Here is the nous with hand-gun and rocket-launcher, yea yea I know they probably have some kind of special name that I don’t know about etc etc... Hey Nameless Advisor or anyone in the know I need some info A-stat about the nous rifle. First of all is there any such thing as a nouse rifle or does it only have a hand gun. I only have one picture from the movie showing a nouse carrying something that looks like a large rifle (too large to be a hand-gun) with yellow trim. NA I have some pictures that I can show you if you don’t know what I'm talking about otherwise if possible could you email me some info about this rifle?
Hey gentleman its time to start you’re drooling! Heres the pictures of the nous I promised. I’m going to do a little more tweaking and then add the rifle. Let us know what you think, its based on a couple of drawings I got hold of as you can see in the top left panel of the modelling screen. This has been a very difficult model to articulate because just about every representation of it shows conflicting sizes etc. Hope the hardcore aren’t too pisst cause I had to improvise on what I didn’t know! I’m sure the nameless advisor will burn my ass for it later through At the moment it stands at 1770 after 3Ds conversion which is pretty good for the amount of articulation it contatins.
G,day guys the naus is nearly done, but no screenies im too lazy and need to get some uni work done cause its due this week:( Hey I just like to say that I love being part of this mod, even through my Fiancée thinks I'm having an affair with my msn going mad at the late end of every friday night (thanks alot Chthonic, had to stay offline to blow of some heat!). She might be even more upset if she found out what I was really doing (he he, she thinks I have a life!). I quickly have a window full of porn ready to pop up just in case she enters the room and sees me doing modelling. And I’d just like to say….I love you guys everyone of ya!!!
Yea... I usually only use 3 vert triangles when working in max but I have become a bit lazy working in LW3d cause its just easier to do anything in it with a lower poly count. After this little episode I can definitely see that there is always a payoff for doing it the hard way! Any way the lesson has been learnt so its back to triangles but I'm still going to use LW3d as its a bit faster for me anyway. Perhaps after I have completed a few more models I'll go back over the Rau and Nna and crop them down a bit more as I usually aim for maximum shape and detail and then see how much I can take away without the model losing the shape that its famous for. But at the moment if you were to ask the other devs we really want to get as much done as possible and things like a couple of extra pollys are very important but need to be put aside so that we can some of the harder things done first like the Nous jadeulger. On that note I don’t mind any one having a go at trying to cut down the polly's on my models by using any method possible. So if you think your up for the challenge and want to give it a go get in touch with Lestat or one of the team and show us what you can do. I would have ago at it myself but at the moment I really want to get this Nous done. The fact is there really is a job here for anyone out there who is reliable and committed even if your only task is to send a model through a polly reduction program. If you are reliable and committed then I’m sure you will get a spot on the team…..now stop bothering me I got to finish these Nous feet!
Hey guys I know you want it...so here it is! Quedluun-nona Chthonic I'll send it to you along with a cleaner rau if i catch you on MSN or get them both from Lestat if you see him first. Sorry about the raise in poly during conversion... I forgot that 3ds dont like poly's with more then three vertices so it choped the lwo sqare polys into triangles during conversion thus raising a 900 poly model to 1400. MY BAD! Any way the nona is an 800 poly lwo model so it should convert to a 1300 poly 3ds model. I also seperated the claws on both models if you want to animate that part indapendent from the arms. The Zentraedi nousjadeul-ger is next on my hit list. This one is hard so it may take a couple of weeks. I'll let you know how it goes!
Who is for a little Rau with it's close-rang-Jiba-jaba-somthing-bla-bla-missile-pods. The rau is coming along nice, Cgthonic and myself helped bring this little picture for all you DYRL groupies!
"Maggot missile" is name that Peter Walker of the Robotech Technical Files made up. They are "close-in-use super-small-type high maneuver missile launchers x 4 (126 missiles)" The Nameless Advisor www.macrossmecha.info 386924[/snapback] There's only really one use for those row-boat-techie names. And that's internal naming conventions for projects like this. It would be a pain to have model and data file names like "supersmalltypehighmanuevermissile.hod" or even "CIUSSTHMM.miss". That's about the only use for such rediculous rt-fanboy names, though. 387660[/snapback] Yea there’s that, but in all honesty if you asked me how the close-in-use super-small-type high maneuver missile launchers were coming along I’d have to say not verry well in comparison to the maggot missile pods!
Yea can you imagine Yamato’s surprise when I asked for a toy 48 times bigger then the real thing? It nearly sent me broke I tell you!
Yea problem is no one ever finishes, and truth be told you will have trouble getting any of those things to fly with realistic stats. The fact is it just ain’t possible. The thrust to mass ratio is just so out of whack and could you believe the amount of Gs m3 would pull. The pilot would be way dead even with a super pressurised cockpit. As for Strike Fighters I don’t think it has a ceiling height but you may run into trouble emulating 0 grav on that engine. I don’t think there were many crafts in the macross cannon anyway that could go straight from atmosphere to space and vice versa. Even the mecha in Macross plus had to shelter behind fallout so as not to burn up on re-entry. I don’t think you really need the riods having punch ups but it would be interesting if you had a set up like Heavy Gear etc. I only suggested SF cause its extremely open ended and easy to pick up and start modding. You could practically start straight out of the box without any dev tools. Most of the hard stuff has already been worked out and it’s very capable when handling extreme stats such as the ones featured in macross, or things that transform and redirect thrust such as tomcats, harriers or helicopters. None of the aircraft in the game really had these featurs but it supported them anyway. A couple of moddrs even made fully flyable helicopters which was odd for a jet fighter game. IMO make sure you pay some attention to the cockpit hud. As long as things look clean there players wont be scrutinising so much over world models. From memory there has only been one successful modders attempt at making a variable on commercial software and that was for Microsoft’s Flight Sim 98. It sucked a bit because it had no guns and just flew around like a stooge. I’ve recently started making 3d models for a team here creating a HW2 Macross mod. This projects been running for literally years and the members have been super committed which inspired me to join up and help out. No promises but if things go well and this HW2 mod gets completed while I’m still alive I might be interested in giving you a hand later, If you’re still cracking away that is!