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Everything posted by Spitze

  1. Well, if you get any version of Max, one of the skills he comes with is TIME STOPPING. And you don't acquire that skill for any other characters until near-completion of the game.
  2. Having a beam gunpod on the VF-17 is really, really irritating. Maybe Kawamori really meant it to be a beam gunpod with seven 30mm barrels.
  3. I bought a bunch of tiny magnets to insert into my models. Would it be better to make pegs or magnets to keep transformation properly? I'm concerned about the leg drooping in fighter mode as seen in several pics.
  4. Well Graham, the secret to my hobbies is never watching TV. Also not having many commitments to get done for friends.
  5. Got this from gamefaqs. This solves ALL our problems.
  6. which one unlocks battle frontier?
  7. Got this from Gamefaqs: VF-27 is unlocked after clearing all the Frontier missions including the EX missions. Unlockables also include VF-171EX and Battle Frontier (? VF-171EX is unlocked after S ranking Mother's Lullaby.
  8. The FBZ-99 should be playable. It appeared in the wallpapers.
  9. Oh dear. The button order matters as well? What is the difference between these two special attacks? In some stages you have to kill the bosses with a special attack. For some reason L + ^ + O doesn't count in the ranking tally. I guess using the non-L versions is what counts?
  10. yellowlightman: grind with easier stage to raise your stats. Dump points into defenses, gunpod and your melee attacks.
  11. What's the Stealth Wing Experiment?
  12. I think some mechs have to be gotten with S-ranks. Though for a long while I was stuck with my original character and her partner until I got Klan and her Q-Rea in the respective story mission.
  13. Hikuro: Just use masking tape. Also, stick the inner side of the canopy to a stick or something that you can grab onto. Use tape or blu-tack There's this hint in a modelling handbook: For canopy frames that have two colors, one inner and one outer, just paint the inner color as the first layer and then paint on top of it, the outer layer. And there you have it.
  14. Any other places that need pegs? Also it would be nice if someone would kindly translate the modelling tips from that Hobby Japan article. I can post the scans if no one can bring up copies.
  15. Is anyone going to kill me when I say that I am contemplating on a VF-25 with swept-forward manta-shape wings like a VF-19F/S? Though I have yet to see anyone really mod the Bandai 1/100 VF-19 F/S model kit to make it transform perfectly with better proportions.
  16. It seems that this second OST has skipped out on some important pieces. 1. Sheryl's charity concert song and 2. Remix of Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late (heard in the All That VF promo trailer and episode 14)
  17. What are the necessary modifications on the legs that are needed to get the proper gerwalk mode pose? (the one where the nose dips down)
  18. I keep hearing that Frontier is really 49 episodes and the episode titles don't tell anything clearly about a final episode. Any truth to this?
  19. I guess it's that way when paint cures; Soaking in Pine Sol makes cured paint flake off bit by bit but to strip cured lacquer paint (from spray cans for you Tamiya people) is too difficult normally. What I do to deal with this is NOT to use a toothbrush but to use a scrubbing pad like what they use for dishwashing. I use the heavy duty one which is coarser, in order to rub out the stubborn patches of paint. And it works.
  20. I'm having a hard time understanding the thrust output comparison between the VF-27 and VF-22. It's like the VF-27 is only MARGINALLY better than the VF-22, unless you can show to me via mathematical formula how to match up the VF-22's thrust, measured in kilograms, can be converted to kilonewtons, which the VF-27's engines are measured by. Thanks.
  21. I hereby post a challenge to kitbash a VF-25 to have swept-forward wings, either like the YF-19 or the VF-19F/S. Bonus points if they make it F/S style and still manage to mount super packs.
  22. Macross Generation? Mafia?
  23. Well that Yellow Submarinee VF-17D VF-X version seems to have disappeared off the internets, and I'm lost in the jungle of Yahoo Japan Auctions. Though the VF-17Ds I've seen appear there are mostly the Bandai DX and the Experten versions.
  24. I'm hungry for a Yellow Submarine VF-17D. Does anyone still know of some floating around, or even recasters? Thanks.
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