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Garou Kuroryuu

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Everything posted by Garou Kuroryuu

  1. Since I don't think we have an official answer, I would go with: 1) OT super glass 2) It's a city ship. So the Megaroads would be the early versions of the "city ships" of Mac7 and F, since both kind of ships always had a huge a$$ battle fleet as escorts (Nupietz first, then all the new breed of ships).
  2. Robotech. It was aired in 87 here in Mexico, Macross Saga hooked me up totally, and some years later I was able to get a hold of a copied DYRL dubbed VHS. Then I started my quest to get my hands on the original series. Only last year I was able to get Animeigo's boxset with the complete original series and the special boxset for DYRL. The cycle has been closed.
  3. QFT.... thou short, this a great story (and deeply sad I must add) told in an excellent way. Great animation (thou fugly mechas), soft tunes and cool heart-breaking ending (don't show to yer girlfriend unless u want endless crying for hours).
  4. I did. I wouldn't expect any problems either. Good thing those region-free dvd players exist.
  5. Preordered this beauty months ago, as soon as I knew about it. I'm happy the more details we get about it, the better deal it is Hope it doesn't take too long to get to me.... me wanna.... NOW!!!!
  6. Received the boxset from roblowtech last Thursday... what can I say?... original remastered Macross in a nice box for $40? Pure joy I tell ya!!!
  7. I just ordered the boxset from roblowtech store, thanks for the heads up!!
  8. DON'T..... EVEN... MENTION IT!!!!!!!
  9. Does some one know what was the latest character design work Mikimoto was involved in? I'd like to take a look at his recent works, and maybe get an idea of where he's gone to. Most artists change their styles along their carreers, and I don't think he's an exception. Just take a look at his latest Minmei design (which I also love, BTW).
  10. Crazy wish, but have them include the opening sequence from DYRL? Saturn/PS2 games as a bonus. That's the opening I would have liked to see to have a "completeness" sense from the movie.
  11. Agree with you in that both designs are great, IF we're considering "walking tanks" as "tanks"
  12. After reading the whole thread (yes, I DID it), it came to me something. Even if WB/Spidey got the rights for the movie, I'm sure it's in the most of HG's interests that the movie reflects in a way (whichever) what they're trying to pull for their own Roblowtek story/toys/merchandise action plan. And after a couple of out-of-sense aircraft drawings, I realized that the Alpha (i know, Legioss!!) are already close enough to 21st-century fighter aircraft (thouh quite blocky) for an easy and quick upgrade. Just picture a "softened-blended-lines" Alpha and you get a bastard F-35/YF-23 spin off: - Over fuselage engine "pods" (YF-23) - No real horizontal stabilizers (YF-23) - VTOL (F-35. I remember the Legioss had an under fuselage engine, so one could imagine a fan for lift) Of course, a lot of "blending" and modifications would need to be made to the design, but I believe it can still fill both needs: be palatable to 21st century movie goers (WB) and retain a Legioss-like appearance (HG). I'm not saying this is what will happen, but I think it's a logical way to put it and not that far stretched. God knows what WB is really thinking in the end.
  13. Done as well..... just can't wait for it
  14. Actually, the A-10's gun (GAU-8 Avenger) is a 30mm 7-barrel gatling gun. It's the largest Gatling gun in service that I'm aware of, on an aircraft or any other vehicle. US Navy's Phalanx CIWS use 20mm 6-barrel guns. And as MilSpex said, those are mainly used to shred incoming threats to pieces, not to break through armor. I'm sure Dave will jump in if I made any mistake. Going back to the model itself. I find the Comanchero a little "simple" in terms of design, at least in the provided line art. It may look a lot better with some "fine-tunning" while building the mold.
  15. Those look like tourists subs out of Disneyland..... and that valk.... looks...... gundam-ish!!!!! Oh, my.... next pic we'll get a revamped version of the tittied valk I wash I was wrong
  16. I'm buying the DVD as soon as I get off from work. I might let you know tomorrow. Still, I'd also like it to have those deleted scenes.
  17. They could have gone completely with the D variant, since IU, it would be the latest Tomcat to fly (even if it's for a fictional UN government). I'm going more with the "poor research" option there
  18. Indeed. I just hope he stays away from the tree-hugging magical-girl macross-less themes. He can keep the lolicon stuff thou.
  19. BRAVO!!! MAGNIFICO!!! Haven't you thought of being a Holliwood scripter?
  20. I liked it, but I prefer Shaolin Soccer, the live-action parody of Captain Tsubasa manga/anime. Both are really funny anyway, a real treat
  21. Or Top-gun's F-5-turned-Mig-28s? Firing Exocet anti-ship missiles?!?!?!?! Gimme a break!
  22. I'd go with an enigma-esque paint scheme, only a little darker (light grey instead of off-white and generally, darker grays). Not copying G.I. Joe, but I think "Storm shadows" for squadron name fits the paint scheme
  23. If I remember right, that should be "kamei", not "kamui".
  24. I'm almost sure there will be a PS3 version. And considering the better image processing power of the PS3, I'm almost sure it'll look even better than on 360. Just can't wait!
  25. I hear ya!! May Yamato make the Doberman and Typhoon II, I'll buy the whole set of figures! I'd also be great to have removable armor for the Knight Sabers.... wear it on, wear it off
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