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Garou Kuroryuu

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Everything posted by Garou Kuroryuu

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I think I would stop watching Macross if that happened. Would maybe switch to PowerRangers
  2. Loved the episode! Liked a lot the switch to other set of characters for their development. The mess with all those apparent conspiracies going on gives Macross a less linear feel. But maybe falling too much into Hitchcock-isism?? Felt a little awkward by Michel's VF emoting. As if someone suddenly changed the channel to a Mazinger Z rerun. Aside that, the mecha poRn was great!
  3. Fear not Use this one: http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm318/g...c5ff561d28a.jpg
  4. Will this work? NSFW http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/6b94b1397ff...c5ff561d28a.jpg
  5. TITular you say? Where do I sign up?!?!?
  6. I just gotta add that quote to my signature if u don't mind!!!
  7. If a remember correctly, in the episode before getting back to Earth the first time, the SDF-1 was being followed closely by Kamjim's ships, and the SDF-1 kept firing volleys from its main gun, destroying several destroyer/scout ships with every shot. Thou I may remember wrong Anyway, I'm also a believer of the idea that the SDF-1's main gun could fire with some frequency (minutes to reload/recharge instead of hours) during a battle. In several occasions, the main gun proved not to be a "pull the magical sword, cut the enemy robot and end the episode" device.
  8. Totally agree. I can't remember an exact scene in SDFM where this was used, buy DYRL clearly showed the purpose of the initial BVR reaction-weaponry attack: they took a good number of enemy craft before engaging in dogfight, in which micro-missiles were used. EDIT: Just remembered. In several scenes in SDFM (tipycally recycled), Valkyries could be seen launching their medium range missiles before coming into dogfight distance. In MF, the initial attack by the NUNS' VF-171s followed the very same tactic, with no positive results as it seems thou. I use this same tactic in Call of Duty 4 in small scenarios: "throw all your grenades at start to different directions. Some enemies might get killed." Another tactic used since SDFM is "blast off the armor, use it as missile's decoy/deflector and and push towards the enemy at full speed meanwhile" (SDFM: Hikaru, M+: Isamu, MF: Altoh, seem to remember it also happened in M0). In every "ace" dogfight, we've seen the use of mode-changing almost to it's fullest, Ozma making the last addition to mode-changing tactics list: "while the enemy is aiming for the center-of-mass while in battoroid mode, change to gerwalk to avoid incoming fire and retaliate".
  9. Voted! All of the above. Maybe I could have added a "nostalgia" feeling to that answer. But still, even if very "selctive", I still watch some anime that fit my tastes (e.g.: Ghost in the Shell: SAC), Macross still being one of them.
  10. You can actually see a "Powel" street sign in there. Most surely a nod to Powell street, basically in the middle of Chinatown, and one from where you can get a view pretty much like what is pictured here. PD: Actually, the pictured corner could be very well either Jackson & Powell or Pacifica & Powell.
  11. Sheryl has sped up with KK in my fav MF gal's poll so far. DAMN, I wish I could date Sheryl any day. She's such a tease and smart at the same time (don't forget the looks), u just can't pass.
  12. Thanks a lot for the reply. Truly, as I mentioned, 720P is really nice for a sub. It doesn't sacrifice the visual quality while delivering some understanding. I add myself to those who extend their gratitude towards you and all of the fansub groups. You're a really making a dream out of our lives right now.
  13. Something I forgot to mention earlier. Did you guys notice that there's no green valk (Lucca's) on the cover of the Triangular single? My guess is that it hints to Lucca's "disappearance" somewhere along the series (a plus in my book, since I hate that character in particular). Check it out
  14. Guys: Ozma (the guys a bad ass) Gals: Klein Klan (I don't think I need to explain, right?)
  15. After seeing the 4th episode, I have to say this is a must-see. Still has some gripes against the character designs and some characterization (excess of bishonen/gay stuff). On the subs department, with some slips here and there, I think they mostly help grasp the general idea of each episode. What I would really ask for, is for at least one group keep releasing HD formats (at least 720p) using H264 codec for video and MP4 extension. Me and my PS3 would be happy campers. We're already delighted with Q-R raws (1080p!)
  16. Well, I'm positive it's not a VF-1, VF-17/117 or VF-21/22. That leaves less options
  17. That VF is the pic looks a lot like a 25. It couldn't be a "young" Gilliam/Cathy thing if that's the case.
  18. I would take Nanase in a heartbeat.... there's simply those 2 gorgeous features of her .... =D~~~~~~
  19. QFT, I'd been thinking about buying one for CoD4. This one really looks kick-a$$.
  20. I'll DL when I get home (6 more hours!!! DAMN!!). DLed Gattai's Ep1 Last night . Shame it's MKV, the PS3 couldn't play it. ¬¬U I wish the later subs would be HD MP4, like the EP1 RAW. That would certanly rock for me!
  21. Nice finding on the earring! Didn't notice last night. @grss1982: Most surely a family thing, which will most surely be related to Mao Nome. And also, very good catch on the detail that Mao was injected with APHOS blood just before its awakening. That could explain why the military are examining blood of those that were close to the Vajra. They suspect the Varja follow some one related to the PC/mayan somehow. I had totally forgotten about it. So, from this point of view, we have a close relation of the Vajra with both SDFM and M0. Ranka's had 2 encounters with Vajra. Too many for just luck. So, on one, the Varja follow PC remanants, Sheryl being the target here. Ranka seems to be somewhat Zentraedi, so there may also be something there. And the Vajra react to music in general, and particularly to Ranka's feelings? A nice soup for a good twisting story.
  22. Ok. Watched the BE. Still a great animation quality. Great production value. Rushed edit (a lot of things going on without pause or explanation if you didn't see the DE). Good for the added concert scenes. Still lame character designs (specially Alto, Lucca, Michelle & Ranka). Will keep watching it, but hope the story makes up for the really really lame-a$$ chars. By the way, does any one know if this encoding is readable by the PS3?
  23. Yeah, demos are a really nice thingy. And I would definitively try the demo for this one. Without AC6 on PS3, it's really lagging behind in fighter-sim terms (thou I know AC's are not exactly "sims").
  24. I only know that I'm so pissed off at the guys from SCEA for not releasing CoO for, at least, PS2 ¬¬ Gimme my GoW!!!! (either for PS2 or 3, I don't care, I won't buy a PSP)
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