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Garou Kuroryuu

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Everything posted by Garou Kuroryuu

  1. Well, I'm still with Sheryl all they way, and I really hope she gets the Princess (), otherwise, I'd be greatly dissapointed
  2. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
  3. Agree, Ranka obviously has a crush on Alto, but Alto seems to only CARE for her as a little sister/close friend, not really as a romantic interest, even less as a couple, from what I see. I presume Ranka hasn't realized this small detail, so she keeps thinking she's got a chance. Well.... YOU DON'T GIRL!
  4. So now we see that Ranka isn't only jail bait, but Vajra snack/vitamins as well Recaping what we know so far on Ranka: 1) She was onboard the 117th Research Fleet, which of the WTF-1 seems the had been the flagship 2) The 117th RF was attacked by Vajra, and perhaps even had something to do with the Varja's very existence. 3) Ranka was saved by Ozma from the attack, apparently disobeying orders. 4) Ozma seems to know that Ranka is somehow related to late Dr. Mao Nome, and may even have know her. 5) Ranka is 1/4 Zentran. 6) Ranka carries an implanted super-dimension crystal inside her. ... ZOMG!!! RANKA IS RIPLEY FROM ALIEN 4 and Weyland-Yutani wants her back!!!
  5. *points finger to Vajra queen* I agree with Shun
  6. I don't think that would have made me happier either. I find the the whole "sound force/energy" concept on Valkyries (speaker rounds/missiles/pods, guitar control sticks and such) childish and silly. That's the main reason why I haven't watched M7. They go beyond my suspension of disbelief capability.
  7. I seem to be alone on this one, but I really hated the speaker-pod thing on Michel's VF. Was about to puke when I saw the VF-25 descending with those speakers under the wings, lights flashing and all that. It looked like Michel's VF-25 just got out of West Coast Customs "Pimp my ride" style ¬¬U
  8. I hope the REAL KICK-ASS Macross replaces that dwarfed-wannabe the Quarter is from here on
  9. In line with my original comments on the topic, I'd find very disturbing that the whole (N)UNG "president" is aboard a ship that doesn't seem to have a lot of connection with other fleets. Hell!!, not even Galaxy which was supposed to be closest to Frontier. Let alone Earth or Eden, the most important human-inhabited planets as far as we know. What I can concede is that Glass is NUNG's President ONBOARD frontier, meaning that he is indeed a president "aligned" with NUNG and that his power applies to the Frontier fleet ONLY. Of course, this would give him a word on NUNS activities, as a commanding officer of the attached military fleet, like many presidents of today are.
  10. As of act 4, I've tranq'd every B&B (Mantis' the only one left), mostly using the Mosin Nagant (sp?) when in Beast mode, then with the tranq pistol. I noticed that if you use the Mosin Nagant, each shot takes almots a quarter of the B&B's psyque. So, 5 shots and you're done. I'll the stealth way on the replay. I've already killed too many and been seen too much, anyway.
  11. That would be an interesting twist! After all, that could bring both in a "personal duel" of sorts, seeing how both look like computer geeks. On a side note, Grace's activities and attitudes remind me a lot of Motoko Kusanaki, with the exception of Grace being more hypocrite when necessary (after all, she's Sheryl's PR person).
  12. So, unless NUN is a separate body from UNG, I don't think it makes sense for the NUN's president to be on board ONE of the colonization fleets, instead of on a planet, a "fixed" location. At least for me, that doesn't. So that little piece of info (Glass being NUN's president) definitely tells me that there's been some sort of secession among the original UNG, probably triggered by the events in VF-X2.
  13. Just took care of Ragin Raven (put her to sleep first, then cured her anger) and finished act 3. MAN, IS THIS SUCH A GREAT GAME!!! The story just got me by my balls. I've been surprised throu most of the story and have enjoyed it a lot as well. Still, I'm definitely not going rush style. I'm playing 1 act a day, putting people to sleep to get more items and then killing them on the spot with a head shot. I haven't really played stealth, specially the first act, in which I kept running around shootouts to grab as many weapons as possible (u know, more DPs).
  14. Maybe I'm wrong, but IIRC, the YF-19 was the first valkyrie to actually reach orbital altitude without assistance. The VF-1 needed boosters to achieve an altitude where its expecting orbiting ship was. So, we may not have official stats, but what we've seen in the series seem to indicate that: 1) The VF-1 wasn't able to reach orbital altitude by itself. 2) The YF-19 was able to do so, maybe the first, and perhaps most following valkyries could as well (thou I somehow doubt the VF-17 could, if it was a later development).
  15. Wasn't that anti-ECA (Energy Conversion Armor)???? Which makes a lot of sense, considering how only a couple of episodes earlier, Leon disclosed that Varja had ECA, just like Valks.
  16. I want this one on the PS3!!!! Looks pretty awesome for a 60% completion.
  17. Yeah, I bet the "veriteks" will be a lot F-22-eque, ala TF's Starscream, which doesn't bother me really. As someone else said, that would sever that current thin line that relates Roboshet to Macross. Also, IF this movie is a go, I bet they will entirely skip SW1 (with the exception of some minor flashbacks) and focus on a post-near-extinction-event scenario, a lot like Next Generation. After all, next-gen not only has variable planes (which coincidentally could be easily redesigned to look F-22-esque), but also power-armor, which gives a more human-friendly touch (see how TF focused a lot on humans, despite fans' hatred).
  18. ZEEEEEEERRRGGGGGSSSS!!!! Quickly, produce a bunch or terran marines!!!!! We're talking about Starcraft 2, right? Nooooo????? aaawwwwwww.... Didn't even know there was a ST2 movie. One was really good, despite the cheesiness, with really cool action-packed scenes and enough politically-incorrect not-so-subtle statements.
  19. I dunno. I just know I want some sub in HD (720p t least) is welcome and on MP4 (H264) to able to view them on my PS3/LCD TV. MKV's can be translated to PS3-readable MP4s but the subs are missing.
  20. QFT. Transporter felt like a classic arcade beat'em up. 2 went a little too over the top with the unbelievable stunts and REALLY bad cg effects (if few). Same here. Is that for real? I thought that it may have been a comment like something I read along the lines of the latest Bond incarnation being more gay-friendly.
  21. For you, it's "Admiral Rick Hunter" I think it is a mix between a sequel to the quasi civil war of Mac VF-X2 and the final fate of MacZero's main characters, the Vajra somehow related to both (protoculture tech + rebeling UN faction) Then again, I'm almost sure I'm wrong, so don't mind me much
  22. My favorites so far are "9 PM @ Don't be late", Infinity (loved this one!) and Diamond Crevasse in close third. So far, I'm not too fond of Ranka's songs (the very few we've briefly heard), not even Aimo, with its heavy Voices-like sound and feeling.
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