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Garou Kuroryuu

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Everything posted by Garou Kuroryuu

  1. You could use the control chatter from the beggining of the Macross: Ai Oboeteimasuka? PSX game. You take a look at it here and see what you think about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPF50nemYKM
  2. Is it just me or does Athena Saori look sort of fatter, particularly her face, than I remember her from the anime?
  3. Currently downloading the demo for PS3. Will give it a try during the weekend. Not too excited from the latest comments, I must say.
  4. I'll surely follow this. I've always been a big Mazinger fan since I watched first as a kid. Hell with the outdated series, I enjoyed the Mazinkaizer OVAs a lot... bring it on!
  5. I dissaprove the use of drugs and posting on MW in almost the same period of time.
  6. Still feeling old after the explanation Surely a very interesting read for any hardcore Macross fan. thanks, Zinjo!
  7. DAMN!!! I'm in SF right now, but I fly back to Mexico tonight.... would have been sweet to get to know some Bay Area MWers. Actually, it's been a while I hadn't logged into MW. So sad Hope you guys find a cool spot for the launching party. Take pics and post them!
  8. QFT. However, the basic premise has been done over and over. Place your bets as to how original this treatment could be. The trailer looks good in the FX departments. My personal bet on it is actually really low as for originality. However, I agree with Big f. Should be a good no-brainer weekend movie.
  9. If the Russian took the YF-19 to build the Su-47 Berkut, the Japanese are now taking from the YF-21 for their new fighter design. Ok, just kidding... sort of. The Japanese Defense Ministry has committed itself to the development of an indigenous 5th-gen stealth fighter. Take a look at these two pages for some info and share your opinions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi_ATD-X http://www.defenceaviation.com/2008/01/mit...n-japanese.html PD: Hope this hasn't been posted before.
  10. So, what's the url for this Over-Drive store everyone keeps talking about? Thanks in advance
  11. You guys may wanna take a look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EADS_Barracuda A lot closer to Macross' ghosts, in shape at least. PD: I love thread necromancy!
  12. We can have a midpoint. Char Anime Real Silya Blue Grayish blue / Platinum blue / Black with blue reflections Priss Brown Brown (no big deal) Lina Black Black (no big deal) Nene Pink Pink / Red I guess it's not that bad with the main characters.
  13. I find all of their "designs" (I don't think THAT even qualifies) are seriously butt ugly. I'd say kill the thread and let's forget we ever saw this at all.
  14. I was kidding, u know? Director: Takashi Miike <------- Very few directors are as creative in Hollywood as to do a Ninja Scroll remake and make it look half that good. Plus, the studios executives are a bunch of dickheads.
  15. What are these "side covers" several are demanding for?
  16. That's weird. Guess it must because of the licensing Manga Entertainment has in the US on the movie. Lemme look around for an alternative source.
  17. OOT: You worked at IBM? OT: What's with the endless remakes tsunami??????? And remakes of BAD movies!!!!
  18. I liked both Ninja Scroll (and still do) and Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend back in high school... Is there something wrong with me?
  19. No disk brakes? No speed gears? Where did all OT go?!?!?! Fancy yer Yamato DYRL helmet and yer set to go rescue Minmei. By the way, the "Ejection seat" sticker is 'bout to fall off. Hope a wheel isn't next
  20. I think everyone here agrees that Hollywood's wire-fu is ages behind HK's. 15 or 20 years ago, Jackie Chan's gang did some stuff (WITHOUT COMPUTERS) that are barely matched by most of today's hollywood's standards. Also, one must notice that A LOT of HK's stars are actually outstanding martial artists or at least acrobats by their own merits.
  21. Yup. Also, in the game, all kicks in the technique are done with the same foot. In the anime, he keeps alternating each kicking foot, thus not looking as stupid.
  22. Go with 1/1000 Quarter Pounder! Gotta love yer 40cm long Macross! Tiny valks included!
  23. Yeah, that's not Eddie (the AI fighter plane) but a Talon 2 (or 3, who cares) from the aforementioned craptastic movie. Is it wrong if I confess that I got the Blu-Ray of that movie? *hides in the depths of Earth next to Osama*
  24. You beat me to it. That was the exact same reference I was gonna use. That's the best non-BS rendition of the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku I've seen. He does 5 kicks in total there (if you count the one while crouching as the starting kick of the technique). As long as they don't put in more than 4 in the live action, it should look decent. A visual reference is always best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf_qhxd9kRU
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