Right now it is a straight oil wash with no pre shading, most of the pics that Chris showed me the panel lines do not have any real "shading" around the panel lines so i made it pretty clean and will give the option to Chris to shade it at this stage. I can't comment on how much Chris and I agreed to for this one, but to give you an idea I will likely have 70-80 hours in to this by the end of the project so I don't know if could do it for less than $400.00, that is really only $5.00 an hour! the thing about this kit is that there was 180 + resin parts that all needed to be individually cleaned up (seam lines), 2 primary colors, a half dozen other colors in different places, 2 sheilds, 2 guns, a ton of details, most of the parts needed to be pinned to make it sturdy.....whew!!!! lots of work........and a huge model to boot, i've never used more paint on a single model.