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Everything posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. Her face looks like a monkey to me in that picture... Seems that the previous micro Klan figure is way much better than this.
  2. Since I'm free, I have uploaded the Official Tenchi Muyo Novels (consist of 3 stories on Jurai, Washu and Yosho in html format) and the Official "Tenchi 101 Facts" Here's the link to download "REMOVED" It have been ages since I have watched the original Epic OVA, did the ova mentioned anything saying Washu is Mihoshi great great grandmother? Random interesting qoute from Tenchi 101 Facts: Secret of Ko-oh-yoku (Wings of the Light Hawk / Light Hawk Wings). Answer: It is a manifestation of God's aura. More details ... Ko-oh-yoku is a manifestation of God's aura and not a weapon. Although apart from Tsunami, one Tree can produce only three Ko-oh-yoku, they are enough to protect the entire ship. Ko-oh-yoku does not shut the incoming energy out but converts it to harmless one (one power exists that could pierce them but it requires huge amount of energy and a very big system). Incidentally, to increase the number of Ko-oh-yoku by one, twice as much energy is needed. (ie, Tsunami uses 2^10/2^3 = 2^7 = 128 times as much as energy.) Just wanna share these with other Tenchi Muyo fans who haven't seen them, pardon me if you guys already seen it Edit: Removed potential harmful dl link
  3. Definitely not the present Tenchi. In OVA 3 Plus 1(7th Ep), Please pardon my English.
  4. I'm a great Tenchi Muyo fan too. Have u watched the OVA 3 because u didn't mention it. Tenchi Muyo Novels(side stories) were awesome as well. Yeah we are talking about the newer show, not GXP nor GXP2. However the new show doesn't have any of the original TM characters in it. Edit: New OVA link http://www.seikishi.com/news/index.html Can't read a thing, only knows the DVD is on sale 22nd April
  5. Did the official or Comics or whatever ever mentioned why the Earth is splitting into two in Season 3 Part 1(Vol.3). When Hiro travelled to the future and saw Ando knocked him out, the earth(or Earth) was spliting. Season 3(vol3) also have "Earth Splitting" paintings appeared quite a number of times, but did anyone says anything about it? Heroes is a terrible show right now... the show has so much potential but now they ruined it.
  6. Yupe, one at a time. No Hiro and Ando for 2 Episodes. Is Rebel Niki's son? Can't spell his name.
  7. Sorry if it has been posted before. Lion Chinese version, the lyrics sounds very "match" with the original song. The singer has good voice that sounds abit like May'N, and the lyrics are definitely funny. http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/18827662-1225911892.html
  8. First of all, please pardon my English. This is the best Macross Frontier Music(Lion) played by someone(from my point of view), what type of Piano is that? That instrument is so Powerful, it brings a whole new kind of feeling towards the song, it is somehow sad and 'shocking'. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Rs8dJhaEBR0/
  9. The Art from the anime is right, however the Figure missed out the word "up".
  10. Hi all, sorry to revive this old thread, but I would really like to know how's the content of this book compared to the recent MF Offical Fan Book. How's the amount of Art work and Mecha pages compared to the Fan Book? Thanks in advance for any answers. Another newbie question here, does this kind of Art Book or Fan Book have any chance of getting a translated version? This Link shows the MF 2059: memories book with all pages in Chinese, and it costs only 3USD. Bootleg MF book? Edit: The above link includes 2 CDs of MF Songs as well.
  11. What puzzles me is that they mentioned better graphics and actions(from chinese translations), do they meant the graphics are better because they are Remastered and maybe broadcast in HD, or do they meant it's a remake of the series whether partial(some scenes only) or entire series. Yeah hopefully the pace will be much much better. Waiting for 5th of April to come. The new ova happens 2 years after DBZ. Personally I felt that GT was too sh!tty, hope they will not make any sequel after GT timeline, and make more OVAs like this new one.
  12. I know this thread was originally for the new DBZ ova, but I don't want to start a new thread on this news, so here's it: In short: The DBZ tv series of 291 Episodes will be "compressed" to 100 Episodes. Ok, we all know it takes 3 Episodes for dbz to screw a light bulb, thankfully now it only takes 1 Episode to screw a light bulb. Long Story(In Jap): 『ドラゴンボールZ』放送开始20周年记念! 最新デジタル技术を使いZ伝说がTVアニメで复活!! 2009年4月5日(日)朝9:00より フジテレビ系列にて放送スタート!! 『ドラゴンボールZ』の第1话放送が1989年4月。あの名作が当时の物语をそのままに、 20年経った今年、最新のデジタル処理により色鲜やかによみがえる 1 再编集でアクション性アップ!! HDリマスターでキレイになった映像と、これまでとは一味违う编集で大迫力のDBワールドに!! (something regarding the actions and pictures will look better) 2 OP曲・ED曲などが一新!! OP曲とED曲が映像とともに全面リニューアル! 本编の音响効果も再収录、独自の世界観を构筑!! (new OP and ED, new sound effects as well) 3 豪华声优阵が大集结!! 孙悟空役の野沢雅子さんを中心に、当时の超豪华キャストが再び集まって新たに声を吹き込むぞ!! (something about the voice acting) 680 名前: 名无しさん名无しさん Mail: sage 投稿日: 2009/02/06(金) リメイクといっても 昔のテレビシリーズのフィルムをデジタルリマスターしたものを 素材にに再编集、デジタルエフェクトなどを加えたもの。 音响はアフレコなどをやり直してすべて新しくなる。 作画を新作するのはオープニングとエンディングだけ。 291话あった旧シリーズを100话くらいに再构成するらしい。 Please pardon for my English
  13. I have checked the art from Ep21, the letters in the Heart are really "OP", it's just that they missed out the word "up" directly after the word "Call". Anyone know what does the "OP" means?
  14. I'm not sure, but my personal interpret for the whole Art is "Call Ranka(Ranka Picture) Monster Girl". And the "OP" simply is an one-eyed monster sticking out its tongue, just like the normal : P but from a monster.
  15. It should be 5 years and 3 months!
  16. INFP-The "Dreamer" (The "name" sounds really derogative). INFPs are driven by their values and seek peace. Sorry pal, I have to stop u! Seriously speaking, almost all the "INFP Career Matches" are what I wished and hope to work as.
  17. It's just only Ep5 that's crappy or is it every episodes after Ep5 which are crappy?
  18. Thanks for the info. I have 1 more question, please reply if anyone knows: Does the Original Macross F dvd supports 5.1/DTS or is it in Stereo 2.0? I'm a noob on Sound Systems.
  19. Could anyone who have bought any of the Bootleg DVDs of Macross F please tell me is the DVD in 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio? Thanks in advance.
  20. The more I look at this toy, the more I miss Yamato.
  21. Not true. All TVs (CRT/LCD/plasma etc.etc) plays any resolution which your player can support. The TV itself will do the up-scaling/down-scaling to fit it screen. Get Blu-ray if u can afford it. A 480p(resolution) DVD would need to do so much upscaling to fit a 1080 resolution HDTV.
  22. I guess he mean the 2nd release of VF-0? If that's the case, the title should be rename as VF-0S 2nd release or whatever suitable name.
  23. Watched the trailers, the concept doesn't seems right. Very disappointed that Kirin(sry, nt sure abt characters' Eng names for dbz) doesn't seems to be in the show, even Yamcha is in, why not Kirin? Gouku doesn't seems to be a funny guy like he was in the comics.
  24. Wow, we didn't even get to see more than half of Ranka's face on the front cover.
  25. I didn't watch this, but my friend did fell asleep in the cinema while watching with his GF. Yeah, definitely a must-see for HK film. What's that? Did you guys watch Ong Bak? The so-call Thailand Jacky Chan, Tony Jaa. For those who like fighting film really should watch this, part 2(not tom yam goong) coming out next year. Red Cliff(based on Records of Three Kingdoms, not Romance of the Three Kingdoms) was good also, part 2 coming out soon. Anyone likes Stephen Chow's movie? e.g. Shaolin Scocer
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