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Everything posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. I'm late. VF-0 has 3 schemes too. I hope the repaints are the blue supernova scheme for 19 and a orange supernova scheme for 21. A VF-19A Raven scheme would be awesome too.
  2. It's funny to see ppl are to two extreme of the show getting better and worser, it's a pity that I'm the latter extreme. I don't know, but from what I see, he didn't resist to mind reading. He was also K.O in Season 1 when Eden persuade Sylar that he's sleepy(might also be the help of Haitian power of knocking ppl out like he did to Parkman in S1). There was a debate of Sylar's kinetic ablility isn't restrict to his movement, meaning he could still use he kinetic power even he was unable to move. He did under the puppet mastery control, but his kinetic ability knock out the Puppet master and the puppet control thingy lost its effect. I thought he was also hypnosissed by his dad? However, he did resist one of the most powerful ability, which is Hiro's time-stopping ability, but I do think it's fair and square so i don't really going to complain about this hehe...
  3. I don't think these are consider loopholes, if they want, I'm sure they could come up with a story of how the Resistance recognise John as the Resistance Leader, but that's definitely "unrelated" to Sarah Connor Chronicles. Maybe when there's a John Connor Chronicles. Fighting the Resistance? Definitely not playing online games.
  4. I think it's simply to minimize viewers attention on minor matter that the production team doesn't want it to distract possible viewers' mood/attention on the show. I mean there would be definitely more ppl say "Hey, she end up with Clothes after Time-travelling and John was naked!?" Another reason is, I believe, the T-1000 do wear clothes on normal routine, so kink marks/crease/wrinkles on the clothes would look more natural on daily basis when meeting ppl.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought she was on her own and she wasn't specifically programmed for any mission. She did what she wants. I believe she would have say "yes" to join "John Connor" if: she wasn't been pointed by a Plasma Rifle (that's why she killed that girl upon self-defense). she didn't saw Jessa shot her own kind Jessa didn't try to destroy her by destroying the sub Anyone has any idea why Cameron says "no" initially when she was asked "would u join us" in the last episode?
  6. The show isn't getting better, I would say it's getting haywire. I would give Season 1 at Least 4.5/5 Season 2 around 3/5 Season 3 (vol.4) The Most 2/5 (For now) I dunno, maybe u might find it good.
  7. Strictly speaking, Stephen Chow isn't really involed in it. I don't even think his name is in the credit(Same goes to Shaolin Girls). And yes, he's a fan of DB, cool that u know that. He's more of something like a consultant from what I know, he doesn't come up with ideas like scenes, plot twists or storyline etc.
  8. It cut down from the original 291 Episodes into 100 Episodes, I won't call it some. I was hoping for remake of at least some fighting scenes, but I don't think they did. Good thing is it should be cheaper when the Disc is released.
  9. Dragonball Kai is Ep1 is out. If anyone cares. I don't feel like starting a new thread myself, so I'm posting it here. The new HD opening is truly amazing, I really wish they remake the whole show, but I guess it's impossible.
  10. And Vic Viper was turned into a transformable Mecha in PS2 Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. It was cool. A side note, all the Vic Viper in the Gradius series were different models.
  11. Never had the idea of Ranka is a Christian name, that makes sense now. I guess the discussion on names is enough, let's move on~
  12. I remember there are 3 of them, but I think that includes Jessica, so no more show for that Tracy/Niki actress. I don't see any improvement from the story plot(I do see deprovement from my personal point of view), the whole "hunting" plot in the show now doesn't really convincing enough for me. However in the other forum, ppl seems to be very happy about this new vol.. What do u guys think? O/T: Terminator SCC on the other hand, I feel it was better now(though still Season1 was the best), but ppl in other forum says it sucks now. No one here seems to be posting on SSC thread recently, so I think it wasn't good. Pardon my English.
  13. I would definitely want to see it in its Anime form, Sheryl wearing Basara outfit and glasses just like one of the MF posters!
  14. I would say family name "Lin/Lynn" first(since she was clearly a chinese), then whatever Minmei or Minmay would be more authentic, well as least chinese think it this way. But in MF Ranka seems to have a Chinese name(if it wasn't then I'm wrong), however I remember she was called Ranka Lee and not Lee Ranka, same goes with Ozma Lee. [or Lee can be also a English, French or whatever language name?] It's complicated, treat it as I never posted before here. *Hides
  15. Just like the word "Kungfu" (Martial Arts), it obviously originated from the Chinese word 功夫(Pronouced as Gong Fu), but why is it spelled and read as Kungfu and not Gongfu? Simply because English speakers have accents that turned Gongfu into Kungfu when they read it. As for Ling(铃) or Lin(林),min(Japanese got it wrong if it was intened to be the Character "明" cos 明 has a "g") , I think it's common mistakes by the Japanese, just like the words "Chanel", "Frontire", Ranka Daily/Dairy Life, "Autnomy" in Macross Frontier.
  16. The exact same clip have been used on Macross(can't remember the content), can't remember whether I saw it here or on the Chinese forum, anyone has it? Back to topic, I watched DB with 2 friends in cinema, 1 of them actually think it's average, and the other think it's funny. I just it's really lame.
  17. If only the old thread title could be changed, I just think it's a waste to "sink" that old thread, and to prevent similar thread from "flooding", or else tomorrow there maybe "How many non-yamato Macross toys do you have" thread, a "How many super-deformed Macross toys do u have" thread the day after next and a "How many old-school Macross toys do u have" thread. Well, I think talked too much rot.
  18. I think u can go to a similar thread here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...8302&st=660 The Legendary Godzilla has over 150 yamato. I remember there was something like "The Great Wall of Yamato" by someone on board, I was too lazy to find that picutre.
  19. I actually thinks Stealth is a great movie. DB is a little better than Dark Rising(The 7th son of the 7th son, oh Crap).
  20. The 1st release of Ivanov have Very loose Wings and the random hinge problem, I'm not sure about the later release. Nora's tight. Personally I feel Ivanov and Nora are equally beautiful in different ways. For your case, I would suggest you get Nora since you have ordered the VF-0A. I got myself a Ivanov to keep Roy VF-0 accompany. If u decide to buy Ivanov, make sure you check whether the loose wings and hinge problem have been fixed, my Ivanov have wings so loose that the wings touches the ground when posed in fighter mode when fully loaded.
  21. Cool, thanks for reply! Amazing that I just thought of this question despite being a long time Macross fan who loves VB-6 alot.
  22. Two-sided Disc do really exist, not dual layer that I'm talking about, and I'm serious. Back to Topic please
  23. Does the König Monster carries extra Warheads/rounds for the 4 Big Canons on top of its "head" so that it could reload itself and ready for the next 4 rounds? Any reply would be appreciated.
  24. Yupe, I think it's quite obivous. When it resume its airing? Hope to see Micah and Molly soon.
  25. I'm really sorry to hear that. I know nothing much about computers, the files have been with me for years, it should be free of virus, maybe it's the website. Hope that no one else download from that link, I will remove it now. Again, sorry danth, if it were anything to do with the files or website.
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