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Everything posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. Yeah. Not that I dislike the VF-25 or anything, but Classics are always the Best! I would rather they have a 19 or 21 over a VF-25. But really, they should have consider VF-1.
  2. Does anyone has problem logging in PSN today? It's has been a whole day for me.
  3. I'm very picky when comes to video quality, and I always download from mutiple sources just to make sure which is the best and keep it. Personally, I think that the Freewind ones were kinda bad in the TV series days(too much brightness, the other sources were fine), thus I didn't dl from them this time. This movie, I have downloaded the 5.38G raw(decay) and the 4.7G raw from 한샛-Raws, I would say the 한샛-Raws is a better copy. Especially when the opening when the camera was panning across the universe, the Decay 5.38G raw shows a very minor 'lagging' (maybe something gonna do with the frames I dunnno), whereas the 한샛-Raws shows smooth motion[i'm using VLC for both raws]. And when compared both watching the final scene, I would say the 한샛-Raws has a very slightly superior graphic(looks more crisp). Just saying. =)
  4. The problem, I believe, is the CCCP codec as they recently changed their subs into 10bit. I know they did it for HD subbed anime, so they might did it for 480 or 360 as well. Thus either you update your CCCP codec, or you download the HD version from other sub group, as downloading the lower res from commie probably dun work if you dun get the new CCCP.
  5. Is Chinese .ass file alright for u? That's what I did few days back then. Raw and .ass file downloaded separately.
  6. Somehow I thought this thread was about the Jet Li old film.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOhkqf5qulE&feature=player_embedded Not sure how many of the MWers are fans of Persona. I just can't stop myself from posting this excitment.
  8. Actually it was just the part that Ranka shifted the virus from Sheryl's brain to her stomach that was hard to accept for me. Unless Ranka was able to control the virus remotely with her mind alone. Or maybe I should have qouted another scene, when Klan was politing Micheal's Valk, at the part when she threw/past her sniper rifle to Alto, and when Alto reaches for it, he wasn't holding the stick but his hand was reaching out into the air. All those scenes increase the intensity of the show(might seems senseless to others) and were very well used. Anyway, I accepted those scenes and liked it. btw Thanks for clarifying. and pardon for the off-topic.
  9. Yupe, those scenes were totally logic-less, however, personally I like it. It was like in MF last episode, how Ranka, Sheryl and Alto 'fold' and made conversations(the scene when ranka slapped sheryl). How they ended-up in the same 'space' when Ranka was actually captured inside Battle Galaxy, when alto was actually politing his plane, and when Sheryl was actually on board of Battle 25. This was no logic at all, but I like the way it is. It was how the show make any aspect beliving, and not whether it was possible or not. My 2cents. =)
  10. Someone please answer my question: I have watched only the OVA version of Mac Plus, and was unable to see the movie version of it. Regarding Guld death scene versus the X9 Ghost, my OVA version of his death was very short, unlike the movie version I saw on youtube which Guld death scene was much longer and touching. My question is, does the movie version had more unseen and new footage compared to its OVA? Or was that simply because my OVA censored Guld's gruesome death? Thanks in advance.
  11. Well, talking about Persona, just saw this Persona 4 news, HD Fighting Game Based on Persona 4 Announced. "Newly announced today is Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka, an HD fighter based on the Persona 4 game, characters, and story. The BlazBlue team at Arc System Works is handling this project, with direct involvement from the Persona team. The game is due for release in arcades (in Japan, obviously) in Spring of 2012, with Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions to follow." http://shoryuken.com/2011/08/30/hd-fighting-game-based-on-persona-4-announced/ Always love the SMT series, Digital Devil Saga and Persona are my favorites.
  12. Saw this at the Chinese Macross forum. It was said to be the packaging for a new kind of sweet, not sure if it was true. Since it's China, I believe it's real. And they even put the sweet's logo on the VF-1 tailfin. =\
  13. May'n was at the ScreenSingapore Red Carpet for the International Premiere of her May'n The Movie – Phonic Nation 3D http://www.alivenotdead.com/screensingapore/Day-2-Blog-profile-1260538.html (Pohots & video clip) May'n singing Diamond Crevasse @ Red Carpet Gala May'N Singing Phonic Nation at the Red Carpet - HD Credit goes to those who own the website and videos. Sorry if this has been posted before. Edit: Changed the youtube link to a better video. Edit2: A even better additional youtube link. Once again credit goes to those who took the videos. =)
  14. I find Lara's features very "Asian", which looks odd to me.
  15. Although this is some sort of Animation and not an Anime, but still it was shown on Cartoon Network. I find it cool and wish to share it here. Didn't know there was such an amazing art in Taiwan.
  16. You didn't see my sarcasm in praying, what I meant was, rather than praying, we could do way a lot other than just donation of physical items. Why do you think the Japan Emperor step out to encourage his people? Do you think is a waste of time and he should spend the time on more paper work and plans and action to help out his people rather than just talking? Given what you have said, I can't help to think this way. I think the emperor's words were a help to his people. Yes, the people are still homeless, hungry etc. But I do believe this move strengthen the will of the people. I don't see how this is related to donations. I mean you will contribute less if there were less deaths? To me is the same, I will do whatever I can no matter how much the death is. (Edit2: I must say that was a shameful overstatement of mine, I was too emotional when I typed those. Pardon me.) Though I disagree with you, I'm not saying you were wrong. I share the same intention with you, we all want the Japan people to be safe. Edit: I understand I will be warned for a ban if I continue such posts. I apologise. I will stop posting such posts.
  17. Supplies are on the way. Yes, they are not enough, but what we can give more now than supplies are to give them hope, a jab of hope into their unfortune life. Other than giving more supplies, we can only give hope. No they are not well wishes. If money is scarce, how time can help them? Spend my time to pray? I would say by sending Hope, rather than spending time praying to god. A human body need food and water to survive, but a Man need hope to survive, need hope to carry on the hardship. I'm not sure if you have been through hard times(I apologise if this sounds offensive), I have been through those times. How scarce food was to come by, homeless, facing death at a young age. During those time, food was not what I think of even though we were so hungry. Hope was what I think of.
  18. First of all pardon my English if i have used any wrong term or word, as this is an sensitive issue and my English isn't good. I saw this Taiwan news regarding this 311(not sure if it is an official term) incident. They reported about this "activity/event"(can't think of any better words) of writting consolation letters to the people who were affected by this mishap while there will be people to translate the letters to the them. However, I'm not sure if it is only a Taiwanese organized "activity", or it is an "activity" by the Japanese officials? Sure the people who got involved in this mishap need money, blanket, food etc, but I believe that they need more encouragement, consolation, or any kind of emotional/mental support more than Money/items right now. Does anyone know about this letter writting thingy? I really do hope we could at least do something to help the people from "inside", giving them hope and such.
  19. I enjoyed reading this.
  20. I have read every post I suppose, but haven't found any answers to my questions. Hope someone could answer them. =) 1) How's the pacing or ratio of the Action scenes vs Character's Development scenes(story telling scenes), like for example the first movie we have battle for the first 20-30min then with 1h of story telling in between then again followup by another 30min of final battle. 2) What does the red VF1 do in the 2nd movie? Do we get to see it in combat? 3) How's the editing compared to the first movie. We have complains for the first movie that editing is bad, regarding the actions scenes. Anyone got any answers?
  21. Can't think of any right now. But I have been waiting for National Treasure 3. (And Z.O.E 3[PS3])
  22. I see. So it's very common in the Macross Universe. I didn't notice that. You are right. =)
  23. Sometimes Green hair look purplish in dark scenes of anime. Regardless of who the girl is, doesn't it weird to marry at their age?
  24. Wow, I salute to your knowledge! I will go check it out everything you mentioned, I didn't know there are high temp hot glues. Thanks so much for your help!
  25. This is kinda off-topic, but I have no one and no other places to ask, please reply if you have any answers. My PC Video card's heat sink came off, the "screws" that hold the heat sink to the video card broke and can't be fixed, thus I have used some thread to tie the heat sink to the video card(this way saves me a hundred bucks). Now the question is, will the heat sink be so hot that the thread will catch fire? I have search the internet for at what temperature does thread catches fire, but I have found no information on that. I sure sound stupid, but this is the best way I could think of. At least it worked for now(previously w/o the heat sink my pc keep on shutting itself down due to overheating).
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