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Everything posted by Repiv_Onex

  1. Are those soft toys yours and somebody's else? Because I think I'm the only one in MWF who has Macross toys and soft toys "living together". btw what an amazing collection that u have!
  2. To me, this new episode 1 is very disappionting when compared to the amazing Dec 07 version. Lots of details in this verion aren't clarified. Lots of action missing. The editing seems crappy too. Sigh.
  3. Add a poll for Macross Toy/Valk When I saw the Yamato 1/60 VF-1 in 2002, I felt kinda familiar with this toy, then I recalled its name, Macross... that was when I became a Macross Fan and started buying Macross Toys w/o watching ANY of the series. And it's weird as I don't collect any other stuff then I start to collect something I don't know anything about it. I was very very little when SDF Macross shown in Singapore, what I only remember was it was an anime with Cool transforming fighter jets back then. Suprisingly I don't recall ANY of the storyline but only the Valk. Till now, I have not watch the original tv series, macross II, macross 7 and Robotech. btw DYRL is indeed the best movie ever!
  4. Yeah Seraph is nice. I'm thinking of something like VF-25 Phantom VF-25 Messiah Messiah 1.Judaism the promised and expected deliverer of the Jews, who will bring an era of peace and justice. 2. Christianity Jesus, regarded as the realization of the prophecy that the Messiah would come, and hence called the Christ 3. any expected savior or liberator of a people or country VF-25 Orpheus Orpheus Gr. Myth. a poet-musician with magic musical powers who descends to the underworld and tries to lead his wife, Eurydice, back from the dead but fails because he breaks the injunction not to look back at her until they reach the upper world) The magic musical powers suits the Macross theme hehe...
  5. The Almighty Brief 25!
  6. Awesome! Come on mass produce it!!!
  7. And it definitely looks great under the sun. Awesome Wicked Ace! More pictures pls~
  8. I think because of the 1/60 perfect transforming VF-1 series, things like VF-11, VF-0D, VF-19(diff scheme) would be release much much later... Sad.
  9. Seriously, but why would one needs more than one account(for Wow)? We certainly know each account can have 10+ alt. The only reason I could think of having 2 or more accounts is to play account A with your left hand and account B with your right hand. Maybe account C with left foot and account D with right foot. But seriously why multiple accounts?? Thanks for any answers btw any Shadowpriest in MWF? Or is there anyone who only Pvp out there?
  10. I wanna know it too, could u please post it here or pm me? btw is the box condition good? I'm kinda picky on that.
  11. Sorry to the Bandai supporter, but I do think if Bandai is going to make valkyries, it's going to be a nightmare.
  12. Not sure about Guild Wars, but as for WoW, I suggest that if possible dont touch it. It's like drugs. I have 2 friends who are playing wow. Wow ruined their lives. 1 of them haven't been working nor schooling for nearly a year bcos of wow. He was a good friend who loves outdoors, and now, whenever we ask him to go out for dinner/movies/chatting/gathering/party/birthday celebration etc. he will say he can't make it due to "raids" in the game. I do play wow, but I play it for money as I sells them online, it earns good money
  13. If this is really what we will get... THEN WHERE THE HELL IS MY TAMPOOOO
  14. Look into the year 2007; Good news is that the nora's scheme will be available this year... bad news is I don't see any new 19 scheme... sad.
  15. Okay Yamato u did a great job on the 51, now the last thing u could do is TAMPO IT!!!.
  16. Actually I did prefer the Nora Type too. However I doubt Yamato will use the right purple for Nora's and I think Yamato's going to fail Nora's original scheme(Hard to get the purple we saw in Zero to material like this).
  17. Is it only me who feels that this Ghost doesn't goes with the Zero at all? It looks... ermm disappointed. YAMATO PLEASE MAKE DARK/BLACK STAND-ALONE GHOST!!!
  18. I was thinking like Peter freeze the time n stand close to the Haitian as freezing the time means stopping everything... but wonder whether power still can be absorbed in this way. Anyway let's hope that season 2 will be as good as the first.
  19. Sometimes even great people needs people to work for him. Do u kill to "aborb" power of every 100 guys that work for u loyally or will u leave some to assist u? And it's true that we can overlook the oddities since the show is so nice. e.g1 Why not peter just freeze time and simply kill Sylar in the last episode. Maybe fire looks cooler on his hands. e.g2 Why not future hiro tells Peter there's guy who can neutralise others power so that Peter can "aborb" Haitian's power to become Truely invincible? Note: Haitian power of neutralizing is "on" 24hours a day.
  20. Why shouldn't Sylar be killed? He's a mad guy, a murder. Imagine a unstoppable/invincible killer in the world that keep on killing special ppl. He should be stopped.
  21. More pictures PLEASE~~
  22. I have skipped the current original color scheme of the YF-19... just don't find it attractive. BUT I will buy half a dozen of them if Yamato makes something like that(above).
  23. I'm totally noob on this... so I hope someone here can answer my questions Thanks alot! 1. Does this set of sticker need any special method to apply to the YF-19 to make it looks as good as Takatoys' YF-19? 2. Once applied for a few years, when peeled off, will there be any marks or 'stains' left on the YF-19? I don't have money for 2 19s, so if the old set of sticker starts to peel off or if I wish to change to a new set of sticker on the 19, I wish to know whether they are easy to be peeled off or do they left any marks. 3. Do "takatoys" have any instructions or guide as to which sticker is for which part of the 19? Thanks in advance.
  24. I think Niki and DL might be Claire's real parents... And Hiro actually lowered his hand movement while "wooooosh"...
  25. Well said, I agree on that.
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