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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. It had the Beastie Boys in it. It was great. Out of all the characters, I thought McCoy was the most spot-on. No one was bad, but he was my favorite.
  2. Wow, thanks. I'd pretty much given up hope. I have the Terminator: Salvation T:R-I-P and I just wish it had a real plasma rifle and not some dorky pistol and a pipe. I have the new NECA waves on pre-order over at bbts, so hopefully they do indeed include the endoskeleton. I even read somewhere that NECA has said that the head sculpt on the endoskeleton will be re-tooled. One can hope.
  3. They simply postponed Judgement Day by destroying the files at Cyberdyne and (inadvertently) killing Dyson. Does anyone have experience with the Hot-Toys or NECA T-800 endoskeletons? Or if Hot-Toys plans to re-release their T-800 after the movie? I'd buy the T-700 but that just isn't the same and it looks like he doesn't have his phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.
  4. Eh. Make it a 1A and I'll buy it. In this economy I can't afford to shovel out money for every variant that is released.
  5. Was the Defender really that mustard color in the anime? I remember it being a little more subdued.
  6. Yamato just saved me from purchasing any of them, then. Their loss.
  7. I was charged for the stand-alone Roy but he was waiting for the 1J Hikaru to come in before he shipped my order. I wouldn't worry about it, Los is a good guy. We'll get our stuff from him.
  8. Absolutely no reason these shouldn't have the tampo printing at this price. Went from a maybe buy to a no buy.
  9. Any pictures of the Tu-160s that are in Venezuela?
  10. You lucky bastard. Maybe I'll run into one like that in my travels.
  11. I'm leaning towards purchase, but the pricetag is too high to justify an immediate buy. If it was $70 then sure, but it's the price of a standalone Valk. I'll wait to see what the consensus is amongst you early buyers before I pull the trigger.
  12. It's time like these that I'm glad I don't have a woman. Got a lot more spare cash and more peace and quiet.
  13. Just pre-ordered the VF-1J w/ FP and Roy's VF-1S without FP from Lost and Found. My poor poor wallet.
  14. LOS is getting a shipment of the standalone Roy?
  15. Forget HLJ, I'll wait for LAFToys to get it in.
  16. Yep gounna have to buy the non FP version of that. Wow.
  17. Doesn't sound like it's worth it if you've have the 360 version.
  18. I played through it about six times to get 1000/1000 gamer points. I haven't downloaded the DLC yet so I'm missing 50 points. Huge fan if you couldn't tell.
  19. There goes the wallet.
  20. You should go through the thread and update the gamertag list. For those of you who bought Ace Combat 6 was it worth it? I want it but I don't want to spend $60.
  21. Are all of these coming with fast packs? I'd prefer to buy some without if I can save $$$.
  22. That's cool and all but I'm not sure we need motorcycle pics in this thread.
  23. Goddamn yes MP Thundercracker in November. I won't jump on the pre-order until I see some painted shots but still FINALLY I can have the three seekers. I've been wanting them for 20 years now.
  24. With any luck they'll just toss out the 1A's all at the same time.
  25. This is my question. As a poor college student this is the only one I NEED to have. But then those Destroids are calling my name as well. $100 each? Eugh
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