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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. They try to make everyone happy by glueing the panel in wrong so that the canopy can't close correctly? Huh? I expect better from something I spent more than $100 on.
  2. lol that is what I did. It pissed me off, but it was easy to fix.
  3. The cockpit control panel on my 1/48 CF was glued in crooked. Can I get batty?
  4. I agree, but I really like Skywarp's scheme in both modes. It looks stealthy... and the purple is so dorky its awesome. But I spose that is what Classics is for. I can't really complain, I'll be saving money if I opt out of MP Starscream and go for the 3 Classics seekers.
  5. Yeah, but if they are going to muck with Starscream... what about Skywarp? That's the color scheme I really wanted. Danget.
  6. Low vis. LOW VIS. LOW VIS! Here's a picture thats floating around TFW2005, but it might be a photoshop job. I really wanted a Skywarp repaint. Maybe I'll have to go to the Classics to get my G1 fix.
  7. Guys, I have some bad news. If this is true... *sigh* http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.p...2334#post732334 "http://www.ipc-tokai.or.jp/cgi-bin/a-nikki.cgi?snakas MP-03 Starscream Law Visibility color Destron crest of wing = light grey white line marking at each parts partially red/blue in chest and arm" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! F*CK!
  8. I wish Bruticus was his original colors, then I'd actually snatch one from eBay.
  9. I went in expecting nothing, and I left very happy. I thought it was a fantastic movie. Best movie I've seen this summer.
  10. I'll have a stroke if Rodimus shows up. We might not even get Soundbyte anymore, I want Optimus damnit! Oh well, perhaps we'll get Soundwave himself once mass shifting is introduced in the second/third movies. (If they happen that is.)
  11. Yes, many times. And it is fan made. Good, though.
  12. MP-01 is being re-released for the Asian market this month... so don't buy one on eBay for more than $100... Big Bad Toy Store has him on preorder as does tfsource.com and Action HQ. I'm sure there are other sites as well.
  13. Yeah, but it was plenty accurate before. I'll still buy it, but I'm a little miffed about his samurai scabbard thingies.
  14. I like Aqua Teen, Venture Bros, Harvey Birdman, Robot Chicken, Space Ghost, Brak, and Sealab. I don't care for the anime that they show. The Family Guy and Futurama re-runs are great for casual viewers... but since I've seen those episodes around 10 times each they grow tiresome.
  15. You could try that... but I think the judge might just think you are trying *too* hard to get out of some little fine. Personally, I'd just pay it this time. If it happens again then I'd do something like get my speedometer checked or take the issue to court.
  16. That was good stuff. Really unfortunate that the series was canned here in the US. The Rebirth was crap IMHO.
  17. How are Bruticus and Menasor? Those two were always my favorite.
  18. I sold my G2 Constructicons at a garage sale 7 years ago.
  19. Ooooooooooooooh. *shakes fist*
  20. Yeah, but the CF was in EVERY episode!
  21. Well, this summer we have Pirates 2. Then next summer we have Spidey 3.
  22. I'm hoping Pirates 2 brings us out of the slump. I liked X3, but I know quite a few people were disappointed with it.
  23. Spider-Man 3 trailer > Superman Returns I enjoyed the trailer for Spidey 3 more than Superman. lol
  24. Hey! I like that episode. Yeah it is weird to see the Seekers magically transform into pyramid-like Cybertronian fighters when their robot modes look just like they do on Earth. Same thing with Jazz, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee. Soundwave is believable though... he transforms into a damned lamppost.
  25. Did you ever watch MTMTE part 1?? And if you are just going by the movie - well, judging by the shot of Bumblebee... that isn't correct. He still looks skeletal and goofy.
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