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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. I'm getting angry, because more and more LEDs on my Anakin ROTS fx saber keep dying. Do I have any way of getting a replacement? I mean, the thing hasn't been abused at all! It sits on the stand on top of my bookcase and that is pretty much it.
  2. Like I said before, my shipment of the wave 1 deluxes is on its way from bbts.
  3. Ouch, that is bad. I wonder if you have to flip the wings around to pull the legs down. I'd like to see it with the wings in the normal position, if that is possible.
  4. BBTS is shipping my wave 1 of the deluxe Classics. Woohoo
  5. Yeah, I read your post at TFW. Dang. I'm conflicted now. I cancelled my preorder for this first batch and I'm waiting for a Skywarp repaint (or perhaps the SS one, not sure yet).
  6. I'm tempted to buy that or the regular THS-02... but since I already have MP-01 is there really any point?
  7. Has the YF-23 been shelved permanently? I haven't kept up on modern aircraft in a while. And how many units are active with the F-22 now?
  8. Oh crap. I knew that. That's what happens when you get 3 hours of sleep after partying.
  9. JSF kicking the Raptor's butt? Hah! Don't make me laugh, guys.
  10. A sad day. It is such an iconic plane.
  11. Uh yeah, as you can tell by the watermark it was on TFW2005 last week.
  12. Robotech: Battlecry! I kid, I kid...
  13. You sir are a god.
  14. No, the new Alternator Cadillac is going to be Megatron. Rumble is a Honda Civic Si.
  15. I love them both. I don't care about Jetfire's arms, because I'm going to be keeping him in bot mode all of the time. Unlike most however, I plan on displaying him without his battle armor on so he looks more like TV Skyfire.
  16. I found Mirage at Wal-Mart last week. I was sooooo excited. He rocks. The only bad thing is that his chest doesn't snap into place... but he is awesome nonetheless.
  17. Underrated? Hardly. It is still considered one of the best games of all time by uber nerds. I've beaten it probably... 10+ times.
  18. I saw it last night. It is great. The entire theater was going nuts.
  19. TFW2005 has new pictures up, including a full frontal shot of Bumblebee. I'm liking it more and more. Then again, I enjoyed SoaP last night.
  20. When I got my Anakin Force FX last winter one of the LEDs was dead right out of the box. And then just this last month I realized it came with a warranty. I could have returned it. *smacks head* Oh well, eh? The chicks still dig it. (And that isn't a lie)
  21. Oh God, when I first read that I thought you said you were going to use them for customs! I almost cried. And no thanks. Super VF-1J Max all the way.
  22. After Super VF-1J Max, the CF has always been my favorite. The 1/48 CF is the only Valk I own.
  23. Pretty sure you want to drop off a few Super Max VF-1Js as well.
  24. It doesn't get any more canon than a CF. They are everywhere in both DYRL and the series...
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