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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. That costs freaking $1200? Where are you buying this stuff from? It must be those vid cards that are jacking the price up so high. Geesh. For that price you should easily get 2 GB of RAM too.
  2. I like how the guy didn't take it apart to paint it. Look at his hands. Boooo. I'll wait for the official Skywarp. That'll be pure love.
  3. If I had my cousin's lorica segmentata and his gallic legionaire helmet I'd totally wear those... too bad it is uber expensive.
  4. Last fall I had to make the same decision as you. I went with the Yamato 1/48 and never looked back.
  5. Mmmm, Skywarp. Delicerious. But what is with the custom guys using glossy paint? Ew
  6. Damn he looks nice with those 4 pieces of kibble removed. Or at least I noticed that 4 pieces were missing in most of the shots. Makes me want to buy him... I will wait though. Hopefully these QC issues will be fixed, and we will get a better color. I'd buy it if it were grey like so. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=37191
  7. Sad, but true. Man that thing is fugly. Definately a no-buy for me. I'll stick with the Ultra Magnus vs. Skywarp two pack. That thing is pure love.
  8. I'm going to wait to see if that Abrams tank Megatron ever shows up. That thing is badass.
  9. Like I said, Strike Eagles are all two seaters. Starscream is clearly a one seater. If the design team tried to match the strike eagle color then they must be morons.
  10. I can't wait to get my hands on Classics Skywarp. He's my #1 want in the Classics line right now.
  11. It has nothing to do with matching paint numbers. It is green with red and white stripes. Find me a USAF F-15 with those markings. Notice I didn't even mention the original version, you did. My point isn't that that color is more realistic - my point is that this new one isn't either.
  12. And this is in disguise? It would stick out like a sore thumb amongst USAF F-15s. (Strike Eagle aside... this is a single seater.)
  13. I can vouch for that. On top of my LED problems, my hilt is rusting. I used water to get the adhesive from the sticker off of there. Whoops. I gotta pack that up and send it to MR so I can get my replacement.
  14. One of the greatest South Parks ever... but that is because I hate WoW.
  15. I lurk mostly. Usually I visit the boards for the Hasbro figures like The Saga Collection and the 30th anniversary one.
  16. I posted a picture of my order from bbts two days ago. YES
  17. Sweet, I'm a member there.
  18. Nope, somebody named Jerry. I didn't get a last name.
  19. MR is going to replace my force fx! Wow. I have to send in my old one, but since the postage is pre-paid there is no cost for me. Incredible customer service.
  20. I got my Classics. [attachmentid=37049]
  21. Yeah I will deal with it. By not purchasing it. I cancelled my preorder ages ago. It's a non issue for me now. And with Hasbro apparently bringing him stateside eventually, I'll just get that version (assuming the nose isn't rounded/rubber so some stupid kid doesn't stab themselves). And yes, I was talking about bot mode when I mentioned Prime. I don't display my Transformers in vehicle mode that often. When I think of Prime I don't really think of the trailer. I think of the badass with the faceplate.
  22. I'd never had one before, and LEDs were dead right out of the box. I wasn't really sure if that was normal or not...
  23. I'll try, but I've had it a while so I'm probably SOL. Oh well.
  24. Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you there. MP SS does not equal MP Optimus. Nooooo way. Optimus still looks like his old self. SS looks more like Thundercracker.
  25. The thing is, the LEDs started crapping out as soon as I got the thing. >:|
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