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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Wow, those explosions look terrible.
  2. Blegh. Saves me $100. Like someone said at tfw2005, it is good to see that Megatron has good birthing hips.
  3. Uhhh... ok? I think we all know what it looks like at this point.
  4. It was left in on purpose. Jango hits his head on Slave I's entry door in AOTC. Apparently the clones are as clumsy as Jango. (yeah yeah are Stormtroopers clones? Depends on who you ask)
  5. I was in Software Etc. and the manager said that the Wii is THE system. We shall see. Personally, I'm going to wait for at least 6 months before I decide on a 360 or a Wii.
  6. I bought a Gamecube. It has hardly been used since 2003-2004. SSBM and Rogue Leader are the only games that are worth owning with the exception of the Zelda games. And that is why I'm not going to buy a system at launch ever again. Right now I'm leaning towards the 360. The Wii controller is nice, but I have a feeling that your shoulder is going to hurt like a batty after playing with that for a while.
  7. Hmmm I'm doing a hunt tonight. Hopefully one of the stores that I hit up has Jetfire.
  8. The problem with Soundwave is that the original is great as it is. For the Masterpiece they would give him more articulation and a better head... that's about it.
  9. Gobot fool posted it two pages back. As for complaining about it... I just won't buy from bbts. If people were able to get the Megatron reissue imported with no problems, this will be no different. I'm not going to pay $100 for a toy that was already opened. Keep in mind that it won't even be Joe that opens it, it appears as though someone in Japan will be doing it prior to it being shipped to the US. No thanks, I'll pass.
  10. I agree that the scene with Luke and his friends shouldn't be included due to pacing and how great it turned out without it. Luke was introduced perfectly. As for the C-3P0 sign ripping scene HECK YEAH! Was that footage lost or not? I've only seen a screenshot that looked to be of reasonable quality.
  11. The "First cut" with Luke using his macrobinoculars and watching the battle along with his visit to Tosche station to visit Biggs and his friends has deteriorated to this black and white that we see now. It used to be color. Apparently Lucas cut all of the scenes with Luke and his friends because somebody called it "American Graffiti in space".
  12. Of course there is. People got the re-issue Megatron imported no problem, and that is packaged in gun mode. BBTS is making a big deal out of nothing.
  13. It's up at other places too. There are alternatives to bbts. I won't be going there for MP-05.
  14. I think that was actually back to back. When they finally realized that Rodimus couldn't hold a candle to Optimus. Optimus beat Rodimus up, destroyed a Quintesson fleet and appeared to die in a fireball... and then he was miraculously found to have survived.
  15. Yes. See the one about there not being enough left of Megatron for him to transform into a gun.
  16. I disagree. Nearly all of the top 10 entries are stuff that Prime (and as a result, Cullen) said TWENTY YEARS AGO. What the hell? So he has to record the same crap over again? And the winner is from 20 years ago as well. I guess originality meant nothing in this case.
  17. I got Titanium Thundercracker today. Kind of neat.
  18. In End of the Circle, the SDF-3 is sucked into some weird alternate dimension. These "shadows" (in the book they are glowing orbs of light) abduct Valkyries and their pilots. Then, the kids on the SDF-3 start chanting for some reason... I can't even remember why. I think that the SDF-3s protoculture drives were taken from the ship. The Haydonites back in realspace are stirring up trouble and Tirol is transforming (wtf?) and going to some blackhole or something. Then, Minmay and Zor Prime (or one of the Zor guys) are on some planet in this alternate dimension where they find the SDF-1s protoculture drives and theres these little bunny things running around. So somehow, the SDF-3 gets back to Earth and it is happily ever after. I imagine that TSC will cover the ship's journey back home in this alternate dimension thing. I just re-read that thing this spring and that is all that sticks out to me. As you can tell, it sucked.
  19. Well yeah, I figured that much out. But he makes a pretty piss poor shuttle this time around. Then, Hasbro should release it with the eHobby release colors. That'd rock.
  20. I don't know why Hasbro has such a big problem with Astrotrain's colors. I wish they'd just stick with the "Anime" scheme and run with it. I don't know why they used white on the original toy in the first place.
  21. You mean Jagshemash.
  22. HIGH FIVE!
  23. I got my free replacement saber from MR today. Excellent customer service.
  24. I hate Cybertron... there is so much crap clogging the shelves here. Too bad you have to pay ridiculous prices for "meh" figures. Hopefully you can find them for cheaper.
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