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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Alright guys, one last question. Can I download Lair of the Shadow Broker when I'm nearing the end of the game, or does it need to be on my hard drive when I start my game? I don't plan on playing through until after a certain mission at the end of the game...
  2. I sent in my 360 a few weeks ago because of the RROD. It was only in the repair shop for less than 24 hours and it worked when I received it - but who knows how long that will last. Is there anyway that I can tell what kind of repair they performed? A day in the repair shop doesn't really allow for much unless they just took out EVERYTHING inside and put the new motherboard in. It's the same serial #, too, so it isn't a new or refurbished console. It's the one I sent in. But I'm a sucker so I went out and bought the 250 gb slim holiday package and the 2 year best buy warranty so I don't have to worry about Microsoft's crap if I want my console repaired. I'd rather have a brand new one if this one craps out than have my original one sent back after one day of repair. Plus that 250 gb hard drive will come in handy.
  3. THANK YOU. I'm tired of people saying that it is breaking because it is being transformed incorrectly or that the tight screws cause cracks during transformation. My original Roy was broken in the box before it was transformed. In fact, it was never transformed before I sold it - with the hinges tossed in for the buyer. It's only fair.
  4. I kind of like it less, now. Fugly nose - hope it changes a little on the production version. And how is that pointy IRST on the nose stealthy?
  5. Worked fine on Vista, as well.
  6. I reinstalled RA2 this evening and Version 1.0 works fine on Vista SP2.
  7. ^^ If you've never played Red Alert 2, you owe it to yourself to play it. I'm not sure how it works with Vista or Windows 7, though. This thread needs some Hell March: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-gI_pFog0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WqwFhX6Cqg
  8. Now I need to replay Red Alert 2. Wish I wouldn't have tossed the box that they changed after 9/11.
  9. I agree. So far, by the looks of it, we might be gathering fleets instead of companions this time. I just want Wrex back.
  10. Interesting. I had no idea they had changed the system that much. Thanks, guys.
  11. Well, I was wrong. I just hope it doesn't focus solely on Earth and turn into a shooter with a few RPG elements. I also hope that my decision to save the Rachni back in the first game will have a significant outcome in the 3rd game. At least show them as part of the combined fleet, ya know? Another question for you lads. I still haven't started ME2, but is the Soldier as effective with the sniper rifle as the pure Sniper class is? Will I be able to max out Sniper Rifles AND Assault Rifles, or has the point system changed dramatically from the first game. I want to try out the soldier because of that time-slowing ability, whatever the heck it is called.
  12. For God's sake I hope that thing doesn't crash. Talk about awesome.
  13. I don't play multiplayer, so I will wait for it to go down in price before I bite. That being said, this should be their last game with the current engine and game mechanics (at least in SP). Enemies that just keep spawning until you reach a pre-determined spot on the map? Come on, guys. That has been happening since the original game. The invisible boxes that restrict you to the world are also last-gen crap that need to be taken out.
  14. I like how other countries get seemingly unlimited supplies of that exclusive briefcase while the US only got a few thousand that sold out within hours of the release. I would have purchased it in a heartbeat. And no, I won't buy an overseas version.
  15. Prequel? I'm still not convinced. So what if the guy "looks" like he has Mass Effect style armor and a sniper rifle from Mass Effect 2. For all we know the sniper rifle was designed for the other game and then used in the DLC for Mass Effect 2 because it looked cool.
  16. Fantastic, thanks for letting me know for certain. I was ready to do New Game + as a Soldier on ME1. Managed to get to level 57 using all achievements in Mass Effect 1, but that was as a Paragon. I imagine as a Renegade you might be able to reach level 58 in one play-through, but it appears as though BioWare has deliberately prevented a person from reaching level 60 in a single game, even including the experience bonuses that come with the achievements and the ME1 DLC. I've never even played through as a soldier on the first game even though I have all of the achievements, but the bonuses for the soldier on the second game sound worth trying. I look forward to playing Mass Effect 2. Many times. I hope BioWare has good luck with their movie ventures. I know I'm eager to find out what they come up with.
  17. Question for you guys who have played Mass Effect 2. I just finished my Mass Effect 1 playthrough as a Vanguard. I have read that at the beginning of ME2 you can "alter" your class. Does that mean that I can change my class to a Soldier at the beginning of the game, or just change my specialization?
  18. I'm in the process of replaying ME1 so that I can remember which decisions I made and who I killed for whenever I have time to play ME2 (oh please, Christmas!.) One thing I forgot was HOW MUCH I HATE THE MAKO. JESUS. And yes I know they took it out in ME2. Thank God. Now if you will excuse me. *spends hours driving up crude vertical outcroppings to scan a lump of lithium*
  19. Kind of silly. I say call him out. I gave my hinges away when I sold my original release DYRL VF-1S Roy. As far as I'm concerned the hinges aren't an accessory, they are part of the model.
  20. Chicago? Even if it isn't, I need to hit up Chicago during the Air and Water Show.
  21. All I know is FedEx sucks.
  22. I never watched the show, but what a waste. "SyFy" (ugh) never should have canceled the original. Of course, the original was headed in a bad direction anyway so maybe it was best to just end it before it got even worse. The franchise started off so well.
  23. Give Toynami 10 more years, they'll get them out eventually. Of course by that time all of my Toynami 1/100 Valkyries will have turned to dust in their packaging.
  24. It looks like it should see a doctor.
  25. Yep, me too. Never have this problem with UPS. When it last happened I called FedEx and called the driver out on his BS, and what do you know the next day he stopped and knocked! Was that so tough?
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