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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Dang man. I'm glad I live up here in North Dakota where I can park on the street and not worry about that crap.
  2. That unpainted proto that we saw of Blackout looked fantastic. Any chance you could find that pic again? I've lost it. And I agree, I think his proportions are more "normal" when compared to the other bots.
  3. OK I will be buying two - Blackout and Skorponok. Blackout is pure love (from what we have seen).
  4. The only movie toy I will buy will be Blackout. Or whoever the Decepticon helicopter is.
  5. I hope... oh I hope that isn't real. Yes, society has come a long way in the last 40 years when it comes to homosexuals... but damnit Bond IS NOT gay. He's a badass womanizer, galdanget.
  6. Ah, I assumed that this was simply a prequel. Moneypenny wasn't in this movie, though. I thought that Vesper WAS Moneypenny. i.e. that scene was where Bond met Moneypenny and Vesper was a fake code name. I thought her Treasury job was just a cover. Do you understand what I mean now?
  7. So, is moneypenny used by Bond in the "later" movies as his own way of remembering Vesper? *confused*
  8. You have to realize that there are 1-2 other generations of kids who grew up with different iterations of TF who will see the movie. Myself, who grew up with G2 (G1 with added CGI commercial breaks) reruns and Beast Wars; then the younger kids who grew up on Armada/Energon/Cybertron, and then even younger kids who are just getting into TF. Add to that the people who grew up with G1 who will see the movie regardless of whether or not it looks like G1 and the adults and the rest of the population who will see it just because of the hype it will receive... and I don't think that it will do that bad. Great? Probably not. Spiderman 3 will probably beat it hands down.
  9. Yeah... right. Optimus head prop, Megatron prop, and the Bumblebee model used in filming pretty much make it certain that what we see is what we will get.
  10. Just got back from Casino Royale. Pure awesomeness. EDIT: And I think I'm a retard, at least when it comes to Bond movies. I'm a casual Bond fan, and when Vesper sat down and said "I'm the money." and Bond says "and the Penny." I went through the rest of the movie (up until she dies) thinking she was Moneypenny. What's the deal with that? Man she was hot, I was hoping she was Moneypenny so I would see more of her.
  11. I'm not sure what you guys are getting at, but I was implying that it will take a lot of work for developers to get any profit from PS3 games.
  12. No, in order for a PS2 game to be included in "Greatest Hits" it needs 400,000 copies sold. http://www.beststuff.com/fromthewire/sony-...ystation-2.html
  13. 500,000 copies of one game is a tremendous amount.
  14. Old custom. The tokyohunter guy made it.
  15. Lame site, and regardless it will never happen.
  16. Hit it hard against something soft, like your bed. That's how I test mine. That way there is little or no chance of it breaking. If it continues to have trouble, contact Master Replicas. Their customer service is fantastic and they will get you a new one free of charge. (you just have to send the old one in, they provide the shipping label) At least that is how it works if you live in the US. Singapore may be different. Good luck.
  17. *throws hand out* LET'S START THE OPERATION!
  18. I didn't say that Hasbro designed anything. All I said was that Hasbro approves designs and puts the brand name on whatever they choose.
  19. Yeah, the Sterlings are on some Haydonite planet (is it actually Tirol? I can't remember) and it transforms and flies over to some blackhole and sits there and destroys a fleet that is lead by what I think are some sort of bear-people. At least that is how I remember it. lol
  20. Some of the people at tfw2005 insist that these "are not Transformers", to which I reply: you don't determine what makes a Transformer. Hasbro does.
  21. It's the Haydonites. Basically, take End of the Circle and make a terrible movie about it. There ya go.
  22. Man, I've been looking at Resistance: Fall of Man and it looks awesome. How is the story mode/storyline? As interesting as it sounds?
  23. Two of my friends somehow each managed to get a Wii here in Fargo. As you can imagine, the shipment here wasn't exactly huge. I've seen Zelda, Wii Sports, the DBZ fighting game, and Trauma Center. Zelda isn't anything special, imho. Hopefully the next game that is designed solely for the Wii will be better. Wii Sports is awesome. Even making a Mii was fun. My dude is an alien (or as close as I could get to one). It's really cool how the Mii's from other systems can walk onto yours. Nice touch. Trauma Center is interesting. Kind of monotonous, though. Now for the DBZ game. First off, I know next to nothing about DBZ, nor do I particularly enjoy the cartoon. However, I thought that this was the best game there. It looks excellent, and the controller really shines with some of the moves that you can pull off. Pure awesome. Looks like I will be getting a Wii at some point. Probably next year sometime, or whenever Lucasarts decides to release the mother of all lightsaber games for this baby.
  24. No, he is a Buffalo mine clearing vehicle.
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