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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Best looking? Blah. I like the original three better.
  2. Indeed, when I play with my buddies I usually just dual wield and hope for the best. It's nuts.
  3. FPS games on consoles are atrocious. I don't know how people can like a controller over a mouse. That's why I love the idea of the Wiimote so much. No more stupid sticks/d-pads. Also, I don't see how a traditional controller would be better than a Wiimote for a strategy game. Are you saying that strategy games work well with normal controllers??? Pah! Give me a mouse anyday.
  4. David, I'd just like to thank you for all of your awesome fighter info and pictures. My desktop for a good 3 months was a picture of some F-15's that you had posted.
  5. Except that Transformers (the show, that is) was American to begin with. I'll give you Godzilla. Now, in MY opinion - the recent Japanese incarnations of TF suck. I'm talking about the Armadaverse (Armada-Energon-Cybertron). Heck I even dislike TF: Victory. Headmasters was the only Japanese TF show that I enjoyed. It's more a case of Hollywood effing things up. I'm excited for the movie. The toys are looking pretty good so far as well.
  6. I would say that you guys are being immature, but you can't beat the TF fan community in that respect. Many of the "veterans" over there are idiots, plain and simple.
  7. I'm sorry, but are we reading the same thread? I've been reading it since the second page, and only a few people actually like the design. The rest hate it.
  8. Yep, Screamer looks horrid. Ratchet on the other hand - I'm loving him.
  9. The first pictures of those were out a few months ago. Some people love them... I'm "meh" about them. Might pick them up. Who knows. I want to see more pictures of Blackout, damnit.
  10. I went into TRU yesterday... all of the TF pegs were EMPTY. There were a few Cybertron Voyagers, but NO classics! Amazing.
  11. Well, after a few months hunting I finally found Jetfire at Wally-world. He's pretty neat. I can't believe that some people were saying he was as good as a Yamato, though. That is laughable.
  12. I've spent... a whopping $120 USD! One 1/48 cannon fodder. Hey, I'm in college - I can't go crazy like you guys. Plus I have other things to collect (various Transformers, Star Wars 4" figures).
  13. Hah! Nice magazine. The 1911 rocks. I've only had the chance to fire my grandfather's once, though.
  14. That's what it is... Hasbro made that specific gunship.
  15. I've been tempted to pick the clone wars gunship up... is it worth it?
  16. I laugh when people complain about this "cold" weather. I would have waited in that no problem. Come to North Dakota and wait overnight. Blegh.
  17. Man, the fact that Nintendo had to recall those straps just shows how retarded many people are. I still don't understand how stupid a person has to be to send the Wiimote flying into a TV.
  18. In your opinion, if I don't plan on using these for dueling then is there really any point to converting the MR? Obviously the dark spots get annoying, but that isn't a big problem for me right now.
  19. Hmm, from that picture they really don't look *that* different. The light from the Luxeon is probably overpowering the MR. I want to see how they compare in terms of brightness. Like, say, a picture of one in a dark room, and then a picture of the other in the same spot. I'm tempted to send mine in and get it converted... hmm.
  20. Anyone have a comparison shot of an Anakin ROTS Force FX and an Ultrasaber conversion?
  21. Mmm, yes I forgot that the idea of giant alien men attacking Earth wasn't over the top.
  22. Oh, I agree with you there. I prefer the EU that is along the lines of the Rogue Squadron books. Takes place shortly after the movies. It sounds like you really hate the books with Admiral Daala as well as Dark Empire. I don't blame you...
  23. What, if any EU books have you read?
  24. He is attached to Blackout (who is a helicopter). That's why he has the no step and rescue signs.
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