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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Is it worth watching? (of course, you'll say yes ) I like the design of the VF-0 and the SV-51 looks neat.
  2. But my wallet would cry. :'(
  3. OK fair enough. Obsolete probably wasn't the best choice of words. I meant that it would suck if Yamato decided to drop the 1/48's and made NEW 1/60's that blew the 1/48's out of the water. @ Scream Man By definitive I guess I mean the best overall. Sure, some people may consider the 1/60 to be definitive for the VF-1 but I think the majority of the people here would consider the 1/48 to be the best at this point in time.
  4. What's hard to understand about "definitive VF-1 release" and "keep things the same scale"? It may not bug most people, but I don't want a 1/48 CF next to a 1/60 Max. Do you understand my point now? I guess it does boil down to the fact that I want to have an awesome complete line of VF-1 toys. @ eugimon I'm just concerned that Yamato will scrap the 1/48 line. That's all. I hope I'm wrong. It looks like it is being put on the backburner for the time being. Who knows, maybe that's a good thing? But when they say "not in the 1/48 scale" for the twin seaters, it has me concerned. Yes, Star Wars vehicles are horribly horribly out of scale. And ugly. But at least the figures are almost spot on. The ugliness and size of the vehicles are the reasons I don't collect them.
  5. Well, we've only seen proto shots of Blackout a few months ago. He looked pretty complicated. He'll probably be $30-$40. I'm not sure if many movie toys will dare break the $50 barrier.
  6. Am I complaining about choices? I'm not, and once again my point is falling through the cracks. Perhaps I'm not being clear enough: I JUST WANT THE DEFINITIVE VF-1. THAT'S ALL. With all of the recent releases in 1/60 scale and no mention of any new 1/48 releases I am concerned that Yamato will be returning to the 1/60 scale for the VF-1. If they are, then great. I just want to know if the 1/48 will be the definitive VF-1 toy for the foreseeable future or not. @ Eugimon True. But does each scale (price point is more like it, heh) need a full line up? If Prime is larger in the show than Bumblebee, do we need a Prime the size of Bumblebee? Nope. On the other hand, all VF-1's are the same size. And the "ugh" wasn't directed at you.
  7. I haven't seen Macross Zero. Am I correct in assuming that it takes place before SDF Macross?
  8. @ Scream Man I don't know if that tirade was directed at me, but if it was you ENTIRELY missed the point I was trying to make. I'm a college student on a tight budget. I can't toss around money like some of you guys. I want the definitive version of the VF-1. The point that I was trying to convey was this: it looks like Yamato is phasing out the 1/48 scale with the lack of new 1/48 scale VF-1's and the influx of new Valks from the other series'. I don't want to buy a bunch of 1/48 scale VF-1's only to find out that they have been rendered obsolete by a 1/60 VF-1 2.0. NOWHERE did I say I wouldn't purchase a new 1/60 scale VF-1. I'd be happy to. I just don't want to spend money on the 1/48 and then find out that the line was abandoned in favor of the 1/60. Call me obsessive compulsive, but I plan on displaying these and I'd like them to be the same scale. @ eugimon Your point about Hasbro switching scales on Transformers isn't a very good one. Transformers rarely have any set "scale". They morph/phase shift/whatever into any size that they want. Soundwave, anyone? Or Megatron? In the comics he could be held by a human hitman. Scale in the world of Transformers doesn't go very far beyond "oh this guy is taller/smaller than that guy". And even that is sketchy at best. *exhales* Ugh..........
  9. Even if I did have that kind of money... hell no. The shuttle is terribly obsolete at this point. NASA has to go on evilBay just to get the floppy disks for it. Pathetic.
  10. When I said "as long as it doesn't look odd" I meant in terms of the size of the pilot/cockpit. I don't want to have a 1/60 with a tiny little guy and then a 1/35 Alpha/Legioss with a huge pilot and cockpit. Nice point about Yamato wanting to keep the mecha the same size. That's good and all, but I think it would be just as cool to have the VF's be proportional to one another as they are in the show.
  11. I only said 1/60 because that is what Yamato seems to be obsessed with at this point in time. Then again, the Garland was 1/15. I could live with a 1/35 scale Alpha + Beta combo as long as it didn't look odd compared to the 1/48. But that begs the question - if Yamato is abandoning the 1/48 scale, why make *new* toys that are made to be the same size as a scale that you have left behind? I'm just pissed about the Max/Milia reissue and the VF-1D. Ugh.
  12. The only way they could redeem themselves in my eyes now is to say that they are making new 1/60 VF-1's for sure (mostly so that I don't waste anymore money on the 1/48) OR if they are making a 1/60 scale Alpha + Beta. I'd probably fall over and die if that happened.
  13. I'm in the same boat as you guys. I don't want to buy another 1/48 now because I'm afraid that the scale will be abandoned and/or made obsolete by an improved 1/60 VF-1 line. I was *this* close to buying the Stealth. I was going to place the order this week. Now... well now probably not. If I wasn't in college I'd probably buy one, but when you're on a tight budget like this you have to choose wisely. Also, I've never seen any other incarnation of Macross aside from the original nor do I have any desire to do so. All of these new VF's that are coming out mean diddly squat to me.
  14. I had no clue, I was just wondering. You're probably right. It seems to me like Yamato is kind of abandoning the 1/48 scale. Now I don't know whether I should buy anymore 1/48 VF-1's or not. I wonder if they'll make a revamped 1/60 VF-1, or if they just won't be the focus anymore. Sad.
  15. Who was this "guest designer"?
  16. Dang. A big fat "maybe" on the Max and Milia. No more Super, either.
  17. Oh God I was flipping through the channels and I heard that one time. I rarely watch Letterman so my first and only thought was WTF!
  18. Max before Milia.
  19. Shipping is through the roof, though. Over 30 USD? Ack. That's the way it goes, though. I must have payed something similar to that when I used ActionHQ (also very slow to ship) because the total came to around $150 USD.
  20. These particular sites (bbts, LAFToys) are based in the US. LAFToys has the Stealth for $125. bbts has the fast packs for $65. No import taxes there for US customers because the prices already reflect that cost. For him, yes hlj may be cheaper.
  21. Price is actually cheaper when separate (from those two stores at least). It's the shipping that'll get him though since he's in Germany.
  22. You could buy the parts separately. LAFToys has the stealth for $125. Bigbadtoystore has the Stealth parts for $65. http://www.laftoys.com/product_info.php?cP...;products_id=25 http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  23. *strings eugimon and Scream Man up as an example to those who would challenge Super Max and Milia* I'm in the same boat as you. Hell I'm in college and I'm probably going to buy 2-3 Valks this year. Last year I only bought one. I don't think you understand... I NEED Max!
  24. I just want to hear if they answered the question about reissuing Super Max and Milia.
  25. *sits and meditates while waiting for the news*
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