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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Screw these explanations. They might seem reasonable to some, but I'm going to jump on the retcon wagon and get the heck out of here. It doesn't strike anyone as odd that UN SPACY would waste resources on producing the VF-0 and the VF-1 at the same time? I prefer to think of it as an advanced VF-1. That makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Plus Roy doesn't die in M:Zero. EDIT: Exactly how big is the UN in Macross? I'll have to check the compendum and see if they have info. I know the Anti-UN is Russia for sure... anyone else? If the UN was huge then I guess having two airframes wouldn't be too difficult.
  2. I was about 30 seconds behind getting the news post for that at tfw2005. Oh well. I want to see painted pictures.
  3. Before M:Zero I knew NOTHING about the VF-0. I thought that the VF-0 was the non-variable test bed. I just think that it's strange to say that larger engines is the reason that the thing is so huge. I'm assuming that since the airframe was enlarged that all of the mechanical components for Battroid had to be enlarged as well. Seems like a lot of work for something that they knew was only a testbed... they already had their final model.
  4. I don't buy the different engine story with the VF-0, either. I agree with JsARCLIGHT. Retcon retcon retcon...
  5. Well that is unfortunate. I guess I'll end up waiting for them to go on sale again.
  6. Are you serious? *@$^@!!!!!!!
  7. Out of sheer curiosity - where did you pick up your MPC Alpha? I'm looking to get one for cheap somewhere just to display with my shtuff.
  8. Yeah it kind of rubbed me the wrong way, but he's from the US too (isn't he?) and you have to admit that our kids are morons alot of the time. I dig my new avatar too. It really didn't take long to make either. If you want something from M:Zero then just let me know.
  9. eugimon, what happened? You used to be so nice and cuddly. You seem so angry! Is it over your avatar?
  10. Great review jenius. Thanks.
  11. Ah, yes makes sense. I thought maybe I had missed something. Indeed they do seem to be focusing on new releases. However, if they are going to make repaints of the YF-19... perhaps there is hope. Heck maybe I'll end up getting Shin's if the final paint scheme looks half decent. That's alot of dough to spend on one toy though.
  12. And why not? Hmmm? I want one with the 0A fixes, at least.
  13. Is that just for the 19 or does the same go for the 0S as well?? I thought it was hit or miss.
  14. Did you yell "HIKARU!" when Rick showed up? Wait, was he even in the movie?
  15. Man, Screamer looks bad. It's unfortunate. Isn't he an F-22 in one of the comics? I thought that looked pretty badass.
  16. With the recent QC issues I'm going to have to wait until the 2nd or 3rd re-issue of the SV-51.
  17. Seems like Yamato's QC division has been on vacation since before the VF-0S was released. Either that, or there IS something to what someone said a while ago: perhaps we are getting the lemons out of Hong Kong? Yamato claims that they haven't heard anything from their Japanese customers. Hmmm.
  18. I'm digging that picture of the Alpha/Beta in the clouds. Hopefully I can grab an Alpha for cheap once the movie is out. Robotech.com is actually sold out of Scott Bernard's Alpha AND (shocker here) the YF-1R. This won't hold a candle to Macross Zero, though.
  19. I got my Stealth today... waiting on the fast packs. I had to get them separately. I did get a 6" flexi-display with it too though.
  20. He'll be remembered for the VF-1, and by extension the VF-0. To many people the VF-0 is simply an updated VF-1. Of course its the opposite in the canon, but you understand what I'm saying. Didn't he design Diaclone Convoy? If he did that's another one to add to the list.
  21. That was Conan, but I was thinking the same thing.
  22. There are several reports of Reagan making references to extra-terrestrials. Once was in one of his speeches (state of the union? I can't remember) and apparently... and I say apparently... after watching ET he said "no one realizes just how true to life this movie is". Of course it could all just be a load of crap.
  23. True, true. My profile already says where I'm from though. I welcome any potential stalkers! Well, wait. No I don't. I'll get back to ya on the CF this weekend at the latest.
  24. lol nice way to put it. Let me sit and think about the purchase for a few days. I tend to avoid impulse purchases. How much would shipping to US zip code 58078 be?
  25. They are that cheap? Hot dang, sign me up! Do you know if anyone has one for sale at the moment?
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