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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. Protoculture is hardly a term that originated with Macross. Regardless though, the way it is used in Robotech doesn't make any damned sense. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoculture
  2. She was probably involved in her son's death. I'm sure she overdosed deliberately on massive amounts of painkillers.
  3. Well, I watched it. My reaction? Meh. Not terrible, but nothing memorable. Things that stand out: Haydonite designs are terrible. CGI used is terrible. As many others have said, the bodies seem like templates. I hate that. The pilots are all super-SUPER thing looking in the abdomen area. Very strange looking. Stilted dialogue. Where the hell are the rest of Scott's resistance fighters? WTF?! Luke Skywalker doesn't survive the initial attack.
  4. I swear I'm the only person who hates the 19.
  5. Technically Lucas didn't direct ROTJ. It was directed by Richard Marquand, but he did such a crappy job that Lucas ended up doing a lot of the work.
  6. I wonder if Graham is actually going to tell us how his latest meeting with Yamato went? I'm eager to hear if there even will be a second-issue 0S.
  7. I'll have it tomorrow. I'm eager to see if it is as bad as people are saying. Hmm.
  8. I didn't buy any Energon/Armada/Cybertron toys, so I wouldn't know. Jetfire just wasn't as good as I was expecting. That's all. People were raving about it and I was disappointed. Just my opinion. It should be noted that prior to Classics the only TF that I had purchased since the early 90s was Masterpiece Optimus, so I may have been expecting too much.
  9. Personally I view the Zero as an updated VF-1 because it has the technology that is present on the YF-19 and the other newer Valks. The size is similar as well. Yes yes, it was only a testbed according to canon but a man can dream, no? The VF-1 is a classic though. It's probably my favorite overall.
  10. My point is that Jetfire wasn't even worth $20. I'm not talking about quality.
  11. I agree, the 1A looks the best. If they announce a Cannon Fodder + 2 others for series three I will open the rest of Series 1 and Series 2 as well.
  12. I wonder if Shin will show up? It'd make sense... kind of. I mean come on the guy just vanished.
  13. Personally I wouldn't mind if there was an OVA that followed the members of a CF squadron during Space War 1. That'd be great. But seeing that they want a brand new singing idol, I'm going to guess that this takes place after M7.
  14. Yes, there was a (vocal) minority over at TFW2005 who were equating Classics Jetfire with a 1/48. In my opinion even the 1/60 VF-1 beats the crap out of Jetfire. He's boring as hell. The only reason I'm keeping mine is so that I can have the seekers + Jetfire. That'd make a nice little display I think.
  15. Yeah, in terms of the froppiness. I just can't get over how bad fighter mode looks. It's my favorite mode. *tear* :'( Personally, I think the 1J head looks just as bad in person as it does in the pictures. I do like the 1A and the 1S, though.
  16. I wonder if he is even going to have a report this time? Seems pretty quiet on his end. If he mentioned anything about a re-issue 0S, Enigma VF-1 (unlikely, I know), something SOLD about Max and Miria Supers, or a new 1/60 VF-11 I'd be pleased.
  17. I got the sets today. I don't know what to think of these things. Fighter mode is super craptastic, but battroid is pretty neat. If you can't afford the 1/48 or don't want to spend that kind of money on toys, then go ahead and buy these. If I hadn't bought/held/seen the 1/48 before I had these I think I would enjoy them a lot more. As it is... man I really don't know whether I like it or not. I only opened DYRL Max. I'll open the rest if they announce a series 3 at Toy Fair. Or if I hear anything about the fast packs. I *was* going to switch to collecting these instead of the Yammies due to cost issues, but that changed quick. I'll just bite the bullet and buy the ultimate representation of a Valk.
  18. Agreed. But don't tell the TF fanboys that. They are nuts enough to think that it is as good as a 1/48. (hahahahahahaha)
  19. I've seen him a couple times, and bought him the first. He isn't worth $20 imho.
  20. Alrighty. I might scope out Target this weekend. I'll let you know if I buy the two pack. Are you interested in any other Classics? I've got Bumblebee, Astrotrain, and Hot Rod. PM me if you're interested in any of those.
  21. Ooooooooooooooooooh! *long and drawn out*
  22. I highly doubt that we will ever see a re-release of anything resembling the original low vis. The absolute closest we would get would be the Enigma. I like splinter camo, so I'd be all over that thing like white on rice.
  23. Anyone have a spare Skywarp from the two-pack? PM me if you do. I'm not interested in UM in the slightest.
  24. I like how they drug his name through the mud and then ended up using his work as the basis for their sequel.
  25. Doubt it. The only one it could possibly be is Megatron's (RUMORED) reformatted alt mode. Why the heck would he be a cargo plane, though?
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