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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. I was thinking about getting a 360 for Mass Effect. With these technical issues, would it even be worth it? I'd buy other games, but when I started reading about Mass Effect I really wanted to play it.
  2. The Wal-Mart here in Fargo had 14 Starscreams tonight, 13 after my buddy took one. It was an awesome sight.
  3. See, that is what really annoys me. To install one mod, you need other mods. It's just silly, and that is where the confusion sets in. Whenever I tried adding more than one ship with BCMP I'd get the black screen. I think I reinstalled BC at least five times along with copying the entire game directory. Now, Armada on the other hand - incredibly easy. I mean no offense to the BC modders, but what the hell were they thinking when they designed that Foundation utility? It's a mess.
  4. Really? Did you visit STGN/SGN by any chance? I was at STGN when they were making the original MP. Hell I was at the original Armada boards... I can't believe that was that long ago. And don't worry, I know who P81 is. His work is fantastic. So it sounds like I should install NanoFX, then DS9FX, and then the Bridge Plugin? I run into trouble when I try and pile the mods on and it ends up giving me the black screen.
  5. I don't think stores are getting any more in after this initial shipment.
  6. Why would we use an obvious plot device against the Galaxy class? That... that just doesn't make sense. Why not just shove those warp drives into larger ships? I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying I think that DS9's reasoning for that is bogus. Oh I'm a modder and a tinkerer. I remembered how to mod Armada after 7+ years. Bridge Commander is tedious by comparison. I think I had installed NanoFX and DS9FX, and I was trying to install some new ship models. Or does DS9FX come with the models? I can't remember. It'd be so nice if everyone packaged them in that BCMI format. EAS and ditl have 8. Memory Alpha is missing the Trinculo and Magellan. I guess they were CGI models in Sacrifice of Angels.
  7. Do you mean that the show scrapped it or they scrapped it in-universe? The Defiant was originally designed to fight the Borg, and then when their huge invasion didn't pan out Starfleet decided to set it on the backburner. You're right about the families. Yep. We know the names of 8, 3 of which have been destroyed (Yamato, Odyssey, Enterprise-D) and one of which was only in an alternate-reality Voyager episode (Challenger). That leaves four, and considering that the fleets on DS9 had 3-4 by themselves I'm sure there are at least 12 total.
  8. That's the Norway class. IIRC the Saber was in some of the DS9 battles. Good Star Trek ship websites: http://www.ditl.org/ http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/ Haha beaten by hours with the links. The Defiant having more phaser power than the Galaxy makes no sense. Where does the Defiant get all of its power from? It's a small ship, so one would think the strength would be at least somewhat proportional. You are right in saying that the Galaxy isn't a battleship, but it certainly wasn't a cruise ship. It was more of an exploration vessel that was more than capable of defending itself. Also, are we sure that all Galaxy class ships had families? I haven't seen the DS9 episode with the Odyssey, so I really have no idea. One last thing - anyone play Bridge Commander? I reinstalled that a few weeks ago and tried to get some mods installed... what an ordeal. It has to have the most cumbersome mod installation process around.
  9. My only problem with the Defiant is the weapons. It is supposed to have more phaser power than a Galaxy class. Akira is my #1 favorite followed by the Nebula. And what is with the Galaxy hate? It's the largest (by volume) ship produced by Starfleet. I wouldn't expect any ship to survive several kamikaze attacks.
  10. Nah the Miranda is just as awesome. I'll be disappointed if the new one looks anything like the Akiraprise.
  11. I was surprised those links got by you guys in the first place.
  12. Edit by JsARCLIGHT Keep it PG-13 guys.
  13. Eugh... Hello split season into 2009++.
  14. :| I just used 70% on mine last night. Yikes.
  15. I bought my CF from Action HQ. The only problem I had was the time it took to get here after it was shipped. Then again I probably used the cheapest method, I can't really remember for sure.
  16. I don't see what the Dominion War has to do with the movie... I'd be surprised if there was ANY TNG-era battle scenes.
  17. Let me know how that goes. I don't have the steadiest hands in the world.
  18. Razor was pretty enjoyable. I'm not a huge fan of the chick they threw in there, but I'll deal. Good battle scenes.
  19. Just by MP-01 or MP-04. It's worth it + you get the gun.
  20. I plan on watching it this Friday with a buddy of mine. Should be a good time.
  21. Neato. I gave a buddy of mine who works at Wal-Mart the upc, so hopefully I'll find out if they are going to get any. The toy department was pretty clueless when he asked them about it.
  22. Yeah, no kidding. I saw you posted in the thread over @ TFW. I feel for you guys. Besides, who doesn't have a Wal-Mart near them? You'd have to live in the middle of nowhere. Even North Dakota has Wal-Marts all over the place. So far Fargo doesn't have any. How about the Cities?
  23. Starscream is on bbts now... for $94. As far as I can tell it IS NOT the Japanese version. Shame on bbts!
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