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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. I have come to the conclusion that I am a huge moron. For some stupid reason I decided to turn the console from the horizontal to the vertical with a disc being read. Why oh WHY did I do that?! Now my Mass Effect disc is trashed, and it looks like the damn drive is causing some scratching on the other discs when it wasn't doing so before. Looks like I'm out $60 for another copy of Mass Effect for sure, and I should probably blow who knows how much on a new drive. And I imagine I have to send it in to get the drive replaced? Has anyone else been this monumentally retarded?
  2. I'm trying to decide whether or not the wireless adapter is worth it. I mean... $100? Come on.
  3. Well what the hell. Is she the one that is stuck on some planet? I think I'm going to wait for her to go insane, then I'll show up. Also, I thought you could do the same thing with Ashley? wink wink nudge nudge
  4. Is she an asari? We can have an asari in our party?
  5. Hey! I haven't seen Liara without her helmet yet! Thanks for ruining the game. Yeah, I still haven't left the citadel. I have a feeling this first playthrough is going to be 40+ hours. At least I'm getting my money's worth.
  6. I'm sticking with Ashley for sure. I think I'll keep Kaiden as well because I'm a xenophobic dickhead.
  7. lol yeah. I'm taking it slowly and exploring everything. What's more effective? Tech or biotics? I'd prefer a hybrid between one of those and weapons.
  8. I just landed on the citadel, so I only have Ashley and Kaidan. The problem is that I didn't use the powers at all on New Eden because I flat out forgot about them. Perhaps I should just go with a class that shoots enemies instead? And one more thing - there isn't a way to switch between party members like KOTOR, is there? Do you only have control over Shepard?
  9. Is Adept worthless for my first Mass Effect playthrough? I'm starting to think it was the wrong choice since I'm usually just shooting everything. I'm leaning towards starting over with Soldier or Infiltrator. Any thoughts?
  10. Like many of you guys, I felt that the movie was actually quite decent with the exception of the ending. Here's to hoping that the DVD will be an extended cut.
  11. Interesting. I'm glad I just stuck with my single 1/48. Mixing up scales in any toy line bugs the hell out of me.
  12. In my opinion Season 1 is one of the greatest seasons I've seen on television, period. Every episode was solid, and you cannot beat the cliffhanger of episode 13.
  13. My normal DVDs are like that. Especially in the beginning of the miniseries as you mentioned.
  14. Very refreshing considering our fighters are typically all grey.
  15. I've been tempted by this thing for the last few days. The only problem I have is that I don't have anything else in 1/32 scale.
  16. You just gotta pick one thing and run with it. I ended up playing KOTOR 1 over 10 times because I wanted to see everything that happened.
  17. Now that you guys have played through the game once or twice, do you have any suggestions for anyone who hasn't started yet? No spoilers, just suggestions.
  18. What? Mass Effect is a trilogy? Looks like I'm definitely getting that 360.
  19. I haven't read the entire thread - but I assume you guys have looked at slusho.jp? It talks about some weird "seabed nectar" that is their secret ingredient. It mentions giant whales as well.
  20. It's the exact same mold with different colors. The die cast isn't changed.
  21. Ahaha Grant is a Robotech nerd? And Kari... ahchachachachachacha.
  22. Amazon has some good deals on DVDs. I picked up Hot Fuzz for $9.99.
  23. Good to hear. From what everyone is saying the issues seem relatively minor. I'm not someone who requires 60 frames per second 100% of the time. As for other games - I'd buy Call of Duty 4 right away. I'm sure there'd be others as well.
  24. I assume the game is somewhat similar to KOTOR? I must have played that game all the way through at least ten times.
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