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Everything posted by HoveringCheesecake

  1. I'm very excited for this. Hopefully Craig can beat his performance in Casino Royale. EDIT: Oh man, November 7?! I can't wait.
  2. I guess there's a screenshot of the interior of one of the corridors at http://www.ncc-1701.com/ The corridors look like they are from the Galactica.
  3. This. This is an excellent analogy.
  4. They are claiming that Paramount is charging too much for their movies, but I see it the opposite way. If every other large theater company in the US can man up and pay for the movie then Marcus is the one acting like a spoiled little child. But I don't want to drag this topic too far from Cloverfield so I'll drop the Marcus theaters BS. I'm just pissed is all.
  5. I'm glad it did well. Hopefully Marcus Theaters will stop being pricks and actually start showing movies on time instead of waiting a month to release them. They have done nothing but lose money in this case, I think they were banking on the fact that Paramount was overestimating how well the movie was going to do. Haha.
  6. Marcus Theaters is great, amirite? I mean, who doesn't love their lame intro they play with the synth and clips from movies released in 2005??
  7. Lovely teaser trailer, but then again I shouldn't expect much from a teaser trailer anyway. Hell, I thought the fake one was just as good.
  8. I found out today that my local theater won't be showing it. It's a chain that covers Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Ohio. Unfortunately they also bought the theaters here in Fargo, so now I'm boned. Apparently they won't show it because the studio won't give them a good deal? What? They did this with Sweeney Todd as well. Bizarre.
  9. lol I can just see the skinny, stupid, make-up drenched hosts saying this.
  10. I read that article earlier today. What an idiot.
  11. I'm going to go with Dee or Gaeta. I still can't forget the Season 1 finale when Boomer returns to the Galactica and Gaeta is the first person to greet her and shakes her hand in a way that makes it look like he is handing her something. Now, Boomer would probably have her own gun, but that scene has always thrown me off.
  12. For those of you who liked the Mass Effect music, here's the Myspace (yes, yuck) for the band who did the credits song. I'm such a nerd that I plan on buying the OST. http://www.myspace.com/faunts
  13. Anyone had their 360 get the RRoD? Mine hasn't, but the console rattles from time to time. It also whistles, but I think that is my craptastic disc drive. I'm guessing it is one of the loud BenQ's. But hey, at least I was able to beat Mass Effect. It looks like for half of the people ME either causes the unreadable disc error or throws the console into a downward spiral that ends in the ring of death. The thing is, it can't be the game's fault because the rest of us can play the game without those issues.
  14. Yeah, same here. You get used to it after a while, but it is still disappointing.
  15. Nah, I don't think the engine sucks. They just need to use a cache on the hard drive like you guys were suggesting farther back in the thread. Consider yourself lucky. I have it everywhere. However, I did have Kaidan in my party so perhaps that had something to do with it. He's going to sit in the Normandy during my next playthrough. Hey look at that, I have an account at BioWare. Haven't used it since 2003... wow.
  16. I'm going back through and reading your guys' post from when ME came out and so far I haven't read much about texture pop up with the environments. Did any of you experience that? I get it on both characters and environments on my new 360. Any ETA on the DLC? (lol) I don't have Live, so I'm not sure where I would go to find info on it.
  17. Oh don't worry, I usually use Firefox. When I say I reformatted, I literally meant that I had just reformatted. It's funny you mention that, though. IE is the reason I had to reformat. Long story for another thread however.
  18. Sorry about the missing spoiler tag. I just re-formatted and IE6 crashes when I try to open the "More Options" button.
  19. Well, I beat Mass Effect. It was very good, but like most games it has a few flaws. I didn't like how every uncharted planet was a hilly, craggy mess. The Mako is full of glitches as well - I don't know how many times I ran over an enemy only to have them stuck in my grill and alter the physics of the Mako. It's alot of fun to be floating sideways while the Geth walkers blow you to pieces. My one other beef revolves around omni-tools, dropped items, and credits. I ended up with 999 omni-tools and 9,999,999 credits... What is the point? I experienced the same thing with credits when I played the KOTOR games. It has no value when you can sell the thousands of items dropped by dead enemies or discovered on dead corpses/probes/ruins. The omni-tools and credits revolve around the dropped items (at least for me), so I think if they toned that down the game would be much better. Fancy armor and weapons should be coveted, but instead you find a better one five minutes later when a dead Geth drops fifty upgrades and you find three assault rifles stashed in a crate. I think I read that there were two endings. Is that just the one regarding the during the final fight, or is there an entirely different ending depending on Paragon/Renegade?
  20. Has anyone ever managed to get an indigenous lifeform stuck on the grill of the Mako? I have! I was on Nodacrux and I ran over these animals that looked similar to horses. Wouldn't you know the damn thing got stuck in the grill and flopped around while I drove away. Classic.
  21. Hah, he's usually in my party. But, for me at least, the character textures aren't the only ones loading slowly. The environment lags behind a bit as well.
  22. Hmm. A buddy bought me ME. I'll have to ask him if he has the receipt. I doubt it. As for the replacement disk - I'm willing to pay the full price just so that I can play the game tonight. I'm sure it'd take a little while if I could get one from MS. On another note, are the Mass Effect texture loading issues fixed with any downloadable updates? I'm getting sick of the game looking like it is from the late 90s after I load a savegame or move to a new area.
  23. It looks like my worries about disk scratching were unfounded. I played FM2 for a good hour+ and there was no scratches. I'll do that David. I doubt they will but it is worth a try. I suppose getting disks trashed like this is fairly common since it is such an easy thing to do. I had actually read the directions in the booklet that said specifically NOT to do this, but I just spaced and forgot about it. One thing - does your guys' drive make a loud vibrating noise when you close the tray without a disk? I can't remember if it did that before.
  24. Thoughts on the drive? I'm worried it is going to damage my other disks.
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