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About mph2501

  • Birthday 10/18/1974

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Cannon Fodder

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  1. These things are impossible to get nowadays. Screw it, I'm done collecting. Bandai can go to hell.
  2. You're the best, Kurisama. Don't let it get you down. As someone who also struggles with depression, I know how it can be. Know that you have everyone's support!
  3. This. THIS SO MUCH. I've only got the Sylvie version; for people with other versions, are there connectors and refinements Sylvie's doesn't have? It's a floppy mess! Also, something I encountered with the standalone SAP: if you dare open the gunpod door on the arm armor, you'll never get it to stay closed again. I'm considering embedding magnets in them and the legs just so the thing will hold together, but I'm thinking it'll be more worthwhile to just sell it off.
  4. mph2501

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Took the plunge on one too. Fingers crossed!
  5. Any idea when preorders will be up for it?
  6. The tragedy there is that their ZOE toys are brilliant, more so than the Revoltechs, but sadly, less zoomable. I'm always nervous taking my Jehuty from the stand, and didn't take the plunge on an Anubis.
  7. Question is, do I sell off my Sylvie version in time to buy the Nexx, or do I just hang onto it in hopes they make a SAP?
  8. I've just about given up on Bandai. With the fantastic quality of this YF-19 release (well, besides the neck cover) Arcadia deserves my money more than them. Plus, they were already on thin ice with me for turning out better versions of the VF-25, versions which they should've turned out in the first place. Screw you, Bandai.
  9. Can someone use Kickstarter to just buy Harmony Gold and get rid of them for all time? Cuz that'd solve A LOT of problems and get us things like PS3/Vita games and all sorts of other Macross goodies..
  10. Ugh, no more VF-19's. We need more newer models and less retreads of the old stuff. A VA-3 Invader would finish out the VF-X Valkyries, while a VF-14 would be just plain badass. (Dare I say it, maybe some of Kawamori's Air Cavalry designs?)
  11. Nice work! I need a set of these to attach to my Matchbox SDF-1. The TV-version carriers just don't cut it for me.
  12. Between the constant renewals from Bandai and the fact that they instantly sell out, I'm about ready to give up on the Frontier series entirely. Plus, these YF-27 and 29 super parts don't do anything for the designs anyway, IMO. A backpack and some leg armor is dropping the ball compared to the Tornado parts (and those are hard as hell to find, too). If Yamato had picked up the Frontier series..... well, who knows, but at least they have their process down, if the VF-4 is any indication (even though the little missiles drop off if you look at it crosswise). Sorry for being bitter, the combination of all these things and the uncertainty about the Yamato switchover is leaving me frustrated....
  13. When they release something other than a VF-1 (like, a VA-3 Invader, maybe?) then I'll jump for joy. Till then, I'll look at my VF-4 and hope quietly.
  14. If I may be so bold as to suggest something, how about a set of ARMD carriers for the old Matchbox SDF-1? I know they're not widespread, but maybe other folks besides myself who own the thing would be willing to shell out for a set?
  15. If I might make a suggestion, something I'd buy would be kits to upgrade the v1 Bandai VF-25's to Renewal versions.
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