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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. Agreed at first the track list seemed very random so to speak. It is like the OST wants to tell the story using just music.
  2. Mr.March you should be put up for sainthood I really love your site for details.
  3. Oh me oh my. That is definately some sexy Klan Klan action. Oh how can someone not love such a sexy Meltran?
  4. The faces are far more pointed and some of the characters are drawn different. Best example as Graham stated is that Sheryl seems extremely thin best case and point the shower scene.
  5. Also agreed on. The anata was too what is the word I am looking for... farmiliar for it to be that she didn't recognize something.
  6. True but there is some history even if they were childhood friends. Still until Ranka finally starts to let her old memories flow we won't know.
  7. Infinity Aimo Triangle I think Infinity got me because it became attached to intense battle at the end of ep 7.
  8. Its cool my overwhelming love for the carrot has over taken my mind. I agree with you though whole heartly there is more then we are seeing here.
  9. Agreed. Only way I could think of 13 and then 13 more kinda like Black Lagoon is if there is a complete arc change which I don't forsee.
  10. I said that earlier Gubaba. My feeling is they are possibly related because she seemed to recognize him. Plus we have to pick through all of Ranka repressed memories.
  11. The Carrot song now owns my soul.... why because Ranka looks so damn cute.
  12. It should get an English track considering we are in the same region code. It would be strange if there wasn't.
  13. I am starting to wonder if Ranka and Brera are related. Clearly that little green guy was looking for her the song links them too. We will just have to see what comes forth when Ranka stops repressing her memory.
  14. Okay this is awesome. Now I just need to a MF theme for my phone.
  15. Oh there is much love for the ニンジーン!
  16. Agreed because they always put it right before the episode you really really want to watch.
  17. This going to be a long week of complaining about quality. Yes it was no ep 7 but come on people they are keeping the money in our mecha pr0n. So long as the story is still up to snuff I can forgive a dip in animation.
  18. That is so much hair to fit under that tiny helmet. So sexy though even the miclone has grown on me since she is so damn cute but full size hubba hubba.
  19. It is that Zentradi love so deculture!
  20. You should be careful on using the term Jap. We do have Japanese members on the boards.
  21. I am hoping for a Macross PS3 game because I need some VF action. I wasn't willing to crack open my ps2 for imports for the last one so I am hopen.
  22. They have made games on series people wouldn't have thought of. I do forsee an A.C.E game though with MF for sure. Hopefully it will come to PS3 because then I can play it on my PS3 darn region locks on the other systems.
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