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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. The Griffin thing was in the 8th episode it was near the carrot cart.
  2. Now that you mention it I went Doc Brown there. Now Misaforver has to run around talking to himself about messing with time lines.
  3. Why does the file have to be so big. I am looking to see how MacZero fits with the series as a whole. MacZero was good but as Master Dex said the mystic element sometimes over clouded the main stays of the series.
  4. It will be interesting since this is the first series to have the history of MacZero as part of the series. Yeah it is recent but it is cool that now the story feels complete.
  5. I was thinking the same. If not a second season they could easily invest in a movie or two.
  6. Well what I was meaning that it seems that the 27 covers both roles taking away the pack types. I think that is perhaps why the 27 has such weapons an attempt to get rid of the packs. Mikhail is an amazing sniper but if it hadn't been for Alto being up Brera's butt that duel purpose weapon is a threat.
  7. I thought this was only vol 1 of the soundtrack. I thought that was what it said as the title for it on Amazon.jp
  8. It definately has some amazing duel purpose. It seems like Mikhail has to be at range or he can't use his weapon. Brera was gunning down Klan Klan with bursts then that puppy snapped open and and wham.
  9. Well right now the only bug in the system(For the VF-25 that is) is Alto and as he gets more confident he will own Brera. Right now though that superior fire power is something SMS needs to worry about.
  10. I just got my OST from Amazon.jp and am loving it.
  11. could be they were two close. I mean the Vajra's cannon doesn't look like it can bend like that. Plus who knows how affective the head lasers are on the Vajra. For the VF-25 vs VF-27 that was story driven on that stalemate.
  12. But the YF-21 was superior in aspects to the YF-19 but which won out on the main contract? As you saw though the VF-25 kept up in combat and clearly got some good hits. The 360 cockpit was removed for some reason in the VF-25 so don't count it out yet. And to the the real life comparison a better choice would be a F-22 in comparison to the F-15 since the Raptors avionics are vastly superior.
  13. I agree I don't want to have them keep pushing the series if there is no purpose. If it is neatly ended with no real openings for more beyond creating another series then leave it be. I know from my mentor in the film department most of the time Japan would Rather have a tie in series then keep going even if it is insanely popular. I imagine he would know considering he worked in distributing there.
  14. I hope there is a second season for Macross Frontier. It is a nice mix of action and story. I am still waiting for my OST so I am trying to control myself and not DL it.
  15. I'm jealous I won't get mine til tomorrow. Man I can't wait to get the OST. I just felt I had to buy the OST singles are okay to dl but the crown jewel must be purchased.
  16. Same here Graham I am extremely excited. I have a friend who is going to be picking up my Macross F Blu-ray since he will be coming back from studying abroad.
  17. I am starting to think that too. Cause there is definately two different ways his name is prounounced and it clear in this episide.
  18. Well clearly Ranka is carrying Sheryl's kid with that shiny belly. So now Nanase and Sheryl that is a crazy love triangle.
  19. On another note AiA episode 9 has gone live no seeds yet though.
  20. I was wondering the same thing if too a point the disappearance was staged. I think it was last episode where Leon said his only concern was that there was no traces of the Galaxy. Also the fact that the Galaxy looks so much different then the Frontier and all of its tech. The Vajra, be it they are mechs for an alien race or are the E.T.s themself presents new tech as Duke said.
  21. It is more then specilation the connection with Galaxy. I mean this episode gives us a clear look at the NUN markings on the VF-27. This tied with the Galaxy tag on the nose cone means either Galaxy or a faction in Galaxy has potentially gone rogue. I am still on the fence of what the Vajra are because we didn't see what was in the eggs we just saw glowing eyes.
  22. It is Purple dude I watch on my 1080p tv. The call sign fits the fighter.
  23. I had forgotten about that and that is a good point. Talk about bonehead moves.
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