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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. My thing is there has to be some way that the SDF-1 got there. It had to have been there a while, because 19 years prior the SDF-1 was still sitting on Earth.
  2. Did I miss the boat about AiA and their subs? I already watched Lunar but their file doesn't work on my PS3 for whatever reason.
  3. Its okay what are friends for. Some of us can't read the Gubaba it is the Macross 13 that gets the ax on VFX2. I just want to know how the SDF-1 kinda just got there. Did David Copperfield go to Macross City make it poof then realize "Oh crap I actually did it... um but now I don't know how to get it back".
  4. But why would they title it at the end Memory of Global at the end.... I demand someone make me a time machine I must get to next thursday!
  5. Get a hold of yourself man! :slap: I am sorry I had to do it but you are using up all the air. It is a mix of selfish and non-selfish. She could have easily had Mikhail come in to support Alto since Mikhail brown noses Ozama. Plus it is friendship at this point and who hasn't done something a bit selfish for their friend if they needed help?
  6. I agree it is complex but we still know nothing about the Galaxy and it whereabouts. Even if Grace is just the mouth piece for something greater.
  7. Yeah I got that vibe now that you mention it.
  8. We are never suppose to notice the puppet master. I mean Leon said this is all to Graces plan last episode. If this is all in her plan then clearly she has been helping to play match maker as well. Which mean she had to know that Ranka liked Alto enough to come across the galaxy to help him, and also trigger whatever the hell that big green monster is. Then again Grace could be the person we think is in control but actually is a pawn as well.
  9. A sniper pack a fast and a heavy pack please. Those aren't bad prices in the slightest.
  10. Lets just hope it gets damaged and nothing more. The Macross has been all over I don't that and really hope this doesn't mark the end of such a beautiful ship.
  11. The thing that is interesting this was actually what pushed me to get a PSP. I can't wait for some game play to appear.
  12. I was thinking the same if he is Zolan aren't they symbiotic with their snakes... wow that sounds really bad...
  13. I was thinking the same but how lost would the fleet have to be for them to get that confused. Plus Earth is the third planet so their numbering would be off.
  14. Damn protoculture and their fault house wiring.
  15. If memory serves me right that was just a bad defolding. This definately has to do with the fact that Ranka's voice equals mean giant lobsters want to attack you.
  16. How!? I mean wouldn't someone have been "Hey umm we are moving the SDF-1 to fight some space battle. On second thought don't tell anyone, oh and tell everyone that it was swamp gas that made it seem like the SDF-1 randomly lifted off... Cheers!". I wonder if the fact that the Chihiro verson of subs are the quick and dirty that they just make an assumption.
  17. Makes sense. I think we are all very excited by this episode because they story definately just got an unexpected twist.
  18. Its after 12 hours for some so the great one has lifted our spoiler tags we are free!
  19. Time to whip out the flame throwers if I learned anything from watching Aliens I know anything that lays masses of eggs hate fire.
  20. Too much tv and becoming lazy? That was my thought too as I watched the gun fight. Then that Q-rau didn't even seem like it had the ability to hit the broad side of a barn.
  21. Well they are both produced for potential use of NUN. What is more interesting is if you compare it to the first appearance of the VF-27 it looks like it has one of the older models. Maybe the Frontier is more advanced with fold tech?
  22. It definately seems like the new packs can either be left for scrap or can be reused because normaly the parts kinda scatter everywhere. But how would it get there and why when there are clearly superior ships would they use an out of date model. Remember in Mac Plus though they say that the Macross isn't meant for flight anymore. This is definately a mystery I wants solved asap.
  23. I was starting to wonder the same thing. So many questions now and a sub will help with my limited Japanese. Man I can't wait til next week!
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