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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. There are several scattered throughout the other pages of this thread. I figure it is going to be another PMC group working with another fighter design team that get to pilot the VF-27.
  2. again those weid christmas feelings appear with the whole Miracle thing.
  3. The MQ cannon also seems to have a warping affect. Did anyone notice how when the carrier was hit it started to twist not just expand and blow outward?
  4. I agree and I think Leon is a bigger play then what we are seeing.
  5. But what kind of Miracle? A Macross Miracle? Why did I get a Christmas special feeling after saying that?
  6. As Duke said she is confirmed as a quater Meltran. It is the other 75 percent we don't know about and until we know more about Brera we can just assume he knows her song. For all we know he is another survivor from her colony.
  7. It is mighty tastey Mecha pr0n at that. I know how you feel my Japanese is draining away.
  8. Hey this is the first time I broke down and watched a RAW. I only understood parts of it cause my Japanese is pretty limited.
  9. Secret Macross Squadron? Wow that just seems so simple it boggles my mind. I imagine the M will stand for Macross but that is just me.
  10. Klan Klan has started to steal my heart from Miriya it won't be an easy process but in time it will be full blown love. Plus how can anyone not love a Meltran?
  11. I have a feeling Leon has his hand in this whole VF-27 team. He just seems like he knows more then he is letting on.
  12. I hope Kresphy is okay it is not like him not to have graced us with screen caps. Hopefully the net is just wonky cause of the quake. On subject thought MQ is one of the most hardcore battle ships ever and Bobby is just as hardcore.
  13. But remember what Mikhail said that military spend is on an extreme budget. Maybe they shifted to production of the VF-25 because they figured out how to be more cost affective.
  14. As many ship went to attack there will definately be some VF-171 action as well as cannon fodder death.
  15. Anyone else notice that Luca names his VF-25 Johanna?
  16. VF-27 Hydra VF-27 Hades
  17. Man this sucks that I won't be able to watch the AiA release until later. Darn Finals at the buttcrack of dawn. I agree with you fully Gubaba.
  18. The VF-27 doesn't look Vajra related so definately there is some hope for a three way tango. I mean come on each fleet is so different it is bound to happen, civil war!
  19. You can't eat them Graham didn't you hear? The larger the lobster the tougher the meat... Then the fact it has a giant death ray makes me hide the claw crackers.
  20. See we would have won out if KK had been in the panties.
  21. Kawamori's fingers scare me at how far they spread apart. I mean I can do it but to get my finger like his I have to like dislocate my pinky or something.
  22. Ranka and Sheryl are two haves of one whole. The Vajra definately want the Ranka half of this coin more though. I have to say I like how they made Sheryl shellshocked so to speak about all the green it broke down that hard outshell we have seen so far.
  23. I want to own some of his lego models they blow my mind.
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