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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. The Kabuto Vajra is intimidating looks like it could rival the Monster on dealing out the damage.
  2. There is definately a lot of different ladies for different tastes and they seem to keep coming.
  3. The top right hand Vajra definately is intimidating. Actually more so then the design they picked.
  4. You have a good point Graham. If it had been a VF-1 would have been trashed much sooner. When the wing was damaged it didn't seem to mess with the stability in GERWALK form either.
  5. Depends on the article but for controversy you might as well be stabbing in the dark with wiki.
  6. Not as much of a fan of the Alto and Mikhail don't seem a spot on as the Sheryl cosplayer.
  7. SMS sports the VF-25 and are the only ones according to Ozama. NUN have the VF-171 and if all perdictions are right the VF-27 or at least a PMC with tighter ties with NUN.
  8. Oh now that is just dead sexy. Macronized KK now please and thankie.
  9. One would have to agree there. This was definately a truely macrossy action episode.
  10. Perverted or perfect? It is all relative.
  11. Good point. Maybe before any hand shaking hand washing is a must.
  12. I think we need to make a hand shake for the club. Every club has a secret hand shake.
  13. It would explain his piloting skills that seemed super human. And Shun thanks for the gifs I am going to use the ozama.
  14. Favorite line of the review. I think it is dynamic that Alto is part of an extremely old tradition, but they also say it is for the ladies
  15. I would macronize to be Klan Klan's love slave.
  16. Makes sense because that carrier definately started twisting like it was heading down the drain.
  17. I have to say though the VF-27 seems to put even the VF-25 to shame. Did you see how easily it managed to enter the carrier?
  18. It had to be some form of helping because if it was siding with the Vajra Alto and Luka would have been toast. This guy from his piloting and shooting seems top notch.
  19. Show a comparison of what you are talking about because the majority see the NUN symbol.
  20. There are several pictures that you can clearly see the NUN symbol. They are all in the Episode 7 talk back.
  21. I honestly sat there for about five minutes switching between KK and Miriya... man that was hard on the nerves. No man should have to pick between all these beauties.
  22. I wonder if it will have mech designs in there as well like the old macross design book.
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