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Everything posted by darkrealmbahamut

  1. It is impossible to get the exact wording because there is no such thing as translating. Every translator takes there artistic flourishes with wording so we are splitting hairs. As my Japanese professor says it isn't translating so much as interpreting what has been said.
  2. It would be interesting if the events of Macross happened but it is fiction so there is no need to worry if it matchs up with reality. I mean I was watching Dogfight and they were talking about future scenrios and when they got to "space warfare" it seemed dull when you take away the sci fi element.
  3. We know nothing about him he could simply be a soldier doing as he is told. If the civil war theory holds true then Galaxy is going to want to get rid of SMS because they have top tech. On a whole though he had plenty of time and as fast as he was he could have taken down Mikhial who spotted him as well. There is something more to Brera then what we are seeing.
  4. Don't forget that they were blind sided by SMS. The Monster's blast most likely helped in this as well because it cleared a massive amount of area.
  5. As Taksraven said there was enough time there for them to be blown away and he still fly away scott free. We also don't know what Brera's orders are either.
  6. Yeah if there isn't too much damage done while captured. I mean the Vajra had to have a reason for snagging Luca beyond "Oh crap they may have found the fold system".
  7. In the first episode I believe he was listening to them in his car so it makes sense.
  8. I have only had one time where AiA was too dark other then that I stopped watching on my computer and just watch it on my PS3.
  9. If it is the case then we have seen how the natural pilot tends to win out.
  10. I still wonder why Brera took so long to help Alto and the others considering in some ways they are allies.
  11. It may be darker but on the effort they put toward subtitling is tops next to Shinsen.
  12. It has been posted on scarywater but has no seeds yet.
  13. Well considering the US is in the same region as Japan when it comes to Blu-ray more then likely there will be an English subtitle set.
  14. and that is saying something considering they have a hard time trying to follow both music and speech. Considering it is their first with Macross though they did well minus the cursing.
  15. I agree it seems out of place considering no one else has used the F-bomb.
  16. Makes sense and I didn't think of that. The power of a single fighter though is extremely impressive.
  17. I want to agree but you would think if they aren't then why was the Galaxy getting hammered so hard? I definately want to agree though.
  18. So this lends itself heavily to being NUN of the galaxy fleet or a PMC of the galaxy fleet. If that is the case man they must have been out on manuvers because the galaxy fleet got messed up.
  19. By no means are more questions bad. It just sucks we have to wait til thursday because this just seems so amazing. Hopefully there are going to be some VF-25 and VF-27s to buy soon.
  20. Macross and their unoriginal ideas. On a serious note I think this episode definately left us drooling over mech pr0n but also left us with more question. I can't wait for more of the plot to unfold.
  21. If the Vajra have heavy hitters like that we have only seen the tip of a very dangerous iceberg
  22. nice catch on that Beltane I thought it came from her eyes as well.
  23. They make it seem bad that there is Klan Klan love.
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