Speaking of Sundevil, I got a Macross Zero 1-5 disc from them. The copy had a serious flaw in that it would hang. I suppose with the limited sources, you take what you can get...
I guess I should give oil washes a try again. I didn't have much success. Everytime I wipe, it comes out. I've stuck with watered down acrylics...way to time consuming.
Awesome job for brush paint. You should pick up an airbrush. You'll get the hang of it quickly...it's not that hard. Besides it shouldn't set you back as much as these custom resin kits!
I love my Iwata...best investment ever!
That sounds good but the logistics of acquiring the models and shipping them out would be a PIA. It would be easier to designate a model that was recently released to "even the playing field". Just my thoughts...