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rick dieck

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Everything posted by rick dieck

  1. guys, anyone knows how tall will be this yamato 1:60 tomahawk, between the 1:48 and 1:60 valks?????
  2. sqidd the best is the vf 1s, I think it mathes perfectly
  3. I just recieved my 25 anniversary valks today and they are sweet, the vf1 s is very different to the stealth thats for those who think they are equal, this is more elegant, clean and flat than the stealth , guys i just need another LV2 to be displayed in batroid mode and my stealth fast packs and i think my 1/48 collection are done,,,,,,not very happy because i really like this scale but done!!!!!! i always hoped that the two seatters were in 1:48 but well not always we get that we want, ready for the vf 4...............
  4. i think they never will be chuky monkeys, probably they are the first accurate valks in history of macross toys, the toy design is almost perfect....common guys!!!!! you cannot!!!!! compare these beautys with othet macross toys like bandais!!!!
  5. yes isamu test pilot yes!!! vf 4 lightning III please yamatooooo!!!!! forget vf1!!!!
  6. Isamu test pilot una disculpa es que no le se muy bien a esto de los mensajes pero ya te desbloquie ahora si mandame la informacion porfis un saludo de tu paisano regio................ricardo dieck
  7. hola Isamu soy yo de nuevo te mande un pm para preguntarte de nuevo la informacion sobre macross frontier ep 1 es que no se si lo recibi bien un abrazo desde monterrey n.l.
  8. isamu test pilot im in monterrey mexico, where did you see the first episode of macross frontier here in mexico, please tell me, ..........perdon olvide que podemos hablar en espaƱol
  9. I think its a big mistake from yamato, i was seeing my 1:48 valks at the afternoon and i thought that it will be very dificult to make another vf 1 better than the 1:48, I dont know I just think is daengerous from yamato, know I prove my theory that all of us are cheaps who follow everything they put in front of us, a few months ago the 80% of you guys were telling that you were sick of the vf 1 design not only for the 1:48 scale Im pretty sure you were saying sick of the vf 1 and now all of you are in love with the vf1 again, I cant understand that but I think we are very important for yamato because they are reading every topic and thread of this forum, and they are just giving you what they think you are going to buy in this case the vf1 1:60, for what?, just because all this completist scale madness, My personal opinion is this: for the vf 1 there are no other perfect scale that the 1:48. the minor scale will produce more dificulties for the detail and much other thinks that i personal care like the size, proportion on the plane because i realy am a plane lover and i didnt like this plane after seing this 1:60 I wll always preffer a 1:48 two seatters but seing this will be impossible probably i just buy the 1:60 2 seatters and some other repaint that i dont have in 1:48 scale wich is my fav and YAMATO you just loose one of your best buyers for vf1, now Im only interested in the newer designs and I will be very close to 1:48 vf1 discounts so I can complete my vf 1 collection
  10. I WILL NEEEEEEEVEEERRRRRRR!!!! BE SICK OFA MY 1/48, NEEVEEERRR!!!!!, NOT ONLY THAT, I have the hope that yamato will produce the minmay guard, the enigma scheme and the two seaters!!!!
  11. Ghostkiller, you did an exelent work in that SV 51, but please PUT THE ORIGINAL SOVIET RED STAR FLANKER DECAL ON THE WINGS!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Jeremy007 is right there is no better valkrye than the vf 1 and never will be, as far as I love some other mechas
  13. I dont know why, with all those new and great yamato releases, I still in love with the 1:48 low viz 1!!!
  14. 1:48 = 9 1:60 = 8, 9 the next month with nora
  15. just one........ALL 1:48 LINE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. only one i want: 1:48 super and strike enigma.............please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. you are right kyp, the 1:48 line of valkryes are the greatest toys that yamato ever made not only because the exelent sculpt, but also the tightness in every mode i believe yamato will have difficulties to make anothe line better than the 1:48
  18. Oh my god!!!! master jung you are a true model master, where in the world are you???? , because I want SO BADLY!! one of your magnificent work of art, I am from Monterrey, Mexico, AND I HAVE A 1:48 1a cannon fodder, that I will thank you all my life if you convert it into one of these!!!!!!
  19. Exelent MISTER E you are not the only one that love the 1:48 vf 1, in fact, I think is the best toy that yamato ever did, and yes, this Vf1S 25 anniversary is perfect, simple, but perfect
  20. Graham please tell yamato to put those 25th valkrie visors in gold,,,,,,, I think they will look a lot better than the original grey ones
  21. Bravo!!! Bravo!!! EUGIMON i AM WITH YOU, BEST VALKRYE BY YAMATO Vf 1 1:48, all of your explanation is right, but in my case I like more the low vis 1................Bravo!!! Bravo!!!!
  22. mister e i am agree about the vf 1, i think is the best design of all valkryes i will buy all the repaints of the vf 1 to come, i hope they make the vf 1 s super and strike enigma 1:48 and the minmay guard paris act
  23. Im agree with you guys if yamato doesnt make the 1:48 vf 1 two seaters will be a complete mistake by yamato for say no to a big big potential merchadising area, so I hope they think this twice, so we could be all happy at the end of the 1:48 line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAMATO THINK ABOUT THIS, YOU WILL BE THE BEST AND HAVE ALOT OF MOOOONEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
  24. My favorite valkrye: the low visibility 1, lv2, strike vf 1s hikaru, and roy s vf 1 s battroid with gbp armor LV urban color, the worst I think, the angel birds only because the ultra white they used,,,,I think The 1:48 is the best scale for macross toys, very thight, original 1982 simple design, and exelent proportions, but hey, thats just me......other scales like 1:60 macross zero are cool but I still love much more the 1 :48........................... yamato make my dream come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....1:48vf 1s super and strike enigma.!!!!!!!!!!..
  25. thats right jenius but tell me guys do this armor have the prometheus sticker for the leg or not please answer me
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