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rick dieck

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Everything posted by rick dieck

  1. Hi Guys!!!, do you know if the de vf1-d dx will be at preorder on NY or HLJ this december? I m a Yamato 1:48 plane mide fan but i cant pass this one!!!
  2. New Member Of my 1:48 family, 1:48 woodland israelí custom!!!!
  3. O my God, ready and waiting!!!!!
  4. O my dear God!!!! Sqidd thats a beautiful squad you got there!!!!!
  5. Thats right my dear friend !!!! Send you greetings from México
  6. Many thanks buddy, Waiting for the woodland camo and a 1:48 Mig 31
  7. Mil Gracias chavakaiser, sabes que hace como 4 años me robaron mi woodland y mi vf1 25 anniversary y los quiero recuperar, oye en qué parte de mty vives , yo acá en Santiago!!!
  8. Vlenhoff, perdóname ya nunca volví a ver tu Post hasta ahorita, estarías interesado en vender tu woodland usado y en cuanto? si te animas mándame un pm y fotitos !!!!
  9. Uuufffff!!!! Happy to have one!!!!
  10. Beautiful Bird!!!!!
  11. New bird in the house!!!!!
  12. Another change Of date, one month more!!!!
  13. Guys, NY sent me a mail telling me that the new date Of 0D PF release will be april 30 2020, is that true????
  14. What do you guys think about the UPS express saver shipping method ???? It’s reliable?
  15. Yes I already paid the order too!!!!
  16. How i love that sv-51 splinter camo dobber!!!!
  17. Congratulations Dobber!!!! i just Hope that someday they make an esclusive SV-51 splinter camo like your baby!!!!
  18. Thank you Mommar, i just order one from NY with UPS to México and pay later mode, i think this is a must have macross bird!!!
  19. Guys, do you think hlj will sell it? Now that in NY is in please tell meeeee!!!! Because i want this Baby so bad!!!!
  20. Are they going to release it with another japan page option like hlj?
  21. Alguien que quiera vender su woodland color 1:48 aun usado pero en buen estado? vivo en Monterrey, México saludos!!!
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