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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I LOVE IT! What size LED's did you use?
  2. Excillon

    My VF-0S

    Kick ass job, I'll always love Mac Zero over any other line. Nice to see there are still Zero guys out there with all the Frontier stuff going on.
  3. I want one, but I just don't see enough that blows my mind right now. I love the 19, but there's too much other good stuff out there right now. Maybe someday. I still say the Battroid head is stupid unless you make it variable.
  4. Meh. When they start doing Battroids, I'll gain interest.
  5. Backlog is one of the modelers greatest nemesis. I've never beaten it though, no one has. You'll come across the one rare resin kit of something you love, or the great deal you can't refuse. That's how mine started...now I'm about 15 kits in the hole with a PG 00 Raiser on the way!
  6. All I have to say is bring me the head of Michael Bay. I can think of at least 10 directors who could do a lot better. Where is Ridley Scott when you need him? Or Peter Jackson, Sam Raimi, Guillermo Del Toro, James Cameron, Tim Burton, even the goddamn brothers who did the Matrix...anyone else save for Uwe...
  7. I've said it once, and I'll say it again... Nasty Bayformers look like an EVA humped a car and made ugly mutant GM babies. And I like newer designs like Animated/Classics/Cybertron. Hell, I even liked Energon and a small amount of Armada. NO modern line comes close to RID though. Best line ever! JRX was the greatest combiner concieved, Omega Prime rocked...no complaints about that line at all except the lame Bruticus repaint. Amazes me to this day how out of place he is in that line. I'd have rather seen Predaking if they were going to recycle G1, since they were Predacons and so were the RID villians.
  8. I wonder how long before we see a blue frame/green frame/gold frame repaints and Level 2 Astray PG's...man, a PG Gold frame amatsu would be awesome. Can't explain why they did a PG Raiser though, looks cool, but repaint/remold value on it is nil, I mean what else could they make from it? I'm still holding out hope all the years for a PG Sazabi and Nu Gundam though (Not Hi-Nu crap, old school Nu style PG)
  9. Now on the playlist: INXS: Mediate Nitzer Ebb: Control Pig: Prayer, Praise and Profit Frontline Assembly: Laughing pain Pitchshifter: Microwaved Sex Pistols: No Feelings Rage against the machine: Know your enemy Skinny Puppy: Hexonxonx Ministry: Just like you Nirvana: Son of a gun
  10. Nice job, very unique. Questions though... 1. How would the valk handle firing that much stuff without the aid of GBP to help handle the stress to the frame? Not only that, but in Battroid wouldn't it basically be a sitting duck with all that weight and no added protection from GBP? 2. Why is it a VF-1Z? Wouldn't it just be a heavily equipped VF-1S since it has the same head design?
  11. Doubt we'll ever see a PG Strike Freedom, since the Lightning edition 1/60 is close to a PG as a kit could get without the PG label. I'm counting the days until the 00 raiser. I'm not a huge fan of 00 mecha, but I'm just excited to have a new PG kit. As for the wiring thing mentioned earlier, Zaku wiring sucks worse than zero's. It's to the point where I don't even bother wiring them or putting batteries in sometimes, as it's a pain in the ass and I never use the light up features anyhow...
  12. Forgot to add: Katy Perry Thomas the Tank engine (I have a 2 year old boy) Flipping people off in such a subtle manner I get away with it.
  13. TV: Tyra's talk show Movie: The life aquatic with Steve Zissou (I love this movie) Music: Savage Garden and Duran Duran Toys: I've always had a fondness for the old Earthworm Jim toys, and I have the complete set.
  14. For one, I don't really count those in the ROTF standard line. Second, Bumblebee rocks. Sideswipe blows. Skids, I don't know, unless I get it dirt cheap I'll pass. Ugly design, ugly car.
  15. Rubbing alcohol worked when I stripped off the markings on my alternators Smokescreen.
  16. Not bad at all!
  17. Anyone know where one can torrent/DL the original series/movies?
  18. Dirge looks like he might be the best figure out of ROTF except for Prime.
  19. I've always loved FSS kits. Never owned one, because I only want the G-system versions, and every time I tell myself I'm going to buy one, I end up getting Gundam stuff instead...
  20. I'll get one, but it is uglier than sin...
  21. I for one think this is the best looking one so far. But then, this was my favorite valk in frontier.
  22. The Battroid head is stupid. What's the point? I know I wouldn't bother painting the face of it. Now if they made a Battroid kit...
  23. After reviewing Yamato's QC disasters of the past 24 months, I vote no. No as in not now. For one reason: If they have this many problems with macross valks, god only knows what would happen on an alpha, where so much more could go wrong due to the more elaborate design/transformation. If they get their sh*t straight, sure, why not. Of course, I'm all for 1/60 scale, tiny as it may be. I'd love to have them in scale with the Macross line.
  24. Awesome job. My only suggestion is maybe a stripe for the chest plate. If you could find or paint a black one on it, that would look cool. Of course, white might work better since the arms/legs are white.
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