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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. It comes with a Voucher for clear parts. The Strike is the best out of your group. The Red Frame is a retool of it, but not as good.
  2. An old MG Zeta Gundam kit. Just swap the heads with an AC or GM head and cut it to fit. Pick the Cplus, or Karaba Zeta's. Less recognizable than the main Zeta Gundam.
  3. I almost bought one of these a year ago. But, I didn't feel I could do it justice, and there was too much other stuff out there. In the end, it's a beautiful kit, but I'm glad I didn't buy it.
  4. I'm not a fan. Nice decals, don't get me wrong. But the scheme is terrible, and why a VF-1A? So not only another VF-1, but why couldn't they have done a VF-1D or Super o? Better yet, scale down the decal and put it on the disk of a VE-1...
  5. Thanks to Gundam 00 I'm now obsessed with a band called The Brilliant Green, and the chick is smoking hot to boot...
  6. That samurai spirits game reminds me of a game I had for Sega Genesis called Samurai Showdown IIRC, which I think was the greatest 2D fighters ever made. I remember I used to kick ass with a gray ninja on that game.
  7. Finally found a decent copy of lensman on stagevu. One of the best anime's EVER. For those who haven't seen it, YOU MUST WATCH IT!
  8. If that one includes the stand and clear parts option, I'm going to feel really f***ing stupid.
  9. Found a new one...sort of. I've become obsessed with Law and Order, even SVU and Criminal Intent. I might even start memorizing NY state statutes soon I've been watching the TBS/USA mini marathons on the weekends for 4-5 hours a day. My wife was laughing at me and talking during one, and I actually kicked her out of the living room and yelled at her for interrupting the show (I apologized later, but I think my immediate sex life took some damage).
  10. If you're painting, are you going to disassemble the GN drives? If so, could you snap some pics, put some tips up? I'm on the fence about painting mine, mainly because of that reason. Not sure how elaborate they are internally, as I like I said I haven't even opened mine yet.
  11. OMG you're right!!! How did I miss that awful swingbar? Who the f**k would bootleg that piece of s**t?!
  12. LOL, that was a quick start to building. I got mine a day before you and it's still sitting in my closet. I'm embarassed.
  13. Excillon

    New KO valkyrie?

    What's this a rip off of? I've never seen it before (at least I don't think so, har to tell with Knock offs), arms look like crap but the headsculpt is actually not horrible looking for a VF-1S, very Yamato-ish. I just thought it was interesting. http://cgi.ebay.com/INTERCHANGE-ROBOT-TRAN...=item4cec4e62c1
  14. That's what you get for being Canadian with your stricter customs...I had mine for a couple days now, haven't even messed with it though, as I've been working a lot lately. If no one else does, I'll do a build up over my X-mas vacation. Not sure whether I'm going to paint/weather it or not though.
  15. I might have to open mine up and check that out. I was actually wondering about the sound factor, and if maybe glueing a foam O-ring to the base of it would help.
  16. That is awesome! I love Saturn Labor...
  17. Optimus vs. Megatron in TF the movie (Animated 1986) Strike Gundam vs. Aegis in SEED Jet Li vs. Jackie Chan in Forbidden Kingdom Ed Harris vs. Michael Biehn in The Abyss Any fight scene with The Rock from The Rundown
  18. anyone else have their raiser come today? I just got home and it's here. Will probably start on it during my X-mas vacation. Box is massive, not as much as the GP01 box though.
  19. Ummm...the shoulders are on backwards.
  20. I personally like Spec more. It's really a personal choice, both kick ass.
  21. Why? By their own admission, they think they suck. That's the appeal. They suck, but they suck so well that they're great. I love Devo, don't get me wrong. But are they going to be remembered as pioneers like Brian Eno, or as the goofy nerds in yellow suits and flower pot hats that come up with catchy synth hooks? Suddenly I wanna watch the end of Revenge of the nerds again.
  22. Can't believe they only showed 4 shows and now I have to wait til march...lame.
  23. Ummm...not trying to point out the white elephant in the room, but why the hell is the guy in the close up of Zartan and Storm Shadow figures wearing teal nail polish?!
  24. yes it comes with a stand (that large black plate) not only that, but the stand has two arms for mounting the Raiser and 00 separately if you don't want to combine them.
  25. Damn...nice Mospeada kits.
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