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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. Ever see an anime and really get into the music? I finally bought and watched the new Appleseed movie, and I discovered an absolutely AWESOME band out of Japan called Boom Boom Satellites. If you haven't heard them, I highly recommend them. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
  2. Jonathan Davis (the singer for Korn) Richard Patrick (the singer for Filter) Goldfinger (the entire band)
  3. Ok I'm a liar...I just got a VF-0S and VF-0A (when it comes out) for 210 shipped. I had to jump on it. Furthermore, I'm buying the 1/60 YF-19 and YF-21 and the 11b if it comes out. But that's Macross Plus, so it doesn't count because no self respecting anime fan would dare go without a 1/60 YF-19!
  4. I don't know, I've been tempted to get into MG for a number of reasons, more variety, cheaper etc. I've just heard so many negative things about them though. Parts falling off or flopping around, parts not lining up right, that they're a batty to panel line, and the ones that I hear the most complaints about are also my favorite Gundams...like the Zero custom, Strike Gundam, Fazz, and the MK II. And 1/60's just look so good on display. However I need to know 2 things: 1. Does anyone know a website where I can get after market 1/60 decals? I see some for MG but no PG/Big scale decals. 2. Has anyone found a match for the Titans color scheme? If so, what color and who makes it?
  5. Dude that is one big ass Gundam model...my wife would shoot me. So how much is 350,000 yen in USD?
  6. I have the 1/60 F91...why would I want to downgrade to a MG kit. I just can't get over the size. There's a big difference between 8 and 12 inches...I don't know. Something just won't let me like the 1/100 scale...I want to know why Bandai won't do more in the 1/60 scale like: 1. A D-Hell 1/60 (God I want this so bad I'd sell a kidney for it) 2. An Astray Red frame 3. An Epyon 4. A FAZZ 5. A GP-02
  7. Hell yeah! Yamato's gotten out of control. Sure they're beautiful toys, but goddamn it's rediculous! I've sworn off toys for the most part as well, at least yamato. I wanted a 1/48 so badly, then I got a 1/48 Roy. Then I had to have a YF-19, and I got one. Now, I have neither. The ONLY 1/48 I still have is the super stealth VF-1J and a display stand for it. I mean, you pay 100-175 for what? What do you really do with it?! You know what saved me? Gundam PG and 1/60 kits. Sure, they're as much as the valks, but at the same time, you actually DO something with them. Even after you build them, you can look at them and say "Yeah, I BUILT that" instead of "Yeah, I bought that" I mean I'll admit I still piss around with some of my toys, I have some cheap Gundam figures, and I bought toynami's 1/100 valks to play with. The only toys I'm still actively collecting are Takara MP (I cannot wait for Starscream, from the looks of things he'll decimate any valk) and Transformers Classics when they come out. I find that Macross models are pretty rewarding though, I like the variable ones. I have a couple and they were fun, and not nearly as expensive.
  8. Never built an MG. Never built a 1/100 for that matter, either. I've built two 1/144's from the wing line a long time ago, and then I just got back into modeling and went straight into 1/60's and panel lining 12 inch DX figs. What can I say size does matter. So far I've built the 1/60 V2 Gundam, F91 gundam (if that counts), the Wing Zero gundam, and I am 90% done with the Seed Strike Gundam. I'm looking forward to starting my PG's next, I've had a Wing Zero custom and Char's Zaku for awhile and decided to build other 1/60's as practice. A few questions I have: Any advice before I start? Been thinking about the MK II titans, is it worth it? Are the Zeta and GP-01 worth 200 dollars?
  9. Can anyone help me out? I'm trying to compile a list of 1/60 Gundam stuff, models and toys. Here's what I know : Toys: Wing Gundam DX God Gundam DX Shining Gundam DX Dragon Gundam DX (does anyone know how rare this is? I have one but haven't seen another, even on ebay) GP01 GP02 Models (excluding Perfect grade kits) Wing Zero Freedom/Lightning Freedom Strike Gundam V2 Gundam God Gundam Shining Gundam F91 Gundam Force Impulse Gundam
  10. Personally, I got turned onto Wing before anything else. I saw a 1/144 model in a Walmart of Heavyarms and had to have it, then I went back and bought the others. I think wing is a good place to start because I find the characters more interesting (Especially Trowa and Zex) and it stands alone, as opposed to the UC lines. Just go from episode 1-49 and then watch Endless Waltz. By then you'll know if you like the world of gundams or not. I did, and Gundam will always be my favorite, even above Macross and Transformers.
  11. I'm not a big fan of MSIA or FIX, but where are the big Bandai figures?! I love the 1/60 (or really close) figures like the Wing, Gp01/02 and the God gundam, etc. And furthermore why in the hell to we get a Wing Zero Custom PG, which i thought was cool, but we can't get any other PG, or even MG from the Gundam Wing line. I would rather have a Deathscythe or Heavyarms in PG than the custom. Maybe even an Astray Red Frame. By the way, I just bought the 1/60 Wing Zero kit (the REAL zero, not the Custom) and has anyone else built it and how is it? I haven't got it in the mail yet.
  12. No, I don't know why the view counter is up. I think because after I won it people have been going on and looking at it after the fact. It was up like 16 min. when I bought it, and I was amazed it was on for that long.
  13. Wow, I got my 19 today, and I have to say I'm unimpressed. I mean, it looks cool and has a lot of diecast, but I don't see what the big deal is. I guess the beauty of it is lost on me.
  14. Roy will always be rereleased, that's a given. I'd guess if the Demand was high enough you'll see 1A Max come back since they're already doing HIkki. Hell, a simple repaint and we'd have Kaz as well. Yamato's not stupid. They only have a couple basic molds and as long as they can recolor them, then they'll keep re-releasing them (ie: 1A hikkie, Max, Cf, and I wish a Kaz, IS roy and hikkie and all the TV valks) the only things I don't see them re-releasing are these : The 1A Low viz (since it was released in a Limited edition, re-releasing this would really piss off the hard core collectors, who bought it under the premise it would be rare) The 1/60's (Because with the overwheming popularity of the 1/48's it would be stupid) the 1/72 Macross Plus (They've come a long way since then, and the only way you'll see another YF-19 is in the 1/48 scale, but that just might be my wishful thinking) The VF-0S (It might be reissued eventually but at least you know there's no repaint coming)
  15. Well, I've since sold them off except for one, but at one time I 7 Devastators + another Mixmaster. That's 43 constructicons! I was really addicted to combiners when I was into TF's (i still have one of each) and here's the breakdown when it was at it's worse give or take a bot : 7 Devastators (and an extra Mixmaster) 5 Bruticus (and an extra Onslaught, Brawl, and Swindle) 5 Superions 3 Predakings (plus an extra Rampage and Tantrum) 3 Computrons 3 Defensors (plus an extra Hot Spot) 2 Menasors 2 Abominus (plus two extra Blot's and an extra Hungrr) 1 Piranacon That's for a combined total of : 173 Transformers, or 31 Gesalts. God I was sick.
  16. Well what is it ? If your home is on fire, and you can only grab one item before it burns to the ground, what do you save? For me it's my AFA 85 graded Transformers pre-rub Hound my mother bought me for Christmas 2 years ago.
  17. I hate the ugly ass valk. I see the first 1/48 that will be on clearance by Tisnic for under 90 bucks. Burn those damn things! Now the Stealth Valk is a thing of beauty. I love that valk, and I think it is the BEST looking 1/48 of them all. However the wanna be GI Joe vehicle needs to go.
  18. Ok, the same guy I bought the 19 from is now selling a non-FP VF-11b for $75! How in the F**kin' hell sell a YF-19 unbroken for 50 and an 11b for 75?! I see NO logic in this!
  19. Shipping was 7 bucks!
  20. Nah, besides I can get a YF-21 anytime...
  21. Funny. Now do I risk angering the Macross gods by putting my YF-19 up even swap for another Gundam PG kit?
  22. Right?! Dude this has been like my WEEK!!! First I sell my evil Toynami MPC's for 500 bucks, thenI got the 1/48 Roy, and now a YF-19. The two I wanted more than anything! I'm on damn fire here!!! Next thing you know I'll end up with a low viz for under 150 (yeah right !) but really...I've spent 155 bucks and I've gotten a complete 1/48 Roy AND a YF-19! The Macross gods must LOVE me !
  23. The only way it could have been sweeter is if it was a 2nd or game color edition. I've heard all about tab b and the hip problems in the 1st edition.
  24. Now should I shell out 40 for the Yf-21 or not?!
  25. That's the one!
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