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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I wanna be a victim dammit!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. First of all, it would be a model, as opposed to the toy. Other than the standard PG gimmicks (vents all over, LED's, etc.) it would have MAD articulation beyond anything Yamato can concieve.
  3. You know, when I first saw the pics of the bots and the toy pics I kind of liked them. I thought they had potential. Even the mutilated version of Starscream, my favorite character. Now I'm disappointed in their appearance, because they all look the same to an extent. That wierd, insect like face and kibble everywhere. I thought maybe it would be a good look for the decepticons, but not the autobots. Every bot other than Prime looks kind of sinister. I just wish there was more diversity in their looks. On the other hand, I really like Ratchet's body style. If they changed the head I'd be impressed.
  4. And before anyone gives me any crap, I've since puttied and cleaned up the panel lines. These pics are from when I first built it.
  5. I'm posting pics of my 1/100 Endless Waltz Deathsythe hell for a fellow board member who wants to see this kit. It's been detailed, but seeing as how it's a dark colored kit the panel lines don't show up all that well. wings folded:
  6. I never noticed Agent One's post until now. The point is that while Unions are big, not all the locals are bad. My local is a good one. It offers education, and the local President of our local is genuine in his persuit of a better life for his fellow members. Here's a quick story: 4 and half years ago, I was brought in as a 3 month temp making 11.80 an hour. I busted my ass in a peon position, and got hired on full time. Then, I was offered the chance to study with the Setup Technicians and MIG welders for a year, and now I make 23.47 an hour working in the R and D lab with the engineers. And I can thank my union, more directly the guys who took a peon under their wings and taught him everything they know. THAT is what unions are really about. On the other note: I've never had a shipping problem with USPS. But then, I live in a town with 3000 people, so all the mail personnel are friendly. UPS did take a week and a half once to get me a Gundam kit I bought from an online store. But that's about the only problem I've had.
  7. Now you let me tell all of you devoid people bashing Unions something. What the hell do you know? You sit here bashing on it, based on a few horror stories and some media brainwashing. I happen to be a machinist at a major aerospace/ heavy equipment supplier, and a union board member with the UAW. The union protects us and enables skilled workers like myself and others that we make 20 dollars and hour, instead of ten. It prevents us from being taken advantage of by corporate boards wanting to send my job off to China or Mexico. All I can see is that the people here have no clue what they're talking about. Someone said that "the union protects lazy workers"?! Well I absolutely f***ing dare you to come on out to where I'm at and say that to my face. I bust my ass and I've sweat and bled, literally, for my company and my union. And so have a lot of us there. Your opinions mean nothing when you sit on your ass behind a PC in your little cubicles and offices. Without me and my co-workers, your landing gear would snap off the minute your plane hit the ground. Hell, your pilots couldn't even fly the plane, because they'd have no instruments and gauges. The union is what keeps my family taken care of. I'm proud to be a part of the largest union in the US, and if you have a problem with that then like I said, come see me and we'll straighten it out. One thing I will not tolerate is people berating the lives of hardworking people who got together and decided they deserve more. And since I'm pretty sure the ones saying unions are a cancer have no clue what it's like to be on the shop floor on a daily basis, you can just shut your worthless, lazy, uninformed, and constant crap- spewing mouths. Morons...
  8. I have the Nu and I for one think it's great. I'd recommend it, as it's a middle of the road priced MG. I think I paid 45 for mine. It's worth it, but to get a Sazabi to go against it will run you about 80 bucks, but that's worth it as well. I'll give Bandai credit for the fact that while I own some 1/48 valks, I question whether the product is worth the pricepoint. Even with my Gundam PG's I question it sometimes. But I've never questioned it with my HG or MG 1/100's. For the most part, if you pay 50 or more for an MG kit, you know it's worth it. Same goes for the cheaper ones, but they're still good. If you don't have a whole lot to spend, but want to test out an MG kit I'd recommend the RX-79(G) kit. You can buy one for about 30 shipped, and even though it's an older kit, it's still one of the great ones in my opinion. Actually, it's probably still my favorite with the Mk.II Titans 2.0 and Freedom being close seconds.
  9. Yeah but a Gundam is much bigger than a valkyrie. Valks are like 30-35 feet, and Gundams are 60 or more feet. A 1/60 PG Gundam is about the same height as a 1/48 valk.
  10. I think the Turn A MG would be a nice change of pace from the usual UC stuff. Even better, I'd like to see the Gundam X divider given the MG treatment.
  11. Actually, after thinking about it, a VF-1S Stealth would be nice. I bet that would look badass.
  12. I used to be into PG kits, I have the Wing Zero, RX-78, Strike Gundam, Green Zaku, Red Zaku, MK.II, and MK.II Titans. The only ones I truly believe were worth it were the Mk.II's. I still look at the Mk.II Titans PG and love it. I also bought an EVA PG and man, talk about your disappointments... I agree with the whole no room thing. My PG's are in boxes in the closet because of lack of room.
  13. Just take a second and really imagine the PG Valk. Inner skeleton, easily customizable...hell they could steal an idea from banpresto and add different heads so you could have a 1S or a 1J, even a 1A. And the articulation, along with the fast packs...damn I want one so bad! Finally, a truly decent variable Macross model could be made. They could even throw in a Launch Arm for display! I haven't even started visualizing PG GBP armor! Bandai needs to get with it and make a new Macross product, it's been to long and they could show Yamato how it's done!
  14. I've got a question about the "No grades". I've built PG's, MG's, Big Scales, Real Details, HG's, and 1/144's. How are these "No Grades"? I just assumed the lines like the Turn A, F90, and F91 Shilouette were just like the 1/100 High Grades. Don't get me wrong, I like High Grade kits and have several, but I'm a little wary of these No grades. Anyone built one and have any advice or input?
  15. Yeah, and I'm not the only one.
  16. MG DENDROBIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, I can dream...
  17. I learned from MPC's. I dumped them all off, blew the money on Yamato and Gundam stuff,, and I'm a much happier boy today because of it. I did keep my Scott Alpha, but that's because it's the only Alpha fighter I own.
  18. Damn, there's a mustang I'd buy!
  19. I've been praying for years for Bandai to make a Perfect Grade Valkryie kit. Hell I'd settle for a Master Grade Valkyrie kit.
  20. Do not. Jesus, just because I don't like one lousy anime. I actually have good taste in anime as well, you know. As we all realize that Gundam Wing was no 08th team, I accepted it for what it was, just like Seed. It's basically the equivalent of pop music in the anime world. Sure no one admits they like Justin Timberlake, but we all know the words to "rock your body" don't we? By accepting it for what it was, I enjoyed it more for it's strong points like cool mecha, a couple semi-interesting characters, etc. I also like other Anime like Patlabor, Wrath of the Ninja, Evangelion, and so on. I'll give Wings credit for one thing, it was beautifully drawn, and easily one of the best anime's I've ever seen artistically. But for me the story just totally sucked.
  21. I probably will. I have a little extra money for it. How big are these kits anyway, in comparison to the MPC (the only Alpha I have)?
  22. No here let me fix it once and for all: Wings of Honnemaise: The most pointless, nauseating, god awful boring anime ever. If there was a cartoon version of what a valium overdose felt like, this would be it.
  23. I'm kind of in the air on this one. I really would love a variable blue Alpha model, but I don't know. I'm a modeler first before a toy collector, and I have built a lot of Gundam/Evangelion HG's, MG's, and PG's. Hell, I even did Patlabor's patlamp kit and the Armored Core kits. I don't know though, I've always been disappointed by Macross models except for the Macross 7 1/100 kits. I have some of the VF variable kits and they're just sad really. If Hasegawa or Wave would make variable kit, I'd be all over it but I just don't build non variable kits. I want to build Mecha, not aircraft. Anyhow, the point is that while I certainly wouldn't play with it a whole hell of a lot, I would change it's poses from time to time and it would really piss me off putting that much work into something that would be so delicate.
  24. Why the Hi-Nu? I like it and all, but I still want to see more gundams get the MG treatment, such as the D Hell, H arms custom, Epyon, Leopard Destroy, Airmaster, X divider, V2 Gundam, Turn-A, and a Guntank along with most of the mecha in F91.
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