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Everything posted by Excillon

  1. I'll pass. I almost forgot Don Johnson existed until I saw this thread.
  2. I keep hearing good things about the lego star destroyer...don't own it though.
  3. It's mega blocks (ugh)...but leave the good old 78 alone! It's the true gundam! The father to the gundam universe! Bow and show your respect to the lord and master of all modern mecha, from Gundam to Macross to Transformers and beyond! Let the streets flow with the blood of the non-believer!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Can we just let this thread die?! It's painful...i got my hopes up until I saw that god awful trailer...
  5. I've built MG and PG, but I don't know if I could take on a 3 foot resin kit.I don't even really paint my kits now except for the thrusters, weapons, panel lining/details, and a touch of weathering. However, I am seriously considering one. Just don't know if it's worth selling the motorcycle to do so.
  6. Anyone that remotely knows me on here, or bothers reading my posts knows I am ALL about the Gundam stuff. It's my real passion out of the big three (Gundam, Macross, and TF). Figs, models, anything. But I wouldn't touch these with a 10 foot pole. I've seen better lego customs. I think these look terrible, and even worse is the price! And they're mother%$#@%#@ Mega blocks!!! Not even real legos!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Grimlock is the first truly weak figure in the line. Sure, he looks cool. But when you transform him to bot mode, the shoulders don't line up right. QC really dropped the ball on this one. It's a major problem, I've been trying to come up with a bash to fix it. Also, his "feet" allow for limited posing, as he's slightly unbalanced compared to the likes of Hot Rod or Starscream.
  8. Speaking of kits, can anyone recommend some of the weapons kits? I have one, but I've been really thinking about picking up the parachute pack.
  9. Actually I've never seen the VOTOMS anime, any of it. I always loved the mecha though. Not quite as much as valks and Gundams, but it's still cool. I have a few of the toys and a weapons kit, but that's it.
  10. Yeah, but the G-system stuff is so damn nice...and on top of that it's 1/35! That is freaking huge! 1/35 would be like what, 18 to 20 inches roughly? Good god! If I had the 1300 to blow on that I would. As it stands now being married with a kid and another coming in 3 months, I have to beg for a Master Grade, and flat out start showing tears for a Perfect Grade (How I got my Mk.II).
  11. I hate to say it, but I give this round to Takara. I hate Takara, I think they're inferior compared to Yamato, Kaiyodo, and Bandai but whoever did this for Takara did it right. It's like the sturdiness of most Takara toys, with the details at a Yamato level. Just check one out in person, get your hands on it and you'll see what I mean.
  12. You're getting a hunch?! Like Quasimodo?
  13. Thanks! My wife said something very similar to me today. In all fairness, maybe I did go on a bit of a verbal rampage but this was no mere disagreement. The way I take care of my family was under attack, as well as my work ethic. Everyone has there right to their opinions, and I respect that. But when it gets nasty like that discussion was, I felt I had the right. Anyway, I actually like new title. It's better than "Spongebob's life partner". However, in a sick deeply disturbed sense I wonder how that is anatomically possible, and begs the question: Who's on top?
  14. Badass!!!!!! You should do another one and sell it on evilbay.
  15. Here's hoping for a Gobots movie!
  16. Actually, I'm not really impressed...I think I like my good old regular Freedom more.
  17. Personally, I think that Prime would be the only figure I'd even consider buying at this point, and maybe then only when he hits the clearance shelf.
  18. Well technically the Titans version had the waist mod that the AEUG didn't. Sorry, just being a smartass . Anyhow, I normally don't go for repaints but man...I'm liking this even though I have the F91 already. Dammit! The only other repaints I have are: RX-78-4 and 5 Fazz Sentinel Mk.II both versions Char's Zaku and two green Zaku's. Sigh, well call me a sucker I'm gonna buy it or I know I'll just regret it...Damn I'm a bandai whore.
  19. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.... http://www.harbx.com/archives/2006/12/barricade_early.html
  20. Anyone picked up the F91 Harlock yet? Just wondering.
  21. I am curious where the actual EVA footage came from though, I have the series and movies and don't recognize it. Maybe I should watch it again...
  22. We've all been there before...I actually have a huge scar on my thumb from my 1/60 Strike Gundam.
  23. I wish it was true...sigh........but realistically, I can see since Transformers are getting a live action movie maybe some other Anime's will. But no way Evangelion (as much as I love it) would be made before: Gundam, the most popular next to TF's probably Dragonball Z Voltron RT/Macross Vampire Hunter D Trigun Basically the most US friendly anime's will likely get the Live action Treatment
  24. I just picked up a really nice pair from Hobby Lobby for 8.99. The way the blades are curved I can get right next to the part, and have hardly anything to shave and sand off. I highly recommend them!
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